
Git module helps with everything around git management like pulling, cloning .. etc

TODO: examples

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"""Git module helps with everything around git management like pulling, cloning .. etc

# TODO: examples
import urllib
import re
from jumpscale.loader import j

SSH_URL_MATCH = "^(git@)(?P<netloc>.*?)(:|/)(?P<path>.*?)/?$"
HTTP_REPO_URL = r"^(https://)?(?P<provider>.+)(?P<suffix>\..+)\/(?P<account>.+)\/(?P<repo>.+)/?$"

def rewrite_git_https_url_to_ssh(url):
    :param url: (str) https url to rewrite as ssh
    :return (tuple) repo name and rewritten ssh url
    parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    if parsed_url.scheme != "https":
        raise j.exceptions.Input("not a https url: {}".format(url))
    return "git@{}:{}.git".format(parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path.lstrip("/"))

def rewrite_git_ssh_url_to_https(url, login=None, passwd=None):
    :param url: (str) ssh url to rewrite ass https
    :param login: (str) authentication login name
    :param passwd: (str) authentication login password
    :return (tuple) repo name and rewritten https url
    match = re.match(SSH_URL_MATCH, url)
    url_data = match.groupdict()
    if not match:
        raise j.exceptions.Input("not a ssh url: {}".format(url))
    if (login or passwd) and not (login and passwd):
        raise j.exceptions.Input("Need to specify both login and passwd if either one is specified")
    elif login and passwd:
        rewrite_url = "https://{login}:{passwd}@{netloc}/{path}".format(**match.groupdict(), login=login, passwd=passwd)
        rewrite_url = "https://{netloc}/{path}".format(**url_data)
    return rewrite_url

def ensure_repo(url: str, dest="", branch_or_tag="", commit_id="", discard_changes=False, depth=0):
    """Makes sure that repo exists in specified dest with correct branch

        url (str): url of the repo
        dest (str, optional): the repo path, if it doesn't exist will clone it. Will get path from url if not specified.
        branch_or_tag (str, optional): clone from a specific branch or tag. Defaults to "".
        commit_id (str, optional): commit to checkout to. Defaults to "".
        discard_changes (bool, optional): Will remove changes in repo if True during pull. Defaults to False.
        depth (int, optional): specify the depth of the clone. Defaults to 0.
    dest = dest or get_path_from_url(url)
    if j.sals.fs.exists(dest):
        revision = branch_or_tag or commit_id
        pull_repo(dest, discard_changes, revision)
        parent_dir = str(j.sals.fs.parent(dest))
        clone_repo(url, parent_dir, branch_or_tag, depth)
    return dest

def clone_repo(url: str, dest: str, branch_or_tag="", depth=0, commit_id=""):
    """Clones repo with sepcified url at specified dest

        url (str): url of the repo
        dest (str): destination to clone in
        branch_or_tag (str, optional): clone from a specific branch or tag. Defaults to "".
        depth (int, optional): specify the depth of the clone. Defaults to 0.
        commit_id (int, optional): commit to checkout to. Defauls to "".
    prefix = f"cd {dest} && "
    cmd = prefix + f"git clone --single-branch {url}"
    if branch_or_tag:
        cmd += f" -b {branch_or_tag}"
    if depth != 0:
        cmd += f" --depth={depth}"
    rc, _, err = j.core.executors.run_local(cmd, warn=True)
    if rc > 0:
        raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Error in execute {cmd}\n{err}")
    repo_name = j.sals.fs.basename(url).split(".git")[0]
    if commit_id:
        prefix = f"cd {dest}/{repo_name} && "
        checkout_cmd = prefix + f"git checkout {commit_id}"
        rc, _, err = j.core.executors.run_local(checkout_cmd, warn=True)
        if rc > 0:
            raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Error in execute {checkout_cmd}\n{err}")
    return repo_name

def pull_repo(path: str, discard_changes=False, revision=""):
    """Pull repo at the given path

