Module jumpscale.core.config.config

Config module is the single entry of configurations across the framework.

It allows - resolving configurations paths for configuration directoryconfig_root, or configuration file path config_path - rebuildling default configurations or retrieving them (using get_default_config()) - Getting configurations using get_default_config() - Updating configuration using update_config()

JS-NG> j.core.config

Getting where is the config.toml path

JS-NG> j.core.config.config_path

Getting configuration directory

JS-NG> j.core.config.config_root

Getting default configurations of js-ng (used in case of no configuration found)

JS-NG> j.core.config.get_default_config()
{'debug': True, 'logging': {'redis': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'max_size': 1000, 'dump': True, 'dump_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/redis'}, 'filesystem': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'log_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/fs/log.txt', 'rotation': '5 MB'}}, 'alerts': {'enabled': True, 'level': 40}, 'ssh_key_path': '', 'private_key_path': '', 'stores': {'redis': {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}, 'filesystem': {'path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig'}}, 'store': 'filesystem', 'threebot': {'default': ''}, 'explorer': {'default_url': ''}}

Getting the current configurations

JS-NG> j.core.config.get_config()
{'debug': True, 'ssh_key_path': '', 'log_to_redis': False, 'log_to_files': True, 'log_level': 15, 'private_key_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/mykey.priv', 'secure_config_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig', 'store': 'filesystem', 'logging': {'handlers': [{'sink': 'sys.stdout', 'format': '{time} - {message}', 'colorize': True, 'enqueue': True}, {'sink': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/file_jumpscale.log', 'serialize': True, 'enqueue': True}], 'redis': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'max_size': 1000, 'dump': True, 'dump_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/redis'}, 'filesystem': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'log_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/fs/log.txt', 'rotation': '5 MB'}}, 'stores': {'redis': {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}, 'filesystem': {'path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig'}}, 'alerts': {'enabled': True, 'level': 40}, 'threebot': {'default': ''}, 'explorer': {'default_url': ''}}

Updating configurations

JS-NG> conf = j.core.config.get_default_config()
JS-NG> conf
{'debug': True, 'ssh_key_path': '', 'log_to_redis': False, 'log_to_files': True, 'log_level': 15, 'private_key_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/mykey.priv', 'secure_config_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig', 'store': 'filesystem', 'logging': {'handlers': [{'sink': 'sys.stdout', 'format': '{time} - {message}', 'colorize': True, 'enqueue': True}, {'sink': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/file_jumpscale.log', 'serialize': True, 'enqueue': True}], 'redis': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'max_size': 1000, 'dump': True, 'dump_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/redis'}, 'filesystem': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'log_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/fs/log.txt', 'rotation': '5 MB'}}, 'stores': {'redis': {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}, 'filesystem': {'path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig'}}, 'alerts': {'enabled': True, 'level': 40}, 'threebot': {'default': ''}, 'explorer': {'default_url': ''}}

JS-NG> conf['favcolor'] = 'blue'
JS-NG> j.core.config.update_config(conf)
JS-NG> j.core.config.get_config()
{'debug': True, 'ssh_key_path': '', 'log_to_redis': False, 'log_to_files': True, 'log_level': 15, 'private_key_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/mykey.priv', 'secure_config_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig', 'store': 'filesystem', 'favcolor': 'blue', 'logging': {'handlers': [{'sink': 'sys.stdout', 'format': '{time} - {message}', 'colorize': True, 'enqueue': True}, {'sink': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/file_jumpscale.log', 'serialize': True, 'enqueue': True}], 'redis': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'max_size': 1000, 'dump': True, 'dump_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/redis'}, 'filesystem': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'log_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/fs/log.txt', 'rotation': '5 MB'}}, 'stores': {'redis': {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}, 'filesystem': {'path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig'}}, 'alerts': {'enabled': True, 'level': 40}, 'threebot': {'default': ''}, 'explorer': {'default_url': ''}}


you can use j.core.config.get and j.core.config.set to retrive values of keys or set the value of a key respectively.


JS-NG> j.core.config.get("favcolor")

JS-NG> j.core.config.set("favcolor", "grey")
JS-NG> j.core.config.get("favcolor")
Expand source code
"""Config module is the single entry of configurations across the framework.

