Restic client
Tool to create restic repo using different backends.
Make sure to isntall restic( On linux it can be installed as follows:
apt-get install restic
Basic usage
instance = j.clients.restic.get("instance")
instance.repo = /path/to/repo # Where restic will store its data can be local or SFTP or rest check
instance.password = pass # Password for the repo needed to access the data after init
Other Backends
To use backend such as minio you will need to set extra environment for accessing the servers.
instance.extra_env = {'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID': 'KEY',
Backing up
Listing snapshots
[{'time': '2020-07-15T13:44:05.767265958Z',
'tree': '93254cf97720d264d362c9b8d91889643e45886fe0d6b80027d2cef3910bd43d',
'paths': ['/tmp/stc'],
'hostname': 'jsng',
'username': 'root',
'id': 'e3330cf26ff4ada6c80868c08626f38fa2fc0185b0510c1bb7c5fa880bc67d0c',
'short_id': 'e3330cf2'}]
instance.restore("/path/to/store", "e3330cf26ff4ada6c80868c08626f38fa2fc0185b0510c1bb7c5fa880bc67d0c") # Will restore specified snapshot to path
instance.restore("/path/to/store", latest=True, path="/tmp/stc", host="jsng") # Will return latest snapshot with the specified filters
Pruning data
instance.forget(keep_last=10) # Will prune all snapshots and keep the last 10 taken only
Expand source code
# Restic client
Tool to create restic repo using different backends.
## prerequisites
Make sure to isntall restic(
On linux it can be installed as follows:
apt-get install restic
## Usage
### Basic usage
instance = j.clients.restic.get("instance")
instance.repo = /path/to/repo # Where restic will store its data can be local or SFTP or rest check
instance.password = pass # Password for the repo needed to access the data after init
### Other Backends
To use backend such as minio you will need to set extra environment for accessing the servers.
instance.extra_env = {'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID': 'KEY',
### Backing up
### Listing snapshots
[{'time': '2020-07-15T13:44:05.767265958Z',
'tree': '93254cf97720d264d362c9b8d91889643e45886fe0d6b80027d2cef3910bd43d',
'paths': ['/tmp/stc'],
'hostname': 'jsng',
'username': 'root',
'id': 'e3330cf26ff4ada6c80868c08626f38fa2fc0185b0510c1bb7c5fa880bc67d0c',
'short_id': 'e3330cf2'}]
### Restoring
instance.restore("/path/to/store", "e3330cf26ff4ada6c80868c08626f38fa2fc0185b0510c1bb7c5fa880bc67d0c") # Will restore specified snapshot to path
instance.restore("/path/to/store", latest=True, path="/tmp/stc", host="jsng") # Will return latest snapshot with the specified filters
### Pruning data
instance.forget(keep_last=10) # Will prune all snapshots and keep the last 10 taken only
from jumpscale.core.base import Base, fields
from jumpscale.core.exceptions import NotFound, Runtime
from io import BytesIO
import subprocess
import json
import os
epoch=$(date +%s)
export RESTIC_PASSWORD={password}
restic unlock &
wait $!
restic backup --one-file-system --tag $epoch {path} &
wait $!
restic forget --keep-last {keep_last} --prune &
wait $!
restic check &
wait $!
epoch=$(date +%s)
export RESTIC_PASSWORD={password}
latest_backup=`restic snapshots --last -c -q | sed -n 3p |cut -d " " -f3`
latest_backup_epoch=`date "+%s" -d "$latest_backup"`
wait $!
current_date=`date +"%s"`
if [[ $(( (current_date - latest_backup_epoch) / 86400 )) > 2 ]]
echo "No backups is being taken since 2 days, sending escalation mail..."
