
Expand source code
import better_exceptions
import pudb
import sys
import traceback

from functools import partial
from prompt_toolkit.application import get_app
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import ANSI
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import print_formatted_text
from prompt_toolkit.completion import Completion

from ptpython.prompt_style import PromptStyle
from ptpython.utils import get_jedi_script_from_document

def patched_handle_exception(self, e):
    a new handler for ptpython repl exceptions
    it will call excepthook after ommitting all this framework's calls from traceback

    for the original, see ptpython.repl.PythonInput._handle_exception
    output =

    t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()

    # Required for pdb.post_mortem() to work.
    sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = t, v, tb

    # loop until getting actual traceback
    last_stdin_tb = tb
    while tb:
        if tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename == "<stdin>":
            last_stdin_tb = tb
        tb = tb.tb_next

    # except hook does not work as expected
    sys.excepthook(t, v, last_stdin_tb)
    # just print formatted exception for now
    formatted = better_exceptions.format_exception(t, v, last_stdin_tb)

    output.write("%s\n" % e)

def sort_completions_key(completion):
    sort completions according to their type

        completion (jedi.api.classes.Completion): completion

        int: sorting order
    if completion.type == "function":
        return 2
    elif completion.type == "instance":
        return 1
        return 3

def get_style_for_completion(completion):
    base = "bg:%s fg:ansiblack"
    if completion.type == "function":
        return base % "ansigreen"
    elif completion.type == "instance":
        return base % "ansiyellow"
        return base % "ansigray"

HIDDEN_PREFIXES = ("_", "__")

def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
    get completions filtered and colored

    To filter and color completions on type, we try get jedi completions first
    and check their type, because `prompt-toolkit.completion.Completion` does not contain type information
        script = get_jedi_script_from_document(document, self.get_globals(), self.get_locals())

    if script:
            reference = script.get_references()[0]
        except Exception:
            reference = ""

        for c in sorted(script.completions(), key=sort_completions_key):
                if not reference or not reference.description.startswith("_"):

            yield Completion(
                len(c.complete) - len(c.name_with_symbols),

def ptconfig(repl):
    repl.exit_message = "Bye!"
    repl.show_docstring = True

    # When CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP has been chosen, use this
    # scroll_offset in the completion menu.
    repl.completion_menu_scroll_offset = 0

    # Show line numbers (when the input contains multiple lines.)
    repl.show_line_numbers = True

    # Show status bar.
    repl.show_status_bar = True

    # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text.
    # repl.show_sidebar_help = True

    # Highlight matching parethesis.
    repl.highlight_matching_parenthesis = True

    # Line wrapping. (Instead of horizontal scrolling.)
    repl.wrap_lines = True

    # Mouse support.
    repl.enable_mouse_support = False

    # Complete while typing. (Don't require tab before the
    # completion menu is shown.)
    # repl.complete_while_typing = True

    # Vi mode.
    repl.vi_mode = False

    # Paste mode. (When True, don't insert whitespace after new line.)
    repl.paste_mode = False

    # Use the classic prompt. (Display '>>>' instead of 'In [1]'.)
    repl.prompt_style = "classic"  # 'classic' or 'ipython'

    # Don't insert a blank line after the output.
    repl.insert_blank_line_after_output = False

    # History Search.
    # When True, going back in history will filter the history on the records
    # starting with the current input. (Like readline.)
    # Note: When enable, please disable the `complete_while_typing` option.
    #       otherwise, when there is a completion available, the arrows will
    #       browse through the available completions instead of the history.
    # repl.enable_history_search = False

    # Enable auto suggestions. (Pressing right arrow will complete the input,
    # based on the history.)
    repl.enable_auto_suggest = True

    # Enable open-in-editor. Pressing C-X C-E in emacs mode or 'v' in
    # Vi navigation mode will open the input in the current editor.
    # repl.enable_open_in_editor = True

    # Enable system prompt. Pressing meta-! will display the system prompt.
    # Also enables Control-Z suspend.
    repl.enable_system_bindings = False

    # Ask for confirmation on exit.
    repl.confirm_exit = False

    # Enable input validation. (Don't try to execute when the input contains
    # syntax errors.)
    # repl.enable_input_validation = True