        path (str): path of the git repo to pull.
        discard_changes (bool, optional): Will remove changes in repo if True. Defaults to False.
        revision (str, optional): change to specified branch, tag, commit. Defaults to "".
    prefix = f"cd {path} && "
    if discard_changes:
        j.core.executors.run_local(prefix + "git checkout .")
    j.core.executors.run_local(prefix + "git pull")
    if revision:
        j.core.executors.run_local(prefix + f"git checkout {revision}")

def giturl_parse(url):
    - repository_url the full url to the repo but rewritten
    - relpath: path inside the git repo
    - branch: branch specified in the url

    example Input

    url_end = None
    branch = path = ""
    if "tree" in url:
        url, url_end = url.split("tree")
    elif "blob" in url:
        url, url_end = url.split("blob")
    if url_end is not None:
        url_end = url_end.strip("/")
        if url_end.find("/") == -1:
            path = ""
            branch = url_end
            if branch.endswith(".git"):
                branch = branch[:-4]
            branch, path = url_end.split("/", 1)
            if path.endswith(".git"):
                path = path[:-4]

    return url, path, branch

def get_path_from_url(url: str):
    """returns repo path in the filesystem based on the urk

        url (str): repo url

    def _get_path(netloc, path):
        return f"{j.core.dirs.CODEDIR}/{netloc.split('.')[0]}/{path.split('.git')[0]}"

    match = re.match(SSH_URL_MATCH, url)
    if match:
        url_data = match.groupdict()
        path = _get_path(**url_data)
        url = giturl_parse(url)[0]
        parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
        path = _get_path(parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path)
    return path

def find(account="", name=""):
    """find all repo paths in j.core.dirs.CODEDIR

        account (str, optional): returns repos under this account only. Defaults to "".
        name (str, optional): retuns repos with this name only. Defaults to "".

        list: list of repos path
    if name:
        name += "/.git"

    def _filter_paths(path):
        if f"{account}/{name}" in str(path):
            return True
            return False

    return [
        j.sals.fs.parent(path) for path in j.sals.fs.walk(j.core.dirs.CODEDIR, pat="*.git", filter_fun=_filter_paths)

def find_git_path(path, die=True):
    given a path, check if this path or any of its parents is a git repo, return the first git repo
    :param path: (String) path from where to start search
    :returns (String) the first path which is a git repo
    :raises Exception when no git path can be found
    while path != "":
        if j.sals.fs.exists(path=j.sals.fs.join_paths(path, ".git")):
            return path
        path = j.sals.fs.parent(path)
    if die:
        raise j.exceptions.Input("Cannot find git path in:%s" % path)

def get_latest_remote_tag(repo_path):
    retrive the latest tag of a remote upstream repository

        repo_path (str): path to the local git repository

        str: the latest tag of the remote repository
    rc, out, err = j.sals.process.execute(
        "git ls-remote --tags --refs | sort -t '/' -k 3 -V | tail -n1 | sed 's/.*\///'", cwd=repo_path
    if rc != 0:
        raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Failed to fetch latest remote release. {err}")
    latest_remote_tag = out.rstrip("\n")
    return latest_remote_tag


def clone_repo(url: str, dest: str, branch_or_tag='', depth=0, commit_id='')

Clones repo with sepcified url at specified dest


url : str
url of the repo
dest : str
destination to clone in
branch_or_tag : str, optional
clone from a specific branch or tag. Defaults to "".
depth : int, optional
specify the depth of the clone. Defaults to 0.
commit_id : int, optional
commit to checkout to. Defauls to "".
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def clone_repo(url: str, dest: str, branch_or_tag="", depth=0, commit_id=""):
    """Clones repo with sepcified url at specified dest

