Module jumpscale.servers.openresty.server
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from jumpscale.loader import j
from enum import Enum
from jumpscale.core.base import Base, fields
from .location import Location
from .utils import render_config_template, DIR_PATH
class Status(Enum):
INIT = "init"
INSTALLED = "installed"
class Website(Base):
port = fields.Integer(default=80)
ssl = fields.Boolean()
domain = fields.String()
path = fields.String()
locations = fields.Factory(Location)
def path_cfg_dir(self):
return f"{self.parent.path_cfg_dir}/servers"
def path_cfg(self):
return f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/{self.instance_name}.http.conf"
def path_web(self):
return self.parent.path_web
def configure(self):
"""Writes configuration of the website and its locations"""
config = render_config_template("website", base_dir=j.core.dirs.BASEDIR, website=self)
j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, config)
for location_name in self.locations.list_all():
location = self.locations.get(location_name)
class OpenRestyServer(Base):
status = fields.Enum(Status)
websites = fields.Factory(Website)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._cmd = None
self._path_web = None
self._path_cfg_dir = None
self._logs_dir = None
self.executor = "tmux" # only tmux for now
def path_web(self):
if not self._path_web:
self._path_web = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.VARDIR, "web", self.instance_name)
j.sals.fs.mkdirs(j.sals.fs.join_paths(self._path_web, "static"))
return self._path_web
def path_cfg_dir(self):
if not self._path_cfg_dir:
self._path_cfg_dir = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.CFGDIR, "nginx", self.instance_name)
return self._path_cfg_dir
def path_cfg(self):
return j.sals.fs.join_paths(self.path_cfg_dir, "nginx.conf")
def logs_dir(self):
if not self._logs_dir:
self._logs_dir = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.LOGDIR, "openresty", self.instance_name)
return self._logs_dir
def configure(self):
"""configures main nginx conf"""
# clean old websites config
# self.install() This is commented for now until the repo and necessary deps are handled
configtext =
template_path=j.sals.fs.join_paths(DIR_PATH, "templates", "nginx.conf"), logs_dir=self.logs_dir
j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, configtext)
def get_from_port(self, port, domain=None, ssl=None):
"""will try to get a website listening on port, if it doesn't exist it will create one
port (int): port to search for
domain (str, optional): domain. Defaults to None.
ssl (bool, optional): Will set ssl if True. Defaults to None.
Website: A new or an old website instance with the needed port
website_name = f"{self.instance_name}_website_{port}"
website = self.websites.find(website_name)
if website:
return website
website = self.websites.get(website_name)
ssl = ssl or port == 443 # Use ssl if port is 443 if ssl in not specified
website.domain = domain
website.port = port
website.ssl = ssl
return website
def install(self, reset=False):
"""Install required deps for openresty
reset (bool, optional): If true will redo the installation. Defaults to False.
if reset or self.status == "init":
# get weblib
weblibs_path =
"" # Place holder repo might be changed
# copy the templates to the right location
j.sals.fs.copy_tree(f"{DIR_PATH}/web_resources/", self.path_cfg_dir)
j.sals.fs.symlink(f"{weblibs_path}/static", f"{self.path_web}/static/weblibs", overwrite=True)
self.status = Status.INSTALLED
def startup_cmd(self):
def start(self, reset=False):
def stop(self):
def is_running(self):
def reload(self):
j.sals.process.execute("lapis build", cwd=self.path_cfg_dir)
def cleanup(self):
class OpenRestyServer (**kwargs)
A simple attribute-based namespace.
base class implementation for any class with fields which supports getting/setting raw data for any instance fields.
any instance can have an optional name and a parent.
class Person(Base): name = fields.String() age = fields.Float() p = Person(name="ahmed", age="19") print(, p.age)
, optional- parent instance. Defaults to None.
, optional- instance name. Defaults to None.
