Module jumpscale.sals.backupjob.backupjob
This sal can be used to create and manage multiple backup jobs with multiple and configured paths.
Examples: 1. create new backup job - every package could create its backup job when installed with one or multiple paths
JS-NG> nginxbackup ="nginxbackup", clients = ["restic_client_1", "restic_client_2"], paths=["~/sandbox/cfg/nginx/main/"])
create another backup job JS-NG> vdcbackup ="vdcbackup", clients = ["restic_client_3", "restic_client_4"], paths=["~/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig/jumpscale/sals/vdc/"]) JS-NG>
list backup jobs
JS-NG> j.sals.backupjob.list_all()
- get and execute a backup job
- get the backup job
python JS-NG> nginxbackup_job = j.sals.backupjob.get('nginxbackup') JS-NG> nginxbackup_job.execute()
- get the backup job
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This sal can be used to create and manage multiple backup jobs with multiple and configured paths.
1. create new backup job
- every package could create its backup job when installed with one or multiple paths
JS-NG> nginxbackup ="nginxbackup", clients = ["restic_client_1", "restic_client_2"], paths=["~/sandbox/cfg/nginx/main/"])
2. create another backup job
JS-NG> vdcbackup ="vdcbackup", clients = ["restic_client_3", "restic_client_4"], paths=["~/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig/jumpscale/sals/vdc/"])
3. list backup jobs
JS-NG> j.sals.backupjob.list_all()
4. get and execute a backup job
- get the backup job
JS-NG> nginxbackup_job = j.sals.backupjob.get('nginxbackup')
JS-NG> nginxbackup_job.execute()
from gevent.greenlet import Greenlet
from jumpscale.loader import j
from jumpscale.core.base import Base, fields
from jumpscale.sals import fs
import gevent
def _path_validator(path):
"""Raises a ValidationError if a path Neither an absolute path nor begin with a tilde.
path (str): a path represent a directory/file.
j.core.base.fields.ValidationError: If a path Neither an absolute path nor begin with a tilde.
if not fs.is_absolute(fs.os.path.expanduser(path)):
raise j.core.base.fields.ValidationError(f"The path {path} should be absolute path or begin with a tilde")
def _client_validator(restic_client_name):
"""Raises a ValidationError if a restic client instance with given name can not be found.
restic_client_name (str): a restic client instance name.
j.core.base.fields.ValidationError: If a restic client instance with given name can not be found.
if restic_client_name not in
raise j.core.base.fields.ValidationError(f"The restic client: {restic_client_name} not found!")
class BackupJob(Base):
paths = fields.List(fields.String(validators=[_path_validator]))
paths_to_exclude = fields.List(fields.String())
clients = fields.List(fields.String(validators=[_client_validator]))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_client(restic_client_name):
"""Gets a ResticRepo object with a given instance name.
restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
j.exceptions.Runtime: If restic instance not found.
ResticRepo: instance.
if restic_client_name in
raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"The restic client: {restic_client_name} not found!")
def _on_exception(self, g: Greenlet):
client_name = self.clients[self._greenlets.index(g)]
f"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - Error happened during Backing up using this ResticRepo: {client_name}",
message=f"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - Error happened during Backing up using this ResticRepo: {client_name}",
def _on_success(self, g: Greenlet):
client_name = self.clients[self._greenlets.index(g)]"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - ResticRepo: {client_name} snapshot successfully saved.")
def execute(self, block=False):
"""Backups the preconfigured paths with the preconfigured restic clients.
All snapshots created with a Backupjob will be tagged with the BackupJob instance name for easy referencing, manageing, cleaning and restoring.
block (bool, optional): Wait for the backup to finish. if False, will start the backup and return immediately. Defaults to False.
j.exceptions.Runtime: If there are no restic instances defined for this backup job.
bool: whether the backup created successfully on all the preconfigured repos.
if block is False, then it returns False immediately.
def _excute(client_name, paths, tags, exclude):
client = self._get_client(client_name)
client.backup(paths, tags=tags, exclude=exclude)
paths = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths]
paths_to_exclude = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths_to_exclude]
self._greenlets = []
if not self.clients:
raise j.exceptions.Runtime("Can't execute backup job no restic instances defined.")
for restic_client_name in self.clients:
gevent.spawn(_excute, restic_client_name, paths, tags=[self.instance_name], exclude=paths_to_exclude)
if block:
return all([greenlet.successful() for greenlet in self._greenlets])
def list_all_snapshots(self, last=False, path=None):
"""Returns a dictionary of restic snapshots lists that are related to to this BackupJob instance,
where the keys are the ResticRepo instance name.
last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None.