        url (str): url of the repo
        dest (str): destination to clone in
        branch_or_tag (str, optional): clone from a specific branch or tag. Defaults to "".
        depth (int, optional): specify the depth of the clone. Defaults to 0.
        commit_id (int, optional): commit to checkout to. Defauls to "".
    prefix = f"cd {dest} && "
    cmd = prefix + f"git clone --single-branch {url}"
    if branch_or_tag:
        cmd += f" -b {branch_or_tag}"
    if depth != 0:
        cmd += f" --depth={depth}"
    rc, _, err = j.core.executors.run_local(cmd, warn=True)
    if rc > 0:
        raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Error in execute {cmd}\n{err}")
    repo_name = j.sals.fs.basename(url).split(".git")[0]
    if commit_id:
        prefix = f"cd {dest}/{repo_name} && "
        checkout_cmd = prefix + f"git checkout {commit_id}"
        rc, _, err = j.core.executors.run_local(checkout_cmd, warn=True)
        if rc > 0:
            raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Error in execute {checkout_cmd}\n{err}")
    return repo_name
def ensure_repo(url: str, dest='', branch_or_tag='', commit_id='', discard_changes=False, depth=0)

Makes sure that repo exists in specified dest with correct branch


url : str
url of the repo
dest : str, optional
the repo path, if it doesn't exist will clone it. Will get path from url if not specified.
branch_or_tag : str, optional
clone from a specific branch or tag. Defaults to "".
commit_id : str, optional
commit to checkout to. Defaults to "".
discard_changes : bool, optional
Will remove changes in repo if True during pull. Defaults to False.
depth : int, optional
specify the depth of the clone. Defaults to 0.
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def ensure_repo(url: str, dest="", branch_or_tag="", commit_id="", discard_changes=False, depth=0):
    """Makes sure that repo exists in specified dest with correct branch

        url (str): url of the repo
        dest (str, optional): the repo path, if it doesn't exist will clone it. Will get path from url if not specified.
        branch_or_tag (str, optional): clone from a specific branch or tag. Defaults to "".
        commit_id (str, optional): commit to checkout to. Defaults to "".
        discard_changes (bool, optional): Will remove changes in repo if True during pull. Defaults to False.
        depth (int, optional): specify the depth of the clone. Defaults to 0.
    dest = dest or get_path_from_url(url)
    if j.sals.fs.exists(dest):
        revision = branch_or_tag or commit_id
        pull_repo(dest, discard_changes, revision)
        parent_dir = str(j.sals.fs.parent(dest))
        clone_repo(url, parent_dir, branch_or_tag, depth)
    return dest
def find(account='', name='')

find all repo paths in j.core.dirs.CODEDIR


account : str, optional
returns repos under this account only. Defaults to "".
name : str, optional
retuns repos with this name only. Defaults to "".


list of repos path
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def find(account="", name=""):
    """find all repo paths in j.core.dirs.CODEDIR

        account (str, optional): returns repos under this account only. Defaults to "".
        name (str, optional): retuns repos with this name only. Defaults to "".

        list: list of repos path
    if name:
        name += "/.git"

    def _filter_paths(path):
        if f"{account}/{name}" in str(path):
            return True
            return False

    return [
        j.sals.fs.parent(path) for path in j.sals.fs.walk(j.core.dirs.CODEDIR, pat="*.git", filter_fun=_filter_paths)
def find_git_path(path, die=True)

given a path, check if this path or any of its parents is a git repo, return the first git repo :param path: (String) path from where to start search :returns (String) the first path which is a git repo :raises Exception when no git path can be found

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def find_git_path(path, die=True):
    given a path, check if this path or any of its parents is a git repo, return the first git repo
    :param path: (String) path from where to start search
    :returns (String) the first path which is a git repo
    :raises Exception when no git path can be found
    while path != "":
        if j.sals.fs.exists(path=j.sals.fs.join_paths(path, ".git")):
            return path
        path = j.sals.fs.parent(path)
    if die:
        raise j.exceptions.Input("Cannot find git path in:%s" % path)
def get_latest_remote_tag(repo_path)

retrive the latest tag of a remote upstream repository


repo_path : str
path to the local git repository


the latest tag of the remote repository
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def get_latest_remote_tag(repo_path):
    retrive the latest tag of a remote upstream repository