jsng 'j.clients.mail.escalation_instance.send("{ESCALATION_MAIL}", subject="{THREEBOT_NAME} 3Bot backups warning", message="We noticed that there were no backups taken since 2 days for {THREEBOT_NAME} 3Bot. Please check the support")'
class ResticRepo(Base):
repo = fields.String(required=True)
password = fields.Secret(required=True)
extra_env = fields.Typed(dict, default={})
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._env = None
def _check_install(self, binary):
if["which", binary], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL):
raise NotFound(f"{binary} not installed")
def env(self):
self._env = os.environ.copy()
self._env.update({"RESTIC_PASSWORD": self.password, "RESTIC_REPOSITORY": self.repo}, **self.extra_env)
return self._env
def _run_cmd(self, cmd, check=True):
proc =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.env)
if check and proc.returncode:
raise Runtime(f"Restic command failed with {proc.stderr.decode()}")
return proc
def init_repo(self):
"""Init restic repo with data specified in the instances
proc = self._run_cmd(["restic", "cat", "config"], False)
if proc.returncode > 0:
self._run_cmd(["restic", "init"])
def backup(self, path, tags=None, exclude=None):
"""Backup a path to the repo.
path (str or list of str): Local path/s to backup.
tags (list): List of tags to set to the backup.
exclude (list of str): This instructs restic to exclude files matching a given pattern/s.
if not path:
raise ValueError("Please specify path/s to backup")
cmd = ["restic", "backup"]
tags = tags or []
for tag in tags:
cmd.extend(["--tag", tag])
if exclude:
for pattern in exclude:
if isinstance(path, list):
def restore(self, target_path, snapshot_id=None, latest=True, path=None, host=None, tags=None):
"""Restores a snapshot.
target_path (str): a path to restore to
snapshot_id (str, optional): Id of the snapshot. Defaults to None.
latest (bool, optional): if True will use latest snapshot. Defaults to True.
path (str, optional): Filter on the path when using latest. Defaults to None.
host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None.
tags (list, optional): List of tags to filter on.
cmd = ["restic", "--target", target_path, "restore"]
if snapshot_id:
elif latest:
args = ["latest"]
if path:
args.extend(["--path", path])
if host:
args.extend(["--host", host])
if tags:
for tag in tags:
cmd.extend(["--tag", tag])
self._run_cmd(cmd + args)
raise ValueError("Please specify either `snapshot_id` or `latest` flag")
def list_snapshots(self, tags=None, last=False, path=None):
"""List all snapshots in the repo.
tags (list, optional): a list of tags to filter on. Defaults to None.
last (bool): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
path (str): a path to filter on. Defaults to None.
list : all snapshots as dicts
tags = tags or []
cmd = ["restic", "snapshots", "--json"]
for tag in tags:
cmd.extend(["--tag", tag])
if path:
cmd.extend(["--path", path])
if last:
proc = self._run_cmd(cmd)
return json.loads(proc.stdout)
def forget(self, keep_last=10, prune=True, snapshots=None, tags=None):
"""Remove snapshots and Optionally remove the data that was referenced by those snapshots.
During a prune operation, the repository is locked and backups cannot be completed.
keep_last (str, optional): How many items to keep. Defaults to 10.
prune (bool, optional): Whether to actually remove the data or not. Defaults to True.
snapshots (list, optional): a list of specifics snapshot ids to forget. if given, the value of keep_last parm will be ignored. Defaults to None.
tags (list, optional): if given, Only the snapshots which have specified tags are considered. Defaults to None.
cmd = ["restic", "forget"]
if tags:
for tag in tags:
cmd.extend(["--tag", tag])
if keep_last and not snapshots: # will be ignored in case if passing snapshot id/s. this is a restic behaviour.
cmd.extend(["--keep-last", str(keep_last)])
if prune:
if snapshots:
def _get_script_path(self, path):
return os.path.join(path, f"{self.instance_name}_restic_cron")
def _get_crons_jobs(self):
proc =["crontab", "-l"], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.stdout.decode()
def auto_backup(self, path, keep_last=20):
"""Runs a cron job that backups the repo and prunes the last specified backups.
path (str): Local path to backup.
keep_last (int, optional): How many items to keep in every forgot operation. Defaults to 20.
script_path = self._get_script_path(path)
cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs()
if not self.auto_backup_running(path): # Check if cron job already running
cron_script = CRON_SCRIPT.format(repo=self.repo, password=self.password, path=path, keep_last=keep_last)
with open(script_path, "w") as rfd:
cron_cmd = cronjobs + f"0 0 * * * bash {script_path} \n"
proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode())
if proc.returncode > 0:
raise Runtime(f"Couldn't start cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}")
def auto_backup_running(self, path):
"""Checks if auto backup for the specified path is running or not
path (str): Local path to backup in the cron job.
