Module jumpscale.clients.stellar.stellar
Expand source code
import math
import base64
import time
from enum import Enum
import decimal
from urllib import parse
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from typing import Union
import gevent
import stellar_sdk
from jumpscale.clients.base import Client
from jumpscale.core.base import fields
from jumpscale.loader import j
from stellar_sdk import Asset, TransactionBuilder
from .wrapped import Account, Server
from .balance import AccountBalances, Balance, EscrowAccount, VestingAccount
from .transaction import Effect, PaymentSummary, TransactionSummary
from .exceptions import UnAuthorized
from .vesting import is_vesting_account, VESTING_SCHEME
"TEST": "",
"STD": "",
"TEST": "",
"STD": "",
"TEST": {
"STD": {
"FUND": "/threefoldfoundation/transactionfunding_service/fund_transaction",
"CREATE_UNLOCK": "/threefoldfoundation/unlock_service/create_unlockhash_transaction",
"GET_UNLOCK": "/threefoldfoundation/unlock_service/get_unlockhash_transaction",
"CREATE_ACTIVATION_CODE": "/threefoldfoundation/activation_service/create_activation_code",
"ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT": "/threefoldfoundation/activation_service/activate_account",
class Network(Enum):
class Stellar(Client):
network = fields.Enum(Network)
address = fields.String()
sequence = fields.Integer()
sequencedate = fields.Integer()
def secret_updated(self, value):
self.address = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(value).public_key
secret = fields.String(on_update=secret_updated)
def _get_horizon_server(self):
server_url = _HORIZON_NETWORKS[]
server = Server(horizon_url=server_url)
return server
def _get_free_balances(self, address=None):
address = address or self.address
balances = AccountBalances(address)
response = self._get_horizon_server().accounts().account_id(address).call()
for response_balance in response["balances"]:
balance = Balance.from_horizon_response(response_balance)
if balance is not None:
return balances
def load_account(self):
horizonServer = self._get_horizon_server()
saccount = horizonServer.load_account(self.address)
account = Account(saccount.account.account_id, saccount.sequence, self)
return account
def _get_url(self, endpoint):
if not j.sals.nettools.wait_connection_test(url, 443, 5):
raise j.exceptions.Timeout(f"Can not connect to server {url}, connection timeout")
return f"https://{url}{endpoint}"
def _fund_transaction(self, transaction):
data = {"transaction": transaction}
resp ="FUND"), json={"args": data})
return resp.json()
def _create_unlockhash_transaction(self, unlock_hash, transaction_xdr):
data = {"unlockhash": unlock_hash, "transaction_xdr": transaction_xdr}
resp ="CREATE_UNLOCK"), json={"args": data})
return resp.json()
def _get_unlockhash_transaction(self, unlockhash):
data = {"unlockhash": unlockhash}
resp ="GET_UNLOCK"), json={"args": data})
if resp.status_code ==
return None
return resp.json()
def _create_activation_code(self):
data = {"address": self.address}
resp ="CREATE_ACTIVATION_CODE"), json={"args": data})
return resp.json()
def _activation_account(self):
resp ="ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT"), json={"address": self.address})
return resp.json()
def set_unlock_transaction(self, unlock_transaction):
Adds a xdr encoded unlocktransaction
:param unlock_transaction: xdr encoded unlocktransactionaddress of the destination.
:type destination_address: str
txe = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(unlock_transaction, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[])
tx_hash = txe.hash()
unlock_hash = stellar_sdk.strkey.StrKey.encode_pre_auth_tx(tx_hash)
self._create_unlockhash_transaction(unlock_hash=unlock_hash, transaction_xdr=txe.to_xdr())
def get_balance(self, address=None):
"""Gets the balances for a stellar address"""
if address is None:
address = self.address
all_balances = self._get_free_balances(address)
for account in self._find_escrow_accounts(address):
return all_balances
def _find_escrow_accounts(self, address=None):
if address is None:
address = self.address
escrow_accounts = []
accounts_endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().accounts()
old_cursor = "old"
new_cursor = ""
while new_cursor != old_cursor:
old_cursor = new_cursor
response =
next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"]
next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query
cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query).get("cursor")
if not cursor:
new_cursor = cursor[0]
accounts = response["_embedded"]["records"]
for account in accounts:
account_id = account["account_id"]
if account_id == address:
continue # Do not take the receiver's account
all_signers = account["signers"]
preauth_signers = [signer["key"] for signer in all_signers if signer["type"] == "preauth_tx"]
# TODO check the tresholds and signers
# TODO if we can merge, the amount is unlocked ( if len(preauth_signers))==0
balances = []
for response_balance in account["balances"]:
if is_vesting_account(
escrow_accounts.append(VestingAccount(account_id, balances, VESTING_SCHEME))
return escrow_accounts
def claim_locked_funds(self):
balances = self.get_balance()
for locked_account in balances.escrow_accounts:
if locked_account.can_be_unlocked():
def _unlock_account(self, escrow_account):
submitted_unlock_transactions = 0
for unlockhash in escrow_account.unlockhashes:
unlockhash_transation = self._get_unlockhash_transaction(unlockhash=unlockhash)
if unlockhash_transation is None:
submitted_unlock_transactions += 1
if submitted_unlock_transactions == len(escrow_account.unlockhashes):
def _merge_account(self, address):
server = self._get_horizon_server()
account = server.load_account(address)
# Increment the sequence number in case the unlock transaction was not processed before the load_account call
# account.increment_sequence_number()
balances = self._get_free_balances(address)
base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee()
transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(
source_account=account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee
for balance in balances.balances:
if balance.is_native():
# Step 1: Transfer custom assets
if decimal.Decimal(balance.balance) > decimal.Decimal(0):
# Step 2: Delete trustlines
asset_issuer=balance.asset_issuer, asset_code=balance.asset_code, limit="0"
# Step 3: Merge account
transaction =
signer_kp = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret)
def activate_through_friendbot(self):
"""Activates and funds a testnet account using friendbot"""
if != "TEST":
raise Exception("Account activation through friendbot is only available on testnet")
resp ="", params={"addr": self.address})
resp.raise_for_status()"account with address {self.address} activated and funded through friendbot")
def activate_through_threefold_service(self):
Activate your wallet through threefold services
for _ in range(5):"trying to activate : {self.instance_name}")
resp = self._activation_account()
loaded_json =
xdr = loaded_json["activation_transaction"]
self.sign(xdr, submit=True)"{self.instance_name} is activated using the activation service.")
except Exception as e:
j.logger.error(f"failed to activate using the activation service {e}")
## Try activating with `activation_wallet` j.clients.stellar.activation_wallet if exists
## this activator should be imported on the system.
raise RuntimeError(
"could not activate wallet. tried activation service and there's no activation_wallet configured on the system"
def activate_through_activation_wallet(self, wallet_name="activation_wallet"):
"""Activate your wallet through activation wallet."""
if wallet_name in j.clients.stellar.list_all() and self.instance_name != wallet_name:"trying to fund the wallet ourselves with the activation wallet")"activation wallet {self.instance_name}")
for _ in range(5):
j.clients.stellar.activation_wallet.activate_account(self.address, "2.6")
self.add_known_trustline("TFT")"activated wallet {self.instance_name}")
except Exception as e:
j.logger.error(f"failed to activate wallet {self.instance_name} using activation_wallet")
raise RuntimeError(f"could not find the activation wallet: {wallet_name}")
def activate_account(self, destination_address, starting_balance="3.6"):
"""Activates another account
destination_address (str): address of the destination
starting_balance (str, optional): the balance that the destination address will start with. Must be a positive integer expressed as a string. Defaults to "12.50".
server = self._get_horizon_server()
source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret)
source_account = self.load_account()
base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee()
transaction = (
.append_create_account_op(destination=destination_address, starting_balance=starting_balance)
response = server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"]))
except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e:
def add_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, secret=None):
"""Create a trustline to an asset
asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', ...
issuer (str): address of the asset issuer
secret (str, optional): Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None.
self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer, secret=secret)"Added trustline {asset_code}:{issuer} to account {self.address}")
def add_known_trustline(self, asset_code):
"""Will add a trustline known by threefold for chosen asset_code
asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', ...
""""adding trustline {asset_code} to account {self.address}")
balances = self.get_balance()
for b in balances.balances:
if b.asset_code == asset_code:"trustline {asset_code} is already added.")
issuer = _NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS.get(, {}).get(asset_code)
if not issuer:
raise j.exceptions.NotFound(f"There is no known issuer for {asset_code} on network {}")
self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer)
def delete_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, secret=None):
"""Deletes a trustline
asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'XRP', ...
issuer (str): address of the asset issuer
secret (str, optional): Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None.
self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer, limit="0", secret=secret)"Removed trustline {asset_code}:{issuer} from account {self.address}")
def _change_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, limit=None, secret=None):
"""Create a trustline between you and the issuer of an asset
asset_code (str): code which form the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', ...
issuer (str): address of the asset issuer
limit ([type], optional): The limit for the asset, defaults to max int64(922337203685.4775807). If the limit is set to “0” it deletes the trustline. Defaults to None.
secret (str, optional): Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None.