    # Use this colorscheme for the code.

    # Set color depth (keep in mind that not all terminals support true color).
    repl.color_depth = "DEPTH_24_BIT"  # True color.

    repl.enable_syntax_highlighting = True

    repl.min_brightness = 0.3

    # Add custom key binding for PDB.

    def _debug_event(event):
        'Pressing Control-B will insert "pdb.set_trace()"'
        event.cli.current_buffer.insert_text("\nimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()\n")

    def _debug_event(event):
        custom binding for pudb, to allow debugging a statement and also
        post-mortem debugging in case of any exception
        b = event.cli.current_buffer
        app = get_app()

        statements = b.document.text.strip()
        if statements:
            _globals = repl.get_globals()
            _globals["_MODULE_SOURCE_CODE"] = statements
            app.exit(pudb.runstatement(statements, globals=_globals, locals=repl.get_locals()))

    # Custom key binding for some simple autocorrection while typing.

    corrections = {"impotr": "import", "pritn": "print", "pr": "print("}

    @repl.add_key_binding(" ")
    def _(event):
        "When a space is pressed. Check & correct word before cursor."
        b = event.cli.current_buffer
        w = b.document.get_word_before_cursor()
        if w is not None:
            if w in corrections:
        b.insert_text(" ")

    class CustomPrompt(PromptStyle):
        The classic Python prompt.

        def in_prompt(self):
            return [("class:prompt", "JS-NG> ")]

        def in2_prompt(self, width):
            return [("class:prompt.dots", "...")]

        def out_prompt(self):
            return []

    repl.all_prompt_styles["custom"] = CustomPrompt()
    repl.prompt_style = "custom"

    repl._handle_exception = partial(patched_handle_exception, repl)

    old_get_completions = repl._completer.completer.__class__.get_completions

    def custom_get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
        completions = []

            completions = list(get_completions(self, document, complete_event))

            if not completions:
                completions = old_get_completions(self, document, complete_event)
        except Exception:

        yield from completions

    repl._completer.completer.__class__.get_completions = custom_get_completions


def get_completions(self, document, complete_event)

get completions filtered and colored

To filter and color completions on type, we try get jedi completions first and check their type, because prompt-toolkit.completion.Completion does not contain type information

Expand source code
def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
    get completions filtered and colored

    To filter and color completions on type, we try get jedi completions first
    and check their type, because `prompt-toolkit.completion.Completion` does not contain type information
        script = get_jedi_script_from_document(document, self.get_globals(), self.get_locals())

    if script:
            reference = script.get_references()[0]
        except Exception:
            reference = ""

        for c in sorted(script.completions(), key=sort_completions_key):
                if not reference or not reference.description.startswith("_"):

            yield Completion(
                len(c.complete) - len(c.name_with_symbols),
def get_style_for_completion(completion)
Expand source code
def get_style_for_completion(completion):
    base = "bg:%s fg:ansiblack"
    if completion.type == "function":
        return base % "ansigreen"
    elif completion.type == "instance":
        return base % "ansiyellow"
        return base % "ansigray"
def patched_handle_exception(self, e)

a new handler for ptpython repl exceptions it will call excepthook after ommitting all this framework's calls from traceback

for the original, see ptpython.repl.PythonInput._handle_exception

Expand source code
def patched_handle_exception(self, e):
    a new handler for ptpython repl exceptions
    it will call excepthook after ommitting all this framework's calls from traceback

    for the original, see ptpython.repl.PythonInput._handle_exception
    output =

    t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()

    # Required for pdb.post_mortem() to work.
    sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = t, v, tb

    # loop until getting actual traceback
    last_stdin_tb = tb
    while tb:
        if tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename == "<stdin>":
            last_stdin_tb = tb
        tb = tb.tb_next

    # except hook does not work as expected
    sys.excepthook(t, v, last_stdin_tb)
    # just print formatted exception for now
    formatted = better_exceptions.format_exception(t, v, last_stdin_tb)

    output.write("%s\n" % e)
def ptconfig(repl)
Expand source code
def ptconfig(repl):
    repl.exit_message = "Bye!"
    repl.show_docstring = True

    # When CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP has been chosen, use this
    # scroll_offset in the completion menu.
    repl.completion_menu_scroll_offset = 0