It allows
- resolving configurations paths for configuration directory`config_root`, or configuration file path `config_path`
- rebuildling default configurations or retrieving them (using `get_default_config`)
- Getting configurations using `get_default_config`
- Updating configuration using `update_config`

JS-NG> j.core.config
<module 'jumpscale.core.config' from '/home/ahmed/wspace/js/js-ng/jumpscale/core/config/'>

## Getting where is the config.toml path
JS-NG> j.core.config.config_path

## Getting configuration directory
JS-NG> j.core.config.config_root

## Getting default configurations of js-ng (used in case of no configuration found)
JS-NG> j.core.config.get_default_config()
{'debug': True, 'logging': {'redis': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'max_size': 1000, 'dump': True, 'dump_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/redis'}, 'filesystem': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'log_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/fs/log.txt', 'rotation': '5 MB'}}, 'alerts': {'enabled': True, 'level': 40}, 'ssh_key_path': '', 'private_key_path': '', 'stores': {'redis': {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}, 'filesystem': {'path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig'}}, 'store': 'filesystem', 'threebot': {'default': ''}, 'explorer': {'default_url': ''}}

## Getting the current configurations
JS-NG> j.core.config.get_config()
{'debug': True, 'ssh_key_path': '', 'log_to_redis': False, 'log_to_files': True, 'log_level': 15, 'private_key_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/mykey.priv', 'secure_config_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig', 'store': 'filesystem', 'logging': {'handlers': [{'sink': 'sys.stdout', 'format': '{time} - {message}', 'colorize': True, 'enqueue': True}, {'sink': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/file_jumpscale.log', 'serialize': True, 'enqueue': True}], 'redis': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'max_size': 1000, 'dump': True, 'dump_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/redis'}, 'filesystem': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'log_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/fs/log.txt', 'rotation': '5 MB'}}, 'stores': {'redis': {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}, 'filesystem': {'path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig'}}, 'alerts': {'enabled': True, 'level': 40}, 'threebot': {'default': ''}, 'explorer': {'default_url': ''}}

## Updating configurations

JS-NG> conf = j.core.config.get_default_config()
JS-NG> conf
{'debug': True, 'ssh_key_path': '', 'log_to_redis': False, 'log_to_files': True, 'log_level': 15, 'private_key_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/mykey.priv', 'secure_config_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig', 'store': 'filesystem', 'logging': {'handlers': [{'sink': 'sys.stdout', 'format': '{time} - {message}', 'colorize': True, 'enqueue': True}, {'sink': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/file_jumpscale.log', 'serialize': True, 'enqueue': True}], 'redis': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'max_size': 1000, 'dump': True, 'dump_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/redis'}, 'filesystem': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'log_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/fs/log.txt', 'rotation': '5 MB'}}, 'stores': {'redis': {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}, 'filesystem': {'path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig'}}, 'alerts': {'enabled': True, 'level': 40}, 'threebot': {'default': ''}, 'explorer': {'default_url': ''}}

JS-NG> conf['favcolor'] = 'blue'
JS-NG> j.core.config.update_config(conf)
JS-NG> j.core.config.get_config()
{'debug': True, 'ssh_key_path': '', 'log_to_redis': False, 'log_to_files': True, 'log_level': 15, 'private_key_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/mykey.priv', 'secure_config_path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig', 'store': 'filesystem', 'favcolor': 'blue', 'logging': {'handlers': [{'sink': 'sys.stdout', 'format': '{time} - {message}', 'colorize': True, 'enqueue': True}, {'sink': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/file_jumpscale.log', 'serialize': True, 'enqueue': True}], 'redis': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'max_size': 1000, 'dump': True, 'dump_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/redis'}, 'filesystem': {'enabled': True, 'level': 15, 'log_dir': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/logs/fs/log.txt', 'rotation': '5 MB'}}, 'stores': {'redis': {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}, 'filesystem': {'path': '/home/ahmed/.config/jumpscale/secureconfig'}}, 'alerts': {'enabled': True, 'level': 40}, 'threebot': {'default': ''}, 'explorer': {'default_url': ''}}

## Get/Set
you can use `j.core.config.get` and `j.core.config.set` to retrive values of keys or set the value of a key respectively.