Dict of lists: a dictionary of restic snapshots lists
snapshots = {}
for restic_client_name in self.clients:
snapshots[restic_client_name] = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=last, path=path)
return snapshots
def list_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, last=False, path=None):
"""Returns a list of restic snapshots that are related to to this BackupJob instance from a ResticRepo with a given instance name
restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None.
list of dictionaries: list of restic snapshots.
Example: [{'time': '2021-06-27T19:18:00.203093762+02:00', 'parent': 'ded571a29dfa8f3db1c455ee5714acf5b248a90f9b5103235a682737eba583b3',
'tree': 'dae692c71558aa6f1f632dc805dd614a8d35ecb8c5053bc32665506d7a4a066c', 'paths': ['/home/ayoub/play.txt'],
'hostname': 'ayoub', 'username': 'ayoub', 'uid': 1000, 'gid': 1000, 'tags': ['admin_sameh'],
'id': 'e3d5d9dd2e252d0cf55ff66aabe839af312c4fdc6119e08a72984086664ef3b0', 'short_id': 'e3d5d9dd'}]
client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
return client.list_snapshots(tags=[self.instance_name], last=last, path=path) or []
def restore(self, restic_client_name, target_path="/", snapshot_id=None, host=None):
"""Restore a specifc or latest snapshot for this BackupJob from a ResticRepo with a given instance name.
restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
target_path (str, optional): path to restore to. Defaults to "/".
snapshot_id (str, optional): id or short_id of the snapshot.
if not specified will use tha latest snapshot/s taken for this BackupJob instead. Defaults to None.
host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None.
j.exceptions.Value: if the specified snapshot id is not found for this BackupJob.
j.exceptions.Runtime: if no previous snapshots found for this BackupJob.
client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
if snapshot_id:
if len(snapshot_id) < 8:
raise j.exceptions.Value(f"The length of snapshot id ({snapshot_id}) should be at least 8 characters.")
snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name)
if not snapshots:
raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"no previous snapshots found for this backup job {self.instance_name}.")
snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in snapshots if snapshot["id"].startswith(snapshot_id)]
if not snapshots_ids:
raise j.exceptions.Value(
f"This snapshot id {snapshot_id:.8} is not found for this backup job {self.instance_name}."
client.restore(target_path, snapshot_id=snapshot_id, tags=[self.instance_name], host=host)
def clean_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, keep_last=0, prune=True):
"""Deletes the snapshots data if `prune` is True otherwise remove the)reference to the data (snapshots) in a ResticRepo with a given instance name.
restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name.
keep_last (int, optional): How many snapshots to keep. Passing 0 will remove all snapshots for this BackupJob instance. Defaults to 0.
prune (bool, optional): Whether to delete the data or not. Defaults to True.
client = self._get_client(restic_client_name)
if not keep_last:
# first forget all snapshots but last as restic will not allow values less than 1.
client.forget(keep_last=1, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)
# then get snapshots ids of last snapshots and forget them
last_snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=True)
last_snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in last_snapshots]
return client.forget(keep_last=0, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune, snapshots=last_snapshots_ids)
client.forget(keep_last=keep_last, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)
class BackupJob (*args, **kwargs)
A simple attribute-based namespace.
base class implementation for any class with fields which supports getting/setting raw data for any instance fields.
any instance can have an optional name and a parent.
class Person(Base): name = fields.String() age = fields.Float() p = Person(name="ahmed", age="19") print(, p.age)
, optional- parent instance. Defaults to None.
, optional- instance name. Defaults to None.
