Module jumpscale.sals.backupjob.backupjob


This sal can be used to create and manage multiple backup jobs with multiple and configured paths.

Examples: 1. create new backup job - every package could create its backup job when installed with one or multiple paths

JS-NG> nginxbackup ="nginxbackup", clients = ["restic_client_1", "restic_client_2"], paths=["~/sandbox/cfg/nginx/main/"])
  1. create another backup job JS-NG> vdcbackup ="vdcbackup", clients = ["restic_client_3", "restic_client_4"], paths=["~/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig/jumpscale/sals/vdc/"]) JS-NG>

  2. list backup jobs

JS-NG> j.sals.backupjob.list_all()
  1. get and execute a backup job
    • get the backup job python JS-NG> nginxbackup_job = j.sals.backupjob.get('nginxbackup') JS-NG> nginxbackup_job.execute()
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This sal can be used to create and manage multiple backup jobs with multiple and configured paths.

1. create new backup job
    - every package could create its backup job when installed with one or multiple paths

JS-NG> nginxbackup ="nginxbackup", clients = ["restic_client_1", "restic_client_2"], paths=["~/sandbox/cfg/nginx/main/"])

2. create another backup job
JS-NG> vdcbackup ="vdcbackup", clients = ["restic_client_3", "restic_client_4"], paths=["~/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig/jumpscale/sals/vdc/"])

3. list backup jobs

JS-NG> j.sals.backupjob.list_all()

4. get and execute a backup job
    - get the backup job
    JS-NG> nginxbackup_job = j.sals.backupjob.get('nginxbackup')
    JS-NG> nginxbackup_job.execute()
from gevent.greenlet import Greenlet
from jumpscale.loader import j
from jumpscale.core.base import Base, fields
from jumpscale.sals import fs
import gevent

def _path_validator(path):
    """Raises a ValidationError if a path Neither an absolute path nor begin with a tilde.

        path (str): a path represent a directory/file.

        j.core.base.fields.ValidationError: If a path Neither an absolute path nor begin with a tilde.
    if not fs.is_absolute(fs.os.path.expanduser(path)):
        raise j.core.base.fields.ValidationError(f"The path {path} should be absolute path or begin with a tilde")

def _client_validator(restic_client_name):
    """Raises a ValidationError if a restic client instance with given name can not be found.

        restic_client_name (str): a restic client instance name.

        j.core.base.fields.ValidationError: If a restic client instance with given name can not be found.
    if restic_client_name not in
        raise j.core.base.fields.ValidationError(f"The restic client: {restic_client_name} not found!")

class BackupJob(Base):
    paths = fields.List(fields.String(validators=[_path_validator]))
    paths_to_exclude = fields.List(fields.String())
    clients = fields.List(fields.String(validators=[_client_validator]))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _get_client(restic_client_name):
        """Gets a ResticRepo object with a given instance name.

            restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.

            j.exceptions.Runtime: If restic instance not found.

            ResticRepo: instance.
        if restic_client_name in
        raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"The restic client: {restic_client_name} not found!")

    def _on_exception(self, g: Greenlet):
        client_name = self.clients[self._greenlets.index(g)]
            f"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - Error happened during Backing up using this ResticRepo: {client_name}",
            message=f"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - Error happened during Backing up using this ResticRepo: {client_name}",

    def _on_success(self, g: Greenlet):
        client_name = self.clients[self._greenlets.index(g)]"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - ResticRepo: {client_name} snapshot successfully saved.")

    def execute(self, block=False):
        """Backups the preconfigured paths with the preconfigured restic clients.
        All snapshots created with a Backupjob will be tagged with the BackupJob instance name for easy referencing, manageing, cleaning and restoring.

            block (bool, optional): Wait for the backup to finish. if False, will start the backup and return immediately. Defaults to False.

            j.exceptions.Runtime: If there are no restic instances defined for this backup job.

            bool: whether the backup created successfully on all the preconfigured repos.
            if block is False, then it returns False immediately.

        def _excute(client_name, paths, tags, exclude):
            client = self._get_client(client_name)
            client.backup(paths, tags=tags, exclude=exclude)

        paths = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths]
        paths_to_exclude = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths_to_exclude]
        self._greenlets = []
        if not self.clients:
            raise j.exceptions.Runtime("Can't execute backup job no restic instances defined.")
        for restic_client_name in self.clients:
                gevent.spawn(_excute, restic_client_name, paths, tags=[self.instance_name], exclude=paths_to_exclude)

        if block:
        return all([greenlet.successful() for greenlet in self._greenlets])

    def list_all_snapshots(self, last=False, path=None):
        """Returns a dictionary of restic snapshots lists that are related to to this BackupJob instance,
        where the keys are the ResticRepo instance name.

            last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
            path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None.

