Expand source code
import stellar_sdk
from jumpscale.loader import j
"TEST": [
"STD": [
DATA_ENTRY_KEY = "tft-vesting"
VESTING_SCHEME = "month1=05/2021,48months,priceunlock=tftvalue>month*0.015+0.15"
def _is_valid_cleanup_transaction(
vesting_account_id: str, preauth_signer: str, network, network_passphrase, _get_unlockhash_transaction
) -> bool:
unlock_tx = _get_unlockhash_transaction(unlockhash=preauth_signer)
if not unlock_tx:
return False
txe = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(unlock_tx["transaction_xdr"], network_passphrase)
tx = txe.transaction
if not type(tx.source) is stellar_sdk.keypair.Keypair:
return False
if tx.source.public_key != vesting_account_id:
return False
if len(tx.operations) != 3:
return False
change_trust_op = tx.operations[0]
if not type(change_trust_op) is stellar_sdk.operation.change_trust.ChangeTrust:
return False
if not change_trust_op.source is None:
return False
if int(change_trust_op.limit) != 0:
return False
if change_trust_op.asset.code != "TFT" or change_trust_op.asset.issuer != _TFT_ISSUERS[network]:
return False
manage_data_op = tx.operations[1]
if not type(manage_data_op) is stellar_sdk.operation.manage_data.ManageData:
return False
if not manage_data_op.source is None:
return False
if manage_data_op.data_name != DATA_ENTRY_KEY:
return False
if not manage_data_op.data_value is None:
return False
account_merge_op = tx.operations[2]
if not type(account_merge_op) is stellar_sdk.operation.account_merge.AccountMerge:
return False
if not account_merge_op.source is None:
return False
if account_merge_op.destination != _VESTING_ACTIVATORS[network]:
return False
return True
def _verify_signers(
account_record, owner_address: str, network, network_passphrase, _get_unlockhash_transaction
) -> bool:
# verify tresholds
tresholds = account_record["thresholds"]
if tresholds["low_threshold"] != 10 or tresholds["med_threshold"] != 10 or tresholds["high_threshold"] != 10:
return False
## signers found for account
signers = {signer["key"]: (signer["weight"], signer["type"]) for signer in account_record["signers"]}
# example of signers item --> {'GCWPSLTHDH3OYH226EVCLOG33NOMDEO4KUPZQXTU7AWQNJPQPBGTLAVM':(5,'ed25519_public_key')}
# Check all cosigners are in account signers with weight 1
for correct_signer in _COSIGNERS[network]:
if (
correct_signer in signers.keys()
and signers[correct_signer][0] == 1
and signers[correct_signer][1] == "ed25519_public_key"
return False
account_id = account_record["account_id"]
cleanup_signer_correct = False
master_key_weight_correct = False
owner_key_weight_correct = False
for signer in account_record["signers"]:
if signer["type"] == "preauth_tx":
if signer["weight"] != 10:
return False
cleanup_signer_correct = _is_valid_cleanup_transaction(
account_id, signer["key"], network, network_passphrase, _get_unlockhash_transaction
if signer["type"] != "ed25519_public_key":
return False
if signer["key"] == account_id:
master_key_weight_correct = signer["weight"] == 0
if signer["key"] == owner_address:
owner_key_weight_correct = signer["weight"] == 5
if len(account_record["signers"]) == 12:
return cleanup_signer_correct and master_key_weight_correct and owner_key_weight_correct
return len(account_record["signers"]) == 11 and master_key_weight_correct and owner_key_weight_correct
def is_vesting_account(
account_record: dict, owner_address: str, network, network_passphrase, _get_unlockhash_transaction
) -> bool:
if DATA_ENTRY_KEY in account_record.get("data"):
decoded_data = j.data.serializers.base64.decode(account_record["data"][DATA_ENTRY_KEY]).decode()
if decoded_data == VESTING_SCHEME:
if _verify_signers(account_record, owner_address, network, network_passphrase, _get_unlockhash_transaction):
return True
return False