- any given field values to initiate the instance with
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class BackupJob(Base): paths = fields.List(fields.String(validators=[_path_validator])) paths_to_exclude = fields.List(fields.String()) clients = fields.List(fields.String(validators=[_client_validator])) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _get_client(restic_client_name): """Gets a ResticRepo object with a given instance name. Args: restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name. Raises: j.exceptions.Runtime: If restic instance not found. Returns: ResticRepo: instance. """ if restic_client_name in return raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"The restic client: {restic_client_name} not found!") def _on_exception(self, g: Greenlet): client_name = self.clients[self._greenlets.index(g)] j.logger.exception( f"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - Error happened during Backing up using this ResticRepo: {client_name}", exception=g.exception, ) app_name="BackupJob", category="exception", message=f"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - Error happened during Backing up using this ResticRepo: {client_name}", alert_type="exception", traceback=g.exception.__traceback__, ) def _on_success(self, g: Greenlet): client_name = self.clients[self._greenlets.index(g)]"BackupJob name: {self.instance_name} - ResticRepo: {client_name} snapshot successfully saved.") def execute(self, block=False): """Backups the preconfigured paths with the preconfigured restic clients. All snapshots created with a Backupjob will be tagged with the BackupJob instance name for easy referencing, manageing, cleaning and restoring. Args: block (bool, optional): Wait for the backup to finish. if False, will start the backup and return immediately. Defaults to False. Raises: j.exceptions.Runtime: If there are no restic instances defined for this backup job. Returns: bool: whether the backup created successfully on all the preconfigured repos. if block is False, then it returns False immediately. """ def _excute(client_name, paths, tags, exclude): client = self._get_client(client_name) client.backup(paths, tags=tags, exclude=exclude) paths = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths] paths_to_exclude = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths_to_exclude] self._greenlets = [] if not self.clients: raise j.exceptions.Runtime("Can't execute backup job no restic instances defined.") for restic_client_name in self.clients: self._greenlets.append( gevent.spawn(_excute, restic_client_name, paths, tags=[self.instance_name], exclude=paths_to_exclude) ) self._greenlets[-1].link_exception(self._on_exception) self._greenlets[-1].link_value(self._on_success) if block: gevent.joinall(self._greenlets) return all([greenlet.successful() for greenlet in self._greenlets]) def list_all_snapshots(self, last=False, path=None): """Returns a dictionary of restic snapshots lists that are related to to this BackupJob instance, where the keys are the ResticRepo instance name. Args: last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False. path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict of lists: a dictionary of restic snapshots lists """ snapshots = {} for restic_client_name in self.clients: snapshots[restic_client_name] = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=last, path=path) return snapshots def list_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, last=False, path=None): """Returns a list of restic snapshots that are related to to this BackupJob instance from a ResticRepo with a given instance name Args: restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name. last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False. path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None. Returns: list of dictionaries: list of restic snapshots. Example: [{'time': '2021-06-27T19:18:00.203093762+02:00', 'parent': 'ded571a29dfa8f3db1c455ee5714acf5b248a90f9b5103235a682737eba583b3', 'tree': 'dae692c71558aa6f1f632dc805dd614a8d35ecb8c5053bc32665506d7a4a066c', 'paths': ['/home/ayoub/play.txt'], 'hostname': 'ayoub', 'username': 'ayoub', 'uid': 1000, 'gid': 1000, 'tags': ['admin_sameh'], 'id': 'e3d5d9dd2e252d0cf55ff66aabe839af312c4fdc6119e08a72984086664ef3b0', 'short_id': 'e3d5d9dd'}] """ client = self._get_client(restic_client_name) return client.list_snapshots(tags=[self.instance_name], last=last, path=path) or [] def restore(self, restic_client_name, target_path="/", snapshot_id=None, host=None): """Restore a specifc or latest snapshot for this BackupJob from a ResticRepo with a given instance name. Args: restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name. target_path (str, optional): path to restore to. Defaults to "/". snapshot_id (str, optional): id or short_id of the snapshot. if not specified will use tha latest snapshot/s taken for this BackupJob instead. Defaults to None. host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None. Raises: j.exceptions.Value: if the specified snapshot id is not found for this BackupJob. j.exceptions.Runtime: if no previous snapshots found for this BackupJob. """ client = self._get_client(restic_client_name) if snapshot_id: if len(snapshot_id) < 8: raise j.exceptions.Value(f"The length of snapshot id ({snapshot_id}) should be at least 8 characters.") snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name) if not snapshots: raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"no previous snapshots found for this backup job {self.instance_name}.") snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in snapshots if snapshot["id"].startswith(snapshot_id)] if not snapshots_ids: raise j.exceptions.Value( f"This snapshot id {snapshot_id:.8} is not found for this backup job {self.instance_name}." ) client.restore(target_path, snapshot_id=snapshot_id, tags=[self.instance_name], host=host) def clean_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, keep_last=0, prune=True): """Deletes the snapshots data if `prune` is True otherwise remove the)reference to the data (snapshots) in a ResticRepo with a given instance name. Args: restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name. keep_last (int, optional): How many snapshots to keep. Passing 0 will remove all snapshots for this BackupJob instance. Defaults to 0. prune (bool, optional): Whether to delete the data or not. Defaults to True. """ client = self._get_client(restic_client_name) if not keep_last: # first forget all snapshots but last as restic will not allow values less than 1. client.forget(keep_last=1, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune) # then get snapshots ids of last snapshots and forget them last_snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=True) last_snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in last_snapshots] return client.forget(keep_last=0, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune, snapshots=last_snapshots_ids) client.forget(keep_last=keep_last, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)
- Base
- types.SimpleNamespace
Instance variables
var clients
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var paths
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var paths_to_exclude
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
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def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
def clean_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, keep_last=0, prune=True)
Deletes the snapshots data if
is True otherwise remove the)reference to the data (snapshots) in a ResticRepo with a given instance name.Args
- Restic instance name.