            Dict of lists: a dictionary of restic snapshots lists
        snapshots = {}
        for restic_client_name in self.clients:
            snapshots[restic_client_name] = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=last, path=path)
        return snapshots

    def list_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, last=False, path=None):
        """Returns a list of restic snapshots that are related to to this BackupJob instance from a ResticRepo with a given instance name

            restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
            last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
            path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None.

            list of dictionaries: list of restic snapshots.
                Example: [{'time': '2021-06-27T19:18:00.203093762+02:00', 'parent': 'ded571a29dfa8f3db1c455ee5714acf5b248a90f9b5103235a682737eba583b3',
                'tree': 'dae692c71558aa6f1f632dc805dd614a8d35ecb8c5053bc32665506d7a4a066c', 'paths': ['/home/ayoub/play.txt'],
                'hostname': 'ayoub', 'username': 'ayoub', 'uid': 1000, 'gid': 1000, 'tags': ['admin_sameh'],
                'id': 'e3d5d9dd2e252d0cf55ff66aabe839af312c4fdc6119e08a72984086664ef3b0', 'short_id': 'e3d5d9dd'}]
        client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
        return client.list_snapshots(tags=[self.instance_name], last=last, path=path) or []

    def restore(self, restic_client_name, target_path="/", snapshot_id=None, host=None):
        """Restore a specifc or latest snapshot for this BackupJob from a ResticRepo with a given instance name.

            restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
            target_path (str, optional): path to restore to. Defaults to "/".
            snapshot_id (str, optional):  id or short_id of the snapshot.
                if not specified will use tha latest snapshot/s taken for this BackupJob instead. Defaults to None.
            host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None.

            j.exceptions.Value: if the specified snapshot id is not found for this BackupJob.
            j.exceptions.Runtime: if no previous snapshots found for this BackupJob.
        client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
        if snapshot_id:
            if len(snapshot_id) < 8:
                raise j.exceptions.Value(f"The length of snapshot id ({snapshot_id}) should be at least 8 characters.")
            snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name)
            if not snapshots:
                raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"no previous snapshots found for this backup job {self.instance_name}.")
            snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in snapshots if snapshot["id"].startswith(snapshot_id)]
            if not snapshots_ids:
                raise j.exceptions.Value(
                    f"This snapshot id {snapshot_id:.8} is not found for this backup job {self.instance_name}."

        client.restore(target_path, snapshot_id=snapshot_id, tags=[self.instance_name], host=host)

    def clean_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, keep_last=0, prune=True):
        """Deletes the snapshots data if `prune` is True otherwise remove the)reference to the data (snapshots) in a ResticRepo with a given instance name.

            restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
            keep_last (int, optional): How many snapshots to keep. Passing 0 will remove all snapshots for this BackupJob instance. Defaults to 0.
            prune (bool, optional):  Whether to delete the data or not. Defaults to True.
        client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
        if not keep_last:
            # first forget all snapshots but last as restic will not allow values less than 1.
            client.forget(keep_last=1, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)
            # then get snapshots ids of last snapshots and forget them
            last_snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=True)
            last_snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in last_snapshots]
            return client.forget(keep_last=0, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune, snapshots=last_snapshots_ids)
        client.forget(keep_last=keep_last, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)


class BackupJob (*args, **kwargs)

A simple attribute-based namespace.


base class implementation for any class with fields which supports getting/setting raw data for any instance fields.

any instance can have an optional name and a parent.

class Person(Base):
    name = fields.String()
    age = fields.Float()

p = Person(name="ahmed", age="19")
print(, p.age)


parent_ : Base, optional
parent instance. Defaults to None.
instance_name_ : str, optional
instance name. Defaults to None.
any given field values to initiate the instance with
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class BackupJob(Base):
    paths = fields.List(fields.String(validators=[_path_validator]))
    paths_to_exclude = fields.List(fields.String())
    clients = fields.List(fields.String(validators=[_client_validator]))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _get_client(restic_client_name):
        """Gets a ResticRepo object with a given instance name.

            restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.

            j.exceptions.Runtime: If restic instance not found.