bool: Whether it is running or not.
script_path = self._get_script_path(path)
cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs()
return cronjobs.find(script_path) >= 0
def disable_auto_backup(self, path):
"""Removes cron jon based on the path being backed.
path (str): Local path to backup in the cron job.
script_path = self._get_script_path(path)
cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs()
other_crons = []
for cronjob in cronjobs.splitlines():
if script_path not in cronjob:
proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
cron_cmd = "\n".join(other_crons) + "\n"
proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode())
if proc.returncode > 0:
raise Runtime(f"Couldn't remove cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}")
def backup_watchdog_running(self, script_path) -> bool:
"""Watches a cronjob to watch backups using last snapshot time.
script_path (str): a path to the script to run the cronjob.
bool: True if the backup watchdog running otherwise False
script_path = self._get_script_path(script_path)
cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs()
return cronjobs.find(script_path) >= 0
def start_watch_backup(self, path):
"""Runs a cron job that backups the repo and prunes the last specified backups.
path (str): Local path to backup.
keep_last (int, optional): How many items to keep in every forgot operation. Defaults to 20.
script_path = self._get_script_path(path)
cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs()
if not self.backup_watchdog_running(path): # Check if cron job already running
cron_script = WATCHDOG_SCRIPT.format(
with open(script_path, "w") as rfd:
cron_cmd = cronjobs + f"0 0 */2 * * bash {script_path} \n"
proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode())
if proc.returncode > 0:
raise Runtime(f"Couldn't start cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}")
class ResticRepo (*args, **kwargs)
A simple attribute-based namespace.
base class implementation for any class with fields which supports getting/setting raw data for any instance fields.
any instance can have an optional name and a parent.
class Person(Base): name = fields.String() age = fields.Float() p = Person(name="ahmed", age="19") print(, p.age)
, optional- parent instance. Defaults to None.
, optional- instance name. Defaults to None.
- any given field values to initiate the instance with
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class ResticRepo(Base): repo = fields.String(required=True) password = fields.Secret(required=True) extra_env = fields.Typed(dict, default={}) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._check_install("restic") self._env = None def _check_install(self, binary): if["which", binary], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL): raise NotFound(f"{binary} not installed") @property def env(self): self.validate() self._env = os.environ.copy() self._env.update({"RESTIC_PASSWORD": self.password, "RESTIC_REPOSITORY": self.repo}, **self.extra_env) return self._env def _run_cmd(self, cmd, check=True): proc =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.env) if check and proc.returncode: raise Runtime(f"Restic command failed with {proc.stderr.decode()}") return proc def init_repo(self): """Init restic repo with data specified in the instances """ proc = self._run_cmd(["restic", "cat", "config"], False) if proc.returncode > 0: self._run_cmd(["restic", "init"]) def backup(self, path, tags=None, exclude=None): """Backup a path to the repo. Args: path (str or list of str): Local path/s to backup. tags (list): List of tags to set to the backup. exclude (list of str): This instructs restic to exclude files matching a given pattern/s. """ if not path: raise ValueError("Please specify path/s to backup") cmd = ["restic", "backup"] tags = tags or [] for tag in tags: cmd.extend(["--tag", tag]) if exclude: for pattern in exclude: cmd.extend([f"--exclude={pattern}"]) if isinstance(path, list): cmd.extend(path) else: cmd.extend([path]) self._run_cmd(cmd) def restore(self, target_path, snapshot_id=None, latest=True, path=None, host=None, tags=None): """Restores a snapshot. Args: target_path (str): a path to restore to snapshot_id (str, optional): Id of the snapshot. Defaults to None. latest (bool, optional): if True will use latest snapshot. Defaults to True. path (str, optional): Filter on the path when using latest. Defaults to None. host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None. tags (list, optional): List of tags to filter on. """ cmd = ["restic", "--target", target_path, "restore"] if snapshot_id: cmd.append(snapshot_id) self._run_cmd(cmd) elif latest: args = ["latest"] if path: args.extend(["--path", path]) if host: args.extend(["--host", host]) if tags: for tag in tags: cmd.extend(["--tag", tag]) self._run_cmd(cmd + args) else: raise ValueError("Please specify either `snapshot_id` or `latest` flag") def list_snapshots(self, tags=None, last=False, path=None): """List all snapshots in the repo. Args: tags (list, optional): a list of tags to filter on. Defaults to None. last (bool): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False. path (str): a path to filter on. Defaults to None. Returns list : all snapshots as dicts """ tags = tags or [] cmd = ["restic", "snapshots", "--json"] for tag in tags: cmd.extend(["--tag", tag]) if