    # Show line numbers (when the input contains multiple lines.)
    repl.show_line_numbers = True

    # Show status bar.
    repl.show_status_bar = True

    # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text.
    # repl.show_sidebar_help = True

    # Highlight matching parethesis.
    repl.highlight_matching_parenthesis = True

    # Line wrapping. (Instead of horizontal scrolling.)
    repl.wrap_lines = True

    # Mouse support.
    repl.enable_mouse_support = False

    # Complete while typing. (Don't require tab before the
    # completion menu is shown.)
    # repl.complete_while_typing = True

    # Vi mode.
    repl.vi_mode = False

    # Paste mode. (When True, don't insert whitespace after new line.)
    repl.paste_mode = False

    # Use the classic prompt. (Display '>>>' instead of 'In [1]'.)
    repl.prompt_style = "classic"  # 'classic' or 'ipython'

    # Don't insert a blank line after the output.
    repl.insert_blank_line_after_output = False

    # History Search.
    # When True, going back in history will filter the history on the records
    # starting with the current input. (Like readline.)
    # Note: When enable, please disable the `complete_while_typing` option.
    #       otherwise, when there is a completion available, the arrows will
    #       browse through the available completions instead of the history.
    # repl.enable_history_search = False

    # Enable auto suggestions. (Pressing right arrow will complete the input,
    # based on the history.)
    repl.enable_auto_suggest = True

    # Enable open-in-editor. Pressing C-X C-E in emacs mode or 'v' in
    # Vi navigation mode will open the input in the current editor.
    # repl.enable_open_in_editor = True

    # Enable system prompt. Pressing meta-! will display the system prompt.
    # Also enables Control-Z suspend.
    repl.enable_system_bindings = False

    # Ask for confirmation on exit.
    repl.confirm_exit = False

    # Enable input validation. (Don't try to execute when the input contains
    # syntax errors.)
    # repl.enable_input_validation = True

    # Use this colorscheme for the code.

    # Set color depth (keep in mind that not all terminals support true color).
    repl.color_depth = "DEPTH_24_BIT"  # True color.

    repl.enable_syntax_highlighting = True

    repl.min_brightness = 0.3

    # Add custom key binding for PDB.

    def _debug_event(event):
        'Pressing Control-B will insert "pdb.set_trace()"'
        event.cli.current_buffer.insert_text("\nimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()\n")

    def _debug_event(event):
        custom binding for pudb, to allow debugging a statement and also
        post-mortem debugging in case of any exception
        b = event.cli.current_buffer
        app = get_app()

        statements = b.document.text.strip()
        if statements:
            _globals = repl.get_globals()
            _globals["_MODULE_SOURCE_CODE"] = statements
            app.exit(pudb.runstatement(statements, globals=_globals, locals=repl.get_locals()))

    # Custom key binding for some simple autocorrection while typing.

    corrections = {"impotr": "import", "pritn": "print", "pr": "print("}

    @repl.add_key_binding(" ")
    def _(event):
        "When a space is pressed. Check & correct word before cursor."
        b = event.cli.current_buffer
        w = b.document.get_word_before_cursor()
        if w is not None:
            if w in corrections:
        b.insert_text(" ")

    class CustomPrompt(PromptStyle):
        The classic Python prompt.

        def in_prompt(self):
            return [("class:prompt", "JS-NG> ")]

        def in2_prompt(self, width):
            return [("class:prompt.dots", "...")]

        def out_prompt(self):
            return []

    repl.all_prompt_styles["custom"] = CustomPrompt()
    repl.prompt_style = "custom"

    repl._handle_exception = partial(patched_handle_exception, repl)

    old_get_completions = repl._completer.completer.__class__.get_completions

    def custom_get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
        completions = []

            completions = list(get_completions(self, document, complete_event))

            if not completions:
                completions = old_get_completions(self, document, complete_event)
        except Exception:

        yield from completions

    repl._completer.completer.__class__.get_completions = custom_get_completions
def sort_completions_key(completion)

sort completions according to their type


completion : jedi.api.classes.Completion


sorting order
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def sort_completions_key(completion):
    sort completions according to their type

        completion (jedi.api.classes.Completion): completion

        int: sorting order
    if completion.type == "function":
        return 2
    elif completion.type == "instance":
        return 1
        return 3