            ResticRepo: instance.
        if restic_client_name in
        raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"The restic client: {restic_client_name} not found!")

    def _on_exception(self, g: Greenlet):
        client_name = self.clients[self._greenlets.index(g)]
            f"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - Error happened during Backing up using this ResticRepo: {client_name}",
            message=f"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - Error happened during Backing up using this ResticRepo: {client_name}",

    def _on_success(self, g: Greenlet):
        client_name = self.clients[self._greenlets.index(g)]"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - ResticRepo: {client_name} snapshot successfully saved.")

    def execute(self, block=False):
        """Backups the preconfigured paths with the preconfigured restic clients.
        All snapshots created with a Backupjob will be tagged with the BackupJob instance name for easy referencing, manageing, cleaning and restoring.

            block (bool, optional): Wait for the backup to finish. if False, will start the backup and return immediately. Defaults to False.

            j.exceptions.Runtime: If there are no restic instances defined for this backup job.

            bool: whether the backup created successfully on all the preconfigured repos.
            if block is False, then it returns False immediately.

        def _excute(client_name, paths, tags, exclude):
            client = self._get_client(client_name)
            client.backup(paths, tags=tags, exclude=exclude)

        paths = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths]
        paths_to_exclude = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths_to_exclude]
        self._greenlets = []
        if not self.clients:
            raise j.exceptions.Runtime("Can't execute backup job no restic instances defined.")
        for restic_client_name in self.clients:
                gevent.spawn(_excute, restic_client_name, paths, tags=[self.instance_name], exclude=paths_to_exclude)

        if block:
        return all([greenlet.successful() for greenlet in self._greenlets])

    def list_all_snapshots(self, last=False, path=None):
        """Returns a dictionary of restic snapshots lists that are related to to this BackupJob instance,
        where the keys are the ResticRepo instance name.

            last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
            path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None.

            Dict of lists: a dictionary of restic snapshots lists
        snapshots = {}
        for restic_client_name in self.clients:
            snapshots[restic_client_name] = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=last, path=path)
        return snapshots

    def list_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, last=False, path=None):
        """Returns a list of restic snapshots that are related to to this BackupJob instance from a ResticRepo with a given instance name

            restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
            last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
            path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None.

            list of dictionaries: list of restic snapshots.
                Example: [{'time': '2021-06-27T19:18:00.203093762+02:00', 'parent': 'ded571a29dfa8f3db1c455ee5714acf5b248a90f9b5103235a682737eba583b3',
                'tree': 'dae692c71558aa6f1f632dc805dd614a8d35ecb8c5053bc32665506d7a4a066c', 'paths': ['/home/ayoub/play.txt'],
                'hostname': 'ayoub', 'username': 'ayoub', 'uid': 1000, 'gid': 1000, 'tags': ['admin_sameh'],
                'id': 'e3d5d9dd2e252d0cf55ff66aabe839af312c4fdc6119e08a72984086664ef3b0', 'short_id': 'e3d5d9dd'}]
        client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
        return client.list_snapshots(tags=[self.instance_name], last=last, path=path) or []

    def restore(self, restic_client_name, target_path="/", snapshot_id=None, host=None):
        """Restore a specifc or latest snapshot for this BackupJob from a ResticRepo with a given instance name.

            restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
            target_path (str, optional): path to restore to. Defaults to "/".
            snapshot_id (str, optional):  id or short_id of the snapshot.
                if not specified will use tha latest snapshot/s taken for this BackupJob instead. Defaults to None.
            host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None.

            j.exceptions.Value: if the specified snapshot id is not found for this BackupJob.
            j.exceptions.Runtime: if no previous snapshots found for this BackupJob.
        client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
        if snapshot_id:
            if len(snapshot_id) < 8:
                raise j.exceptions.Value(f"The length of snapshot id ({snapshot_id}) should be at least 8 characters.")
            snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name)
            if not snapshots:
                raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"no previous snapshots found for this backup job {self.instance_name}.")
            snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in snapshots if snapshot["id"].startswith(snapshot_id)]
            if not snapshots_ids:
                raise j.exceptions.Value(
                    f"This snapshot id {snapshot_id:.8} is not found for this backup job {self.instance_name}."