path: cmd.extend(["--path", path]) if last: cmd.append("--last") proc = self._run_cmd(cmd) return json.loads(proc.stdout) def forget(self, keep_last=10, prune=True, snapshots=None, tags=None): """Remove snapshots and Optionally remove the data that was referenced by those snapshots. During a prune operation, the repository is locked and backups cannot be completed. Args: keep_last (str, optional): How many items to keep. Defaults to 10. prune (bool, optional): Whether to actually remove the data or not. Defaults to True. snapshots (list, optional): a list of specifics snapshot ids to forget. if given, the value of keep_last parm will be ignored. Defaults to None. tags (list, optional): if given, Only the snapshots which have specified tags are considered. Defaults to None. """ cmd = ["restic", "forget"] if tags: for tag in tags: cmd.extend(["--tag", tag]) if keep_last and not snapshots: # will be ignored in case if passing snapshot id/s. this is a restic behaviour. cmd.extend(["--keep-last", str(keep_last)]) if prune: cmd.append("--prune") if snapshots: cmd.extend(snapshots) self._run_cmd(cmd) def _get_script_path(self, path): return os.path.join(path, f"{self.instance_name}_restic_cron") def _get_crons_jobs(self): proc =["crontab", "-l"], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return proc.stdout.decode() def auto_backup(self, path, keep_last=20): """Runs a cron job that backups the repo and prunes the last specified backups. Args: path (str): Local path to backup. keep_last (int, optional): How many items to keep in every forgot operation. Defaults to 20. """ self._check_install("crontab") script_path = self._get_script_path(path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() if not self.auto_backup_running(path): # Check if cron job already running cron_script = CRON_SCRIPT.format(repo=self.repo, password=self.password, path=path, keep_last=keep_last) with open(script_path, "w") as rfd: rfd.write(cron_script) cron_cmd = cronjobs + f"0 0 * * * bash {script_path} \n" proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode()) if proc.returncode > 0: raise Runtime(f"Couldn't start cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}") def auto_backup_running(self, path): """Checks if auto backup for the specified path is running or not Args: path (str): Local path to backup in the cron job. Returns: bool: Whether it is running or not. """ script_path = self._get_script_path(path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() return cronjobs.find(script_path) >= 0 def disable_auto_backup(self, path): """Removes cron jon based on the path being backed. Args: path (str): Local path to backup in the cron job. """ script_path = self._get_script_path(path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() other_crons = [] for cronjob in cronjobs.splitlines(): if script_path not in cronjob: other_crons.append(cronjob) proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cron_cmd = "\n".join(other_crons) + "\n" proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode()) if proc.returncode > 0: raise Runtime(f"Couldn't remove cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}") def backup_watchdog_running(self, script_path) -> bool: """Watches a cronjob to watch backups using last snapshot time. Args: script_path (str): a path to the script to run the cronjob. Returns: bool: True if the backup watchdog running otherwise False """ script_path = self._get_script_path(script_path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() return cronjobs.find(script_path) >= 0 def start_watch_backup(self, path): """Runs a cron job that backups the repo and prunes the last specified backups. Args: path (str): Local path to backup. keep_last (int, optional): How many items to keep in every forgot operation. Defaults to 20. """ self._check_install("crontab") script_path = self._get_script_path(path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() if not self.backup_watchdog_running(path): # Check if cron job already running cron_script = WATCHDOG_SCRIPT.format( repo=self.repo, password=self.password, path=path, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=self.extra_env.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=self.extra_env.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), THREEBOT_NAME=os.environ.get("THREEBOT_NAME"), ESCALATION_MAIL=os.environ.get("ESCALATION_MAIL"), ) with open(script_path, "w") as rfd: rfd.write(cron_script) cron_cmd = cronjobs + f"0 0 */2 * * bash {script_path} \n" proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode()) if proc.returncode > 0: raise Runtime(f"Couldn't start cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}")
- Base
- types.SimpleNamespace
Instance variables
var env
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@property def env(self): self.validate() self._env = os.environ.copy() self._env.update({"RESTIC_PASSWORD": self.password, "RESTIC_REPOSITORY": self.repo}, **self.extra_env) return self._env
var extra_env
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var password
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var repo
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
def auto_backup(self, path, keep_last=20)
Runs a cron job that backups the repo and prunes the last specified backups.