JS-NG> j.core.config.get("favcolor")

JS-NG> j.core.config.set("favcolor", "grey")
JS-NG> j.core.config.get("favcolor")

import os

import nacl.utils
import nacl.encoding
import pytoml as toml

    from importlib import metadata
except ImportError:
    # Running on pre-3.8 Python; use importlib-metadata package
    import importlib_metadata as metadata

from nacl.public import PrivateKey

__all__ = [

package_name = "js-ng"
__version__ = metadata.version(package_name)

config_root = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~/.config", "jumpscale"))
config_path = os.path.join(config_root, "config.toml")

def get_current_version():
    return __version__

def get_default_config():
    """retrieves default configurations for plain jumpscale

        dict: default configuration
    return {
        "debug": True,
        "shell": "ptpython",
        "logging": {
            "default": {"enabled": True, "level": 10},
            "redis": {
                "enabled": True,
                "level": 15,
                "max_size": 1000,
                "dump": True,
                "dump_dir": os.path.join(config_root, "logs/redis"),
            "filesystem": {
                "enabled": True,
                "level": 15,
                "log_dir": os.path.join(config_root, "logs/fs/log.txt"),
                "rotation": "5 MB",
        "alerts": {"enabled": True, "level": 40},
        "ssh_key_path": "",
        "private_key_path": "",
        "stores": {
            "redis": {"hostname": "localhost", "port": 6379},
            "filesystem": {"path": os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(config_root, "secureconfig"))},
            "whoosh": {"path": os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(config_root, "whoosh_indexes"))},
        "factory": {"always_reload": False},
        "store": "filesystem",
        "threebot": {"default": ""},

def get_config():
    """Gets jumpscale configurations

        [dict] - toml loaded config of CONFIG_DIR/config.toml
    with open(config_path, "r") as f:
        return toml.load(f)

def update_config(data):
    """Update jumpscale config with new data

        data {dict} -- dict to update the config with.
    with open(config_path, "w") as f:
        toml.dump(data, f)

def get(key, default=None):
    """Retrives value from jumpscale config

        key (str): the key you wish to retrieve
        default (object): return value if key doesn't exist in configurations
    conf = get_config()
    return conf.get(key, default)

def set(key, val):
    """Sets value in jumpscale config

        key (str): the key you wish to update
        val: value to update with
    conf = get_config()
    conf[key] = val

def set_default(key, val):
    """Sets key to value in jumpscale config and returns

        key (str): the key you wish to update
        val: value to update with and to return if key doesn't exist in configurations

        val (str): returned if key doesn't exist in configuration or the value of key in configurations
    conf = get_config()
    if key in conf:
        return conf[key]
        set(key, val)
        return val

def migrate_config():
    """add missing keys to current config from default"""

    default_config = get_default_config()
    current_config = get_config()

    def copy_missing(default, current):
        for key, value in default.items():
            if key not in current:
                current[key] = value
            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                copy_missing(value, current[key])

    copy_missing(default_config, current_config)

# Create default configurations file on loading.
if not os.path.exists(config_path):
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(config_path), exist_ok=True)
    with open(config_path, "w") as f:
        # don't ues mknod

def generate_key(basepath):
    hsk = PrivateKey.generate()
    hpk = hsk.public_key
    skpath = basepath + ".priv"
    pkpath = basepath + ".pub"
    with open(skpath, "wb") as f:
    with open(pkpath, "wb") as f:
    return skpath

class StoreTypeNotFound(Exception):

class Environment:
    def get_private_key_path(self):
        config = get_config()
        private_key_path = config["private_key_path"]
        return private_key_path

    def get_threebot_data(self):
        config = get_config()
        return config.get("threebot", {})

    def get_private_key(self):
        private_key_path = self.get_private_key_path()
        if not private_key_path:
            keypath = os.path.join(config_root, "privatekey")
            private_key_path = generate_key(keypath)
            config = get_config()
            config["private_key_path"] = private_key_path
        return open(private_key_path, "rb").read()

    def get_store_config(self, name):
        config = get_config()
        stores = config["stores"]
        if name not in stores:
            raise StoreTypeNotFound(f"'{name}' store is not found")
        return stores[name]

    def get_logging_config(self):
        return get_config()["logging"]



def get(key, default=None)

Retrives value from jumpscale config


key (str): the key you wish to retrieve default (object): return value if key doesn't exist in configurations

Expand source code
def get(key, default=None):
    """Retrives value from jumpscale config

        key (str): the key you wish to retrieve
        default (object): return value if key doesn't exist in configurations
    conf = get_config()
    return conf.get(key, default)
def get_config()