        client.restore(target_path, snapshot_id=snapshot_id, tags=[self.instance_name], host=host)

    def clean_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, keep_last=0, prune=True):
        """Deletes the snapshots data if `prune` is True otherwise remove the)reference to the data (snapshots) in a ResticRepo with a given instance name.

            restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
            keep_last (int, optional): How many snapshots to keep. Passing 0 will remove all snapshots for this BackupJob instance. Defaults to 0.
            prune (bool, optional):  Whether to delete the data or not. Defaults to True.
        client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
        if not keep_last:
            # first forget all snapshots but last as restic will not allow values less than 1.
            client.forget(keep_last=1, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)
            # then get snapshots ids of last snapshots and forget them
            last_snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=True)
            last_snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in last_snapshots]
            return client.forget(keep_last=0, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune, snapshots=last_snapshots_ids)
        client.forget(keep_last=keep_last, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)


  • Base
  • types.SimpleNamespace

Instance variables

var clients

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)
var paths

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)
var paths_to_exclude

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)


def clean_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, keep_last=0, prune=True)

Deletes the snapshots data if prune is True otherwise remove the)reference to the data (snapshots) in a ResticRepo with a given instance name.


restic_client_name : str
Restic instance name.
keep_last : int, optional
How many snapshots to keep. Passing 0 will remove all snapshots for this BackupJob instance. Defaults to 0.
prune : bool, optional
Whether to delete the data or not. Defaults to True.
Expand source code
def clean_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, keep_last=0, prune=True):
    """Deletes the snapshots data if `prune` is True otherwise remove the)reference to the data (snapshots) in a ResticRepo with a given instance name.

        restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
        keep_last (int, optional): How many snapshots to keep. Passing 0 will remove all snapshots for this BackupJob instance. Defaults to 0.
        prune (bool, optional):  Whether to delete the data or not. Defaults to True.
    client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
    if not keep_last:
        # first forget all snapshots but last as restic will not allow values less than 1.
        client.forget(keep_last=1, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)
        # then get snapshots ids of last snapshots and forget them
        last_snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=True)
        last_snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in last_snapshots]
        return client.forget(keep_last=0, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune, snapshots=last_snapshots_ids)
    client.forget(keep_last=keep_last, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)
def execute(self, block=False)

Backups the preconfigured paths with the preconfigured restic clients. All snapshots created with a Backupjob will be tagged with the BackupJob instance name for easy referencing, manageing, cleaning and restoring.


block : bool, optional
Wait for the backup to finish. if False, will start the backup and return immediately. Defaults to False.


If there are no restic instances defined for this backup job.


whether the backup created successfully on all the preconfigured repos.

if block is False, then it returns False immediately.

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def execute(self, block=False):
    """Backups the preconfigured paths with the preconfigured restic clients.
    All snapshots created with a Backupjob will be tagged with the BackupJob instance name for easy referencing, manageing, cleaning and restoring.

        block (bool, optional): Wait for the backup to finish. if False, will start the backup and return immediately. Defaults to False.

        j.exceptions.Runtime: If there are no restic instances defined for this backup job.

        bool: whether the backup created successfully on all the preconfigured repos.
        if block is False, then it returns False immediately.

    def _excute(client_name, paths, tags, exclude):
        client = self._get_client(client_name)
        client.backup(paths, tags=tags, exclude=exclude)

    paths = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths]
    paths_to_exclude = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths_to_exclude]
    self._greenlets = []
    if not self.clients:
        raise j.exceptions.Runtime("Can't execute backup job no restic instances defined.")
    for restic_client_name in self.clients:
            gevent.spawn(_excute, restic_client_name, paths, tags=[self.instance_name], exclude=paths_to_exclude)

    if block:
    return all([greenlet.successful() for greenlet in self._greenlets])
def list_all_snapshots(self, last=False, path=None)

Returns a dictionary of restic snapshots lists that are related to to this BackupJob instance, where the keys are the ResticRepo instance name.


last : bool, optional
If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
path : str, optional
Path to filter on. Defaults to None.