- Local path to backup.
, optional- How many items to keep in every forgot operation. Defaults to 20.
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def auto_backup(self, path, keep_last=20): """Runs a cron job that backups the repo and prunes the last specified backups. Args: path (str): Local path to backup. keep_last (int, optional): How many items to keep in every forgot operation. Defaults to 20. """ self._check_install("crontab") script_path = self._get_script_path(path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() if not self.auto_backup_running(path): # Check if cron job already running cron_script = CRON_SCRIPT.format(repo=self.repo, password=self.password, path=path, keep_last=keep_last) with open(script_path, "w") as rfd: rfd.write(cron_script) cron_cmd = cronjobs + f"0 0 * * * bash {script_path} \n" proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode()) if proc.returncode > 0: raise Runtime(f"Couldn't start cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}")
def auto_backup_running(self, path)
Checks if auto backup for the specified path is running or not
- Local path to backup in the cron job.
- Whether it is running or not.
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def auto_backup_running(self, path): """Checks if auto backup for the specified path is running or not Args: path (str): Local path to backup in the cron job. Returns: bool: Whether it is running or not. """ script_path = self._get_script_path(path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() return cronjobs.find(script_path) >= 0
def backup(self, path, tags=None, exclude=None)
Backup a path to the repo.
- Local path/s to backup.
- List of tags to set to the backup.
- This instructs restic to exclude files matching a given pattern/s.
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def backup(self, path, tags=None, exclude=None): """Backup a path to the repo. Args: path (str or list of str): Local path/s to backup. tags (list): List of tags to set to the backup. exclude (list of str): This instructs restic to exclude files matching a given pattern/s. """ if not path: raise ValueError("Please specify path/s to backup") cmd = ["restic", "backup"] tags = tags or [] for tag in tags: cmd.extend(["--tag", tag]) if exclude: for pattern in exclude: cmd.extend([f"--exclude={pattern}"]) if isinstance(path, list): cmd.extend(path) else: cmd.extend([path]) self._run_cmd(cmd)
def backup_watchdog_running(self, script_path) ‑> bool
Watches a cronjob to watch backups using last snapshot time.
- a path to the script to run the cronjob.
- True if the backup watchdog running otherwise False
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def backup_watchdog_running(self, script_path) -> bool: """Watches a cronjob to watch backups using last snapshot time. Args: script_path (str): a path to the script to run the cronjob. Returns: bool: True if the backup watchdog running otherwise False """ script_path = self._get_script_path(script_path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() return cronjobs.find(script_path) >= 0
def disable_auto_backup(self, path)
Removes cron jon based on the path being backed.
- Local path to backup in the cron job.
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def disable_auto_backup(self, path): """Removes cron jon based on the path being backed. Args: path (str): Local path to backup in the cron job. """ script_path = self._get_script_path(path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() other_crons = [] for cronjob in cronjobs.splitlines(): if script_path not in cronjob: other_crons.append(cronjob) proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cron_cmd = "\n".join(other_crons) + "\n" proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode()) if proc.returncode > 0: raise Runtime(f"Couldn't remove cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}")
def forget(self, keep_last=10, prune=True, snapshots=None, tags=None)
Remove snapshots and Optionally remove the data that was referenced by those snapshots. During a prune operation, the repository is locked and backups cannot be completed.
, optional- How many items to keep. Defaults to 10.
, optional- Whether to actually remove the data or not. Defaults to True.
, optional- a list of specifics snapshot ids to forget. if given, the value of keep_last parm will be ignored. Defaults to None.
, optional- if given, Only the snapshots which have specified tags are considered. Defaults to None.