- any given field values to initiate the instance with
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class OpenRestyServer(Base): status = fields.Enum(Status) websites = fields.Factory(Website) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._cmd = None self._path_web = None self._path_cfg_dir = None self._logs_dir = None self.executor = "tmux" # only tmux for now @property def path_web(self): if not self._path_web: self._path_web = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.VARDIR, "web", self.instance_name) j.sals.fs.mkdirs(j.sals.fs.join_paths(self._path_web, "static")) return self._path_web @property def path_cfg_dir(self): if not self._path_cfg_dir: self._path_cfg_dir = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.CFGDIR, "nginx", self.instance_name) j.sals.fs.mkdirs(self._path_cfg_dir) return self._path_cfg_dir @property def path_cfg(self): return j.sals.fs.join_paths(self.path_cfg_dir, "nginx.conf") @property def logs_dir(self): if not self._logs_dir: self._logs_dir = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.LOGDIR, "openresty", self.instance_name) j.sals.fs.mkdirs(self._logs_dir) return self._logs_dir def configure(self): """configures main nginx conf""" # clean old websites config self.cleanup() # self.install() This is commented for now until the repo and necessary deps are handled configtext = template_path=j.sals.fs.join_paths(DIR_PATH, "templates", "nginx.conf"), logs_dir=self.logs_dir ) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, configtext) def get_from_port(self, port, domain=None, ssl=None): """will try to get a website listening on port, if it doesn't exist it will create one Args: port (int): port to search for domain (str, optional): domain. Defaults to None. ssl (bool, optional): Will set ssl if True. Defaults to None. Returns: Website: A new or an old website instance with the needed port """ website_name = f"{self.instance_name}_website_{port}" website = self.websites.find(website_name) if website: return website website = self.websites.get(website_name) ssl = ssl or port == 443 # Use ssl if port is 443 if ssl in not specified website.domain = domain website.port = port website.ssl = ssl return website def install(self, reset=False): """Install required deps for openresty Args: reset (bool, optional): If true will redo the installation. Defaults to False. """ if reset or self.status == "init": # get weblib weblibs_path = "" # Place holder repo might be changed ) # copy the templates to the right location j.sals.fs.copy_tree(f"{DIR_PATH}/web_resources/", self.path_cfg_dir) j.sals.fs.symlink(f"{weblibs_path}/static", f"{self.path_web}/static/weblibs", overwrite=True) self.status = Status.INSTALLED @property def startup_cmd(self): pass def start(self, reset=False): pass def stop(self): pass def is_running(self): pass def reload(self): self.configure() j.sals.process.execute("lapis build", cwd=self.path_cfg_dir) def cleanup(self): j.sals.fs.rmtree(f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/servers")
- Base
- types.SimpleNamespace
Instance variables
var logs_dir
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@property def logs_dir(self): if not self._logs_dir: self._logs_dir = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.LOGDIR, "openresty", self.instance_name) j.sals.fs.mkdirs(self._logs_dir) return self._logs_dir
var path_cfg
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@property def path_cfg(self): return j.sals.fs.join_paths(self.path_cfg_dir, "nginx.conf")
var path_cfg_dir
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@property def path_cfg_dir(self): if not self._path_cfg_dir: self._path_cfg_dir = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.CFGDIR, "nginx", self.instance_name) j.sals.fs.mkdirs(self._path_cfg_dir) return self._path_cfg_dir
var path_web
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@property def path_web(self): if not self._path_web: self._path_web = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.VARDIR, "web", self.instance_name) j.sals.fs.mkdirs(j.sals.fs.join_paths(self._path_web, "static")) return self._path_web
var startup_cmd
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@property def startup_cmd(self): pass
var status
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var websites
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
def cleanup(self)
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def cleanup(self): j.sals.fs.rmtree(f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/servers")
def configure(self)
configures main nginx conf
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def configure(self): """configures main nginx conf""" # clean old websites config self.cleanup() # self.install() This is commented for now until the repo and necessary deps are handled configtext = template_path=j.sals.fs.join_paths(DIR_PATH, "templates", "nginx.conf"), logs_dir=self.logs_dir ) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, configtext)
def get_from_port(self, port, domain=None, ssl=None)
will try to get a website listening on port, if it doesn't exist it will create one
- port to search for
, optional- domain. Defaults to None.