Dict of lists
a dictionary of restic snapshots lists
Expand source code
def list_all_snapshots(self, last=False, path=None):
    """Returns a dictionary of restic snapshots lists that are related to to this BackupJob instance,
    where the keys are the ResticRepo instance name.

        last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
        path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None.

        Dict of lists: a dictionary of restic snapshots lists
    snapshots = {}
    for restic_client_name in self.clients:
        snapshots[restic_client_name] = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=last, path=path)
    return snapshots
def list_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, last=False, path=None)

Returns a list of restic snapshots that are related to to this BackupJob instance from a ResticRepo with a given instance name


restic_client_name : str
Restic instance name.
last : bool, optional
If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
path : str, optional
Path to filter on. Defaults to None.


list of dictionaries
list of restic snapshots. Example: [{'time': '2021-06-27T19:18:00.203093762+02:00', 'parent': 'ded571a29dfa8f3db1c455ee5714acf5b248a90f9b5103235a682737eba583b3', 'tree': 'dae692c71558aa6f1f632dc805dd614a8d35ecb8c5053bc32665506d7a4a066c', 'paths': ['/home/ayoub/play.txt'], 'hostname': 'ayoub', 'username': 'ayoub', 'uid': 1000, 'gid': 1000, 'tags': ['admin_sameh'], 'id': 'e3d5d9dd2e252d0cf55ff66aabe839af312c4fdc6119e08a72984086664ef3b0', 'short_id': 'e3d5d9dd'}]
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def list_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, last=False, path=None):
    """Returns a list of restic snapshots that are related to to this BackupJob instance from a ResticRepo with a given instance name

        restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
        last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
        path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None.

        list of dictionaries: list of restic snapshots.
            Example: [{'time': '2021-06-27T19:18:00.203093762+02:00', 'parent': 'ded571a29dfa8f3db1c455ee5714acf5b248a90f9b5103235a682737eba583b3',
            'tree': 'dae692c71558aa6f1f632dc805dd614a8d35ecb8c5053bc32665506d7a4a066c', 'paths': ['/home/ayoub/play.txt'],
            'hostname': 'ayoub', 'username': 'ayoub', 'uid': 1000, 'gid': 1000, 'tags': ['admin_sameh'],
            'id': 'e3d5d9dd2e252d0cf55ff66aabe839af312c4fdc6119e08a72984086664ef3b0', 'short_id': 'e3d5d9dd'}]
    client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
    return client.list_snapshots(tags=[self.instance_name], last=last, path=path) or []
def restore(self, restic_client_name, target_path='/', snapshot_id=None, host=None)

Restore a specifc or latest snapshot for this BackupJob from a ResticRepo with a given instance name.


restic_client_name : str
Restic instance name.
target_path : str, optional
path to restore to. Defaults to "/".
snapshot_id : str, optional
id or short_id of the snapshot. if not specified will use tha latest snapshot/s taken for this BackupJob instead. Defaults to None.
host : str, optional
Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None.


if the specified snapshot id is not found for this BackupJob.
if no previous snapshots found for this BackupJob.
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def restore(self, restic_client_name, target_path="/", snapshot_id=None, host=None):
    """Restore a specifc or latest snapshot for this BackupJob from a ResticRepo with a given instance name.

        restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
        target_path (str, optional): path to restore to. Defaults to "/".
        snapshot_id (str, optional):  id or short_id of the snapshot.
            if not specified will use tha latest snapshot/s taken for this BackupJob instead. Defaults to None.
        host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None.

        j.exceptions.Value: if the specified snapshot id is not found for this BackupJob.
        j.exceptions.Runtime: if no previous snapshots found for this BackupJob.
    client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
    if snapshot_id:
        if len(snapshot_id) < 8:
            raise j.exceptions.Value(f"The length of snapshot id ({snapshot_id}) should be at least 8 characters.")
        snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name)
        if not snapshots:
            raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"no previous snapshots found for this backup job {self.instance_name}.")
        snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in snapshots if snapshot["id"].startswith(snapshot_id)]
        if not snapshots_ids:
            raise j.exceptions.Value(
                f"This snapshot id {snapshot_id:.8} is not found for this backup job {self.instance_name}."

    client.restore(target_path, snapshot_id=snapshot_id, tags=[self.instance_name], host=host)

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