Gets jumpscale configurations


[dict] - toml loaded config of CONFIG_DIR/config.toml

Expand source code
def get_config():
    """Gets jumpscale configurations

        [dict] - toml loaded config of CONFIG_DIR/config.toml
    with open(config_path, "r") as f:
        return toml.load(f)
def get_current_version()
Expand source code
def get_current_version():
    return __version__
def get_default_config()

retrieves default configurations for plain jumpscale


default configuration
Expand source code
def get_default_config():
    """retrieves default configurations for plain jumpscale

        dict: default configuration
    return {
        "debug": True,
        "shell": "ptpython",
        "logging": {
            "default": {"enabled": True, "level": 10},
            "redis": {
                "enabled": True,
                "level": 15,
                "max_size": 1000,
                "dump": True,
                "dump_dir": os.path.join(config_root, "logs/redis"),
            "filesystem": {
                "enabled": True,
                "level": 15,
                "log_dir": os.path.join(config_root, "logs/fs/log.txt"),
                "rotation": "5 MB",
        "alerts": {"enabled": True, "level": 40},
        "ssh_key_path": "",
        "private_key_path": "",
        "stores": {
            "redis": {"hostname": "localhost", "port": 6379},
            "filesystem": {"path": os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(config_root, "secureconfig"))},
            "whoosh": {"path": os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(config_root, "whoosh_indexes"))},
        "factory": {"always_reload": False},
        "store": "filesystem",
        "threebot": {"default": ""},
def set(key, val)

Sets value in jumpscale config


key (str): the key you wish to update val: value to update with

Expand source code
def set(key, val):
    """Sets value in jumpscale config

        key (str): the key you wish to update
        val: value to update with
    conf = get_config()
    conf[key] = val
def set_default(key, val)

Sets key to value in jumpscale config and returns


key (str): the key you wish to update val: value to update with and to return if key doesn't exist in configurations


val (str): returned if key doesn't exist in configuration or the value of key in configurations

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def set_default(key, val):
    """Sets key to value in jumpscale config and returns

        key (str): the key you wish to update
        val: value to update with and to return if key doesn't exist in configurations

        val (str): returned if key doesn't exist in configuration or the value of key in configurations
    conf = get_config()
    if key in conf:
        return conf[key]
        set(key, val)
        return val
def update_config(data)

Update jumpscale config with new data


data {dict} – dict to update the config with.

Expand source code
def update_config(data):
    """Update jumpscale config with new data

        data {dict} -- dict to update the config with.
    with open(config_path, "w") as f:
        toml.dump(data, f)


class Environment
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class Environment:
    def get_private_key_path(self):
        config = get_config()
        private_key_path = config["private_key_path"]
        return private_key_path

    def get_threebot_data(self):
        config = get_config()
        return config.get("threebot", {})

    def get_private_key(self):
        private_key_path = self.get_private_key_path()
        if not private_key_path:
            keypath = os.path.join(config_root, "privatekey")
            private_key_path = generate_key(keypath)
            config = get_config()
            config["private_key_path"] = private_key_path
        return open(private_key_path, "rb").read()

    def get_store_config(self, name):
        config = get_config()
        stores = config["stores"]
        if name not in stores:
            raise StoreTypeNotFound(f"'{name}' store is not found")
        return stores[name]

    def get_logging_config(self):
        return get_config()["logging"]


def get_logging_config(self)
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def get_logging_config(self):
    return get_config()["logging"]
def get_private_key(self)
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def get_private_key(self):
    private_key_path = self.get_private_key_path()
    if not private_key_path:
        keypath = os.path.join(config_root, "privatekey")
        private_key_path = generate_key(keypath)
        config = get_config()
        config["private_key_path"] = private_key_path
    return open(private_key_path, "rb").read()
def get_private_key_path(self)
Expand source code
def get_private_key_path(self):
    config = get_config()
    private_key_path = config["private_key_path"]
    return private_key_path
def get_store_config(self, name)
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def get_store_config(self, name):
    config = get_config()
    stores = config["stores"]
    if name not in stores:
        raise StoreTypeNotFound(f"'{name}' store is not found")
    return stores[name]
def get_threebot_data(self)
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def get_threebot_data(self):
    config = get_config()
    return config.get("threebot", {})