, optional- Will set ssl if True. Defaults to None.
- A new or an old website instance with the needed port
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def get_from_port(self, port, domain=None, ssl=None): """will try to get a website listening on port, if it doesn't exist it will create one Args: port (int): port to search for domain (str, optional): domain. Defaults to None. ssl (bool, optional): Will set ssl if True. Defaults to None. Returns: Website: A new or an old website instance with the needed port """ website_name = f"{self.instance_name}_website_{port}" website = self.websites.find(website_name) if website: return website website = self.websites.get(website_name) ssl = ssl or port == 443 # Use ssl if port is 443 if ssl in not specified website.domain = domain website.port = port website.ssl = ssl return website
def install(self, reset=False)
Install required deps for openresty
, optional- If true will redo the installation. Defaults to False.
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def install(self, reset=False): """Install required deps for openresty Args: reset (bool, optional): If true will redo the installation. Defaults to False. """ if reset or self.status == "init": # get weblib weblibs_path = "" # Place holder repo might be changed ) # copy the templates to the right location j.sals.fs.copy_tree(f"{DIR_PATH}/web_resources/", self.path_cfg_dir) j.sals.fs.symlink(f"{weblibs_path}/static", f"{self.path_web}/static/weblibs", overwrite=True) self.status = Status.INSTALLED
def is_running(self)
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def is_running(self): pass
def reload(self)
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def reload(self): self.configure() j.sals.process.execute("lapis build", cwd=self.path_cfg_dir)
def start(self, reset=False)
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def start(self, reset=False): pass
def stop(self)
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def stop(self): pass
Inherited members
class Status (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class Status(Enum): INIT = "init" INSTALLED = "installed"
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var INIT
class Website (parent_=None, instance_name_=None, **values)
A simple attribute-based namespace.
base class implementation for any class with fields which supports getting/setting raw data for any instance fields.
any instance can have an optional name and a parent.
class Person(Base): name = fields.String() age = fields.Float() p = Person(name="ahmed", age="19") print(, p.age)
, optional- parent instance. Defaults to None.
, optional- instance name. Defaults to None.
- any given field values to initiate the instance with
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class Website(Base): port = fields.Integer(default=80) ssl = fields.Boolean() domain = fields.String() path = fields.String() locations = fields.Factory(Location) @property def path_cfg_dir(self): return f"{self.parent.path_cfg_dir}/servers" @property def path_cfg(self): return f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/{self.instance_name}.http.conf" @property def path_web(self): return self.parent.path_web def configure(self): """Writes configuration of the website and its locations""" j.sals.fs.mkdir(self.path_cfg_dir) config = render_config_template("website", base_dir=j.core.dirs.BASEDIR, website=self) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, config) for location_name in self.locations.list_all(): location = self.locations.get(location_name) location.configure()
- Base
- types.SimpleNamespace
Instance variables
var domain
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var locations
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var path
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var path_cfg
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@property def path_cfg(self): return f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/{self.instance_name}.http.conf"
var path_cfg_dir
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@property def path_cfg_dir(self): return f"{self.parent.path_cfg_dir}/servers"
var path_web
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@property def path_web(self): return self.parent.path_web
var port
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var ssl
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
def configure(self)
Writes configuration of the website and its locations
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def configure(self): """Writes configuration of the website and its locations""" j.sals.fs.mkdir(self.path_cfg_dir) config = render_config_template("website", base_dir=j.core.dirs.BASEDIR, website=self) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, config) for location_name in self.locations.list_all(): location = self.locations.get(location_name) location.configure()
Inherited members