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def forget(self, keep_last=10, prune=True, snapshots=None, tags=None): """Remove snapshots and Optionally remove the data that was referenced by those snapshots. During a prune operation, the repository is locked and backups cannot be completed. Args: keep_last (str, optional): How many items to keep. Defaults to 10. prune (bool, optional): Whether to actually remove the data or not. Defaults to True. snapshots (list, optional): a list of specifics snapshot ids to forget. if given, the value of keep_last parm will be ignored. Defaults to None. tags (list, optional): if given, Only the snapshots which have specified tags are considered. Defaults to None. """ cmd = ["restic", "forget"] if tags: for tag in tags: cmd.extend(["--tag", tag]) if keep_last and not snapshots: # will be ignored in case if passing snapshot id/s. this is a restic behaviour. cmd.extend(["--keep-last", str(keep_last)]) if prune: cmd.append("--prune") if snapshots: cmd.extend(snapshots) self._run_cmd(cmd)
def init_repo(self)
Init restic repo with data specified in the instances
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def init_repo(self): """Init restic repo with data specified in the instances """ proc = self._run_cmd(["restic", "cat", "config"], False) if proc.returncode > 0: self._run_cmd(["restic", "init"])
def list_snapshots(self, tags=None, last=False, path=None)
List all snapshots in the repo.
, optional- a list of tags to filter on. Defaults to None.
- If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
- a path to filter on. Defaults to None.
Returns list : all snapshots as dicts
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def list_snapshots(self, tags=None, last=False, path=None): """List all snapshots in the repo. Args: tags (list, optional): a list of tags to filter on. Defaults to None. last (bool): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False. path (str): a path to filter on. Defaults to None. Returns list : all snapshots as dicts """ tags = tags or [] cmd = ["restic", "snapshots", "--json"] for tag in tags: cmd.extend(["--tag", tag]) if path: cmd.extend(["--path", path]) if last: cmd.append("--last") proc = self._run_cmd(cmd) return json.loads(proc.stdout)
def restore(self, target_path, snapshot_id=None, latest=True, path=None, host=None, tags=None)
Restores a snapshot.
- a path to restore to
, optional- Id of the snapshot. Defaults to None.
, optional- if True will use latest snapshot. Defaults to True.
, optional- Filter on the path when using latest. Defaults to None.
, optional- Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None.
, optional- List of tags to filter on.
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def restore(self, target_path, snapshot_id=None, latest=True, path=None, host=None, tags=None): """Restores a snapshot. Args: target_path (str): a path to restore to snapshot_id (str, optional): Id of the snapshot. Defaults to None. latest (bool, optional): if True will use latest snapshot. Defaults to True. path (str, optional): Filter on the path when using latest. Defaults to None. host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None. tags (list, optional): List of tags to filter on. """ cmd = ["restic", "--target", target_path, "restore"] if snapshot_id: cmd.append(snapshot_id) self._run_cmd(cmd) elif latest: args = ["latest"] if path: args.extend(["--path", path]) if host: args.extend(["--host", host]) if tags: for tag in tags: cmd.extend(["--tag", tag]) self._run_cmd(cmd + args) else: raise ValueError("Please specify either `snapshot_id` or `latest` flag")
def start_watch_backup(self, path)
Runs a cron job that backups the repo and prunes the last specified backups.
- Local path to backup.
, optional- How many items to keep in every forgot operation. Defaults to 20.
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def start_watch_backup(self, path): """Runs a cron job that backups the repo and prunes the last specified backups. Args: path (str): Local path to backup. keep_last (int, optional): How many items to keep in every forgot operation. Defaults to 20. """ self._check_install("crontab") script_path = self._get_script_path(path) cronjobs = self._get_crons_jobs() if not self.backup_watchdog_running(path): # Check if cron job already running cron_script = WATCHDOG_SCRIPT.format( repo=self.repo, password=self.password, path=path, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=self.extra_env.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=self.extra_env.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), THREEBOT_NAME=os.environ.get("THREEBOT_NAME"), ESCALATION_MAIL=os.environ.get("ESCALATION_MAIL"), ) with open(script_path, "w") as rfd: rfd.write(cron_script) cron_cmd = cronjobs + f"0 0 */2 * * bash {script_path} \n" proc = subprocess.Popen(["crontab", "-"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc_res = proc.communicate(input=cron_cmd.encode()) if proc.returncode > 0: raise Runtime(f"Couldn't start cron job, failed with {proc_res[1]}")
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