, optional- How many snapshots to keep. Passing 0 will remove all snapshots for this BackupJob instance. Defaults to 0.
, optional- Whether to delete the data or not. Defaults to True.
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def clean_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, keep_last=0, prune=True): """Deletes the snapshots data if `prune` is True otherwise remove the)reference to the data (snapshots) in a ResticRepo with a given instance name. Args: restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name. keep_last (int, optional): How many snapshots to keep. Passing 0 will remove all snapshots for this BackupJob instance. Defaults to 0. prune (bool, optional): Whether to delete the data or not. Defaults to True. """ client = self._get_client(restic_client_name) if not keep_last: # first forget all snapshots but last as restic will not allow values less than 1. client.forget(keep_last=1, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune) # then get snapshots ids of last snapshots and forget them last_snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=True) last_snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in last_snapshots] return client.forget(keep_last=0, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune, snapshots=last_snapshots_ids) client.forget(keep_last=keep_last, tags=[self.instance_name], prune=prune)
def execute(self, block=False)
Backups the preconfigured paths with the preconfigured restic clients. All snapshots created with a Backupjob will be tagged with the BackupJob instance name for easy referencing, manageing, cleaning and restoring.
, optional- Wait for the backup to finish. if False, will start the backup and return immediately. Defaults to False.
- If there are no restic instances defined for this backup job.
- whether the backup created successfully on all the preconfigured repos.
if block is False, then it returns False immediately.
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def execute(self, block=False): """Backups the preconfigured paths with the preconfigured restic clients. All snapshots created with a Backupjob will be tagged with the BackupJob instance name for easy referencing, manageing, cleaning and restoring. Args: block (bool, optional): Wait for the backup to finish. if False, will start the backup and return immediately. Defaults to False. Raises: j.exceptions.Runtime: If there are no restic instances defined for this backup job. Returns: bool: whether the backup created successfully on all the preconfigured repos. if block is False, then it returns False immediately. """ def _excute(client_name, paths, tags, exclude): client = self._get_client(client_name) client.backup(paths, tags=tags, exclude=exclude) paths = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths] paths_to_exclude = [fs.os.path.expanduser(path) for path in self.paths_to_exclude] self._greenlets = [] if not self.clients: raise j.exceptions.Runtime("Can't execute backup job no restic instances defined.") for restic_client_name in self.clients: self._greenlets.append( gevent.spawn(_excute, restic_client_name, paths, tags=[self.instance_name], exclude=paths_to_exclude) ) self._greenlets[-1].link_exception(self._on_exception) self._greenlets[-1].link_value(self._on_success) if block: gevent.joinall(self._greenlets) return all([greenlet.successful() for greenlet in self._greenlets])
def list_all_snapshots(self, last=False, path=None)
Returns a dictionary of restic snapshots lists that are related to to this BackupJob instance, where the keys are the ResticRepo instance name.
, optional- If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
, optional- Path to filter on. Defaults to None.