        repo_path (str): path to the local git repository

        str: the latest tag of the remote repository
    rc, out, err = j.sals.process.execute(
        "git ls-remote --tags --refs | sort -t '/' -k 3 -V | tail -n1 | sed 's/.*\///'", cwd=repo_path
    if rc != 0:
        raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Failed to fetch latest remote release. {err}")
    latest_remote_tag = out.rstrip("\n")
    return latest_remote_tag
def get_path_from_url(url: str)

returns repo path in the filesystem based on the urk


url : str
repo url
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def get_path_from_url(url: str):
    """returns repo path in the filesystem based on the urk

        url (str): repo url

    def _get_path(netloc, path):
        return f"{j.core.dirs.CODEDIR}/{netloc.split('.')[0]}/{path.split('.git')[0]}"

    match = re.match(SSH_URL_MATCH, url)
    if match:
        url_data = match.groupdict()
        path = _get_path(**url_data)
        url = giturl_parse(url)[0]
        parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
        path = _get_path(parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path)
    return path
def giturl_parse(url)
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def giturl_parse(url):
    - repository_url the full url to the repo but rewritten
    - relpath: path inside the git repo
    - branch: branch specified in the url

    example Input

    url_end = None
    branch = path = ""
    if "tree" in url:
        url, url_end = url.split("tree")
    elif "blob" in url:
        url, url_end = url.split("blob")
    if url_end is not None:
        url_end = url_end.strip("/")
        if url_end.find("/") == -1:
            path = ""
            branch = url_end
            if branch.endswith(".git"):
                branch = branch[:-4]
            branch, path = url_end.split("/", 1)
            if path.endswith(".git"):
                path = path[:-4]

    return url, path, branch
def pull_repo(path: str, discard_changes=False, revision='')

Pull repo at the given path


path : str
path of the git repo to pull.
discard_changes : bool, optional
Will remove changes in repo if True. Defaults to False.
revision : str, optional
change to specified branch, tag, commit. Defaults to "".
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def pull_repo(path: str, discard_changes=False, revision=""):
    """Pull repo at the given path

        path (str): path of the git repo to pull.
        discard_changes (bool, optional): Will remove changes in repo if True. Defaults to False.
        revision (str, optional): change to specified branch, tag, commit. Defaults to "".
    prefix = f"cd {path} && "
    if discard_changes:
        j.core.executors.run_local(prefix + "git checkout .")
    j.core.executors.run_local(prefix + "git pull")
    if revision:
        j.core.executors.run_local(prefix + f"git checkout {revision}")
def rewrite_git_https_url_to_ssh(url)

:param url: (str) https url to rewrite as ssh :return (tuple) repo name and rewritten ssh url

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def rewrite_git_https_url_to_ssh(url):
    :param url: (str) https url to rewrite as ssh
    :return (tuple) repo name and rewritten ssh url
    parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    if parsed_url.scheme != "https":
        raise j.exceptions.Input("not a https url: {}".format(url))
    return "git@{}:{}.git".format(parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path.lstrip("/"))
def rewrite_git_ssh_url_to_https(url, login=None, passwd=None)

:param url: (str) ssh url to rewrite ass https :param login: (str) authentication login name :param passwd: (str) authentication login password :return (tuple) repo name and rewritten https url

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def rewrite_git_ssh_url_to_https(url, login=None, passwd=None):
    :param url: (str) ssh url to rewrite ass https
    :param login: (str) authentication login name
    :param passwd: (str) authentication login password
    :return (tuple) repo name and rewritten https url
    match = re.match(SSH_URL_MATCH, url)
    url_data = match.groupdict()
    if not match:
        raise j.exceptions.Input("not a ssh url: {}".format(url))
    if (login or passwd) and not (login and passwd):
        raise j.exceptions.Input("Need to specify both login and passwd if either one is specified")
    elif login and passwd:
        rewrite_url = "https://{login}:{passwd}@{netloc}/{path}".format(**match.groupdict(), login=login, passwd=passwd)
        rewrite_url = "https://{netloc}/{path}".format(**url_data)
    return rewrite_url