- a dictionary of restic snapshots lists
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def list_all_snapshots(self, last=False, path=None): """Returns a dictionary of restic snapshots lists that are related to to this BackupJob instance, where the keys are the ResticRepo instance name. Args: last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False. path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict of lists: a dictionary of restic snapshots lists """ snapshots = {} for restic_client_name in self.clients: snapshots[restic_client_name] = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name, last=last, path=path) return snapshots
def list_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, last=False, path=None)
Returns a list of restic snapshots that are related to to this BackupJob instance from a ResticRepo with a given instance name
- Restic instance name.
, optional- If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False.
, optional- Path to filter on. Defaults to None.
- list of restic snapshots. Example: [{'time': '2021-06-27T19:18:00.203093762+02:00', 'parent': 'ded571a29dfa8f3db1c455ee5714acf5b248a90f9b5103235a682737eba583b3', 'tree': 'dae692c71558aa6f1f632dc805dd614a8d35ecb8c5053bc32665506d7a4a066c', 'paths': ['/home/ayoub/play.txt'], 'hostname': 'ayoub', 'username': 'ayoub', 'uid': 1000, 'gid': 1000, 'tags': ['admin_sameh'], 'id': 'e3d5d9dd2e252d0cf55ff66aabe839af312c4fdc6119e08a72984086664ef3b0', 'short_id': 'e3d5d9dd'}]
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def list_snapshots(self, restic_client_name, last=False, path=None): """Returns a list of restic snapshots that are related to to this BackupJob instance from a ResticRepo with a given instance name Args: restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name. last (bool, optional): If True will get last snapshot only while respecting the other filters. Defaults to False. path (str, optional): Path to filter on. Defaults to None. Returns: list of dictionaries: list of restic snapshots. Example: [{'time': '2021-06-27T19:18:00.203093762+02:00', 'parent': 'ded571a29dfa8f3db1c455ee5714acf5b248a90f9b5103235a682737eba583b3', 'tree': 'dae692c71558aa6f1f632dc805dd614a8d35ecb8c5053bc32665506d7a4a066c', 'paths': ['/home/ayoub/play.txt'], 'hostname': 'ayoub', 'username': 'ayoub', 'uid': 1000, 'gid': 1000, 'tags': ['admin_sameh'], 'id': 'e3d5d9dd2e252d0cf55ff66aabe839af312c4fdc6119e08a72984086664ef3b0', 'short_id': 'e3d5d9dd'}] """ client = self._get_client(restic_client_name) return client.list_snapshots(tags=[self.instance_name], last=last, path=path) or []
def restore(self, restic_client_name, target_path='/', snapshot_id=None, host=None)
Restore a specifc or latest snapshot for this BackupJob from a ResticRepo with a given instance name.
- Restic instance name.
, optional- path to restore to. Defaults to "/".
, optional- id or short_id of the snapshot. if not specified will use tha latest snapshot/s taken for this BackupJob instead. Defaults to None.
, optional- Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None.
- if the specified snapshot id is not found for this BackupJob.
- if no previous snapshots found for this BackupJob.
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def restore(self, restic_client_name, target_path="/", snapshot_id=None, host=None): """Restore a specifc or latest snapshot for this BackupJob from a ResticRepo with a given instance name. Args: restic_client_name (str): Restic instance name. target_path (str, optional): path to restore to. Defaults to "/". snapshot_id (str, optional): id or short_id of the snapshot. if not specified will use tha latest snapshot/s taken for this BackupJob instead. Defaults to None. host (str, optional): Filter on the hostname when using latest. Defaults to None. Raises: j.exceptions.Value: if the specified snapshot id is not found for this BackupJob. j.exceptions.Runtime: if no previous snapshots found for this BackupJob. """ client = self._get_client(restic_client_name) if snapshot_id: if len(snapshot_id) < 8: raise j.exceptions.Value(f"The length of snapshot id ({snapshot_id}) should be at least 8 characters.") snapshots = self.list_snapshots(restic_client_name) if not snapshots: raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"no previous snapshots found for this backup job {self.instance_name}.") snapshots_ids = [snapshot["id"] for snapshot in snapshots if snapshot["id"].startswith(snapshot_id)] if not snapshots_ids: raise j.exceptions.Value( f"This snapshot id {snapshot_id:.8} is not found for this backup job {self.instance_name}." ) client.restore(target_path, snapshot_id=snapshot_id, tags=[self.instance_name], host=host)
Inherited members