# if no secret is provided we assume we change trustlines for this account
secret = secret or self.secret
server = self._get_horizon_server()
source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(secret)
source_public_key = source_keypair.public_key
source_account = server.load_account(source_public_key)
base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee()
transaction = (
.append_change_trust_op(Asset(asset_code,issuer), limit=limit)
except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e:
raise e
def return_xlms_to_activation(self):
xlm_balance = 0
for balance in self.get_balances():
if balance.asset_code == "XLM":
xlm_balance = balance.balance
trustlines = len(self.get_balances()) - 1
minimum_balance = 1 + 0.5 * trustlines
amount = xlm_balance - minimum_balance - XLM_TRANSACTION_FEES
self.transfer(ACTIVATION_ADDRESS, amount)
def transfer(
sequence_number: int = None,
sign: bool = True,
retries: int = 5,
"""Transfer assets to another address
destination_address (str): address of the destination
amount (str): can be a floating point number with 7 numbers after the decimal point expressed as a string
asset (str, optional): asset to transfer. Defaults to "XLM". if you wish to specify an asset it should be in format 'assetcode:issuer'. Where issuer is the address of the
issuer of the asset.
locked_until (float, optional): epoch timestamp indicating until when the tokens should be locked. Defaults to None.
memo_text (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo text to add to the transaction, a string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long. Defaults to None.
memo_hash (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo hash to add to the transaction, A 32 byte hash. Defaults to None.
fund_transaction (bool, optional): use the threefoldfoundation transaction funding service. Defautls to True.
from_address (str, optional): Use a different address to send the tokens from, useful in multisig use cases. Defaults to None.
timeout (int,optional: Seconds from now on until when the transaction to be submitted to the stellar network
sequence_number (int,optional): specify a specific sequence number ( will still be increased by one) instead of loading it from the account
sign (bool,optional) : Do not sign and submit the transaction
Exception: If asset not in correct format
stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError: not enough funds for opertaion
stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError: bad transfer authentication
[type]: [description]
if decimal.Decimal(amount) <= 0:
j.logger.warning("Can not transfer empty or zero amount transaction")
nretries = 0
while nretries < retries:
return self._transfer(
except Exception as e:
nretries += 1
raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Failed to make transaction for {retries} times, Please try again later")
def _transfer(
sequence_number: int = None,
sign: bool = True,
issuer = None"Sending {amount} {asset} from {self.address} to {destination_address}")
if asset != "XLM":
assetStr = asset.split(":")
if len(assetStr) != 2:
raise Exception(f"Wrong asset format should be in format 'assetcode:issuer', but received {assetStr}")
asset_code = assetStr[0]
issuer = assetStr[1]
asset_code = asset
if locked_until is not None:
return self._transfer_locked_tokens(
horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server()
base_fee = horizon_server.fetch_base_fee()
if from_address:
source_account = horizon_server.load_account(from_address)
source_account = self.load_account()
if sequence_number:
source_account.sequence = sequence_number
transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(
if memo_text is not None:
if memo_hash is not None:
transaction =
transaction = transaction.to_xdr()
if asset_code in _NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS[]:
if fund_transaction:
transaction = self._fund_transaction(transaction=transaction)
transaction = transaction["transaction_xdr"]
if not sign:
return transaction
transaction = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(transaction, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[])
my_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret)
response = horizon_server.submit_transaction(transaction)
tx_hash = response["hash"]"Transaction hash: {tx_hash}")
return tx_hash
def list_payments(self, address: str = None, asset: str = None, cursor: str = None):
"""Get the transactions for an adddress
:param address: address of the effects.In None, the address of this wallet is taken
:param asset: stellar asset in the code:issuer form( except for XLM, which does not need an issuer)
:param cursor:pass a cursor to continue after the last call or an empty str to start receivibg a cursor
if a cursor is passed, a tuple of the payments and the cursor is returned
if address is None:
address = self.address
tx_endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().payments()
payments = []
old_cursor = "old"
new_cursor = ""
if cursor is not None:
new_cursor = cursor
while old_cursor != new_cursor:
old_cursor = new_cursor
response =
next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"]
next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query
new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0]
response_payments = response["_embedded"]["records"]
for response_payment in response_payments:
ps = PaymentSummary.from_horizon_response(response_payment, address)
if asset:
split_asset = asset.split(":")
assetcode = split_asset[0]
assetissuer = None
if len(split_asset) > 1:
assetissuer = split_asset[1]
if ps.balance and ps.balance.asset_code == assetcode:
if assetissuer and assetissuer == ps.balance.asset_issuer:
if cursor is not None:
return {"payments": payments, "cursor": new_cursor}
return payments
def list_transactions(self, address: str = None, cursor: str = None):
"""Get the transactions for an adddres
:param address (str, optional): address of the effects.If None, the address of this wallet is taken. Defaults to None.
:param cursor:pass a cursor to continue after the last call or an empty str to start receivibg a cursor
if a cursor is passed, a tuple of the payments and the cursor is returned
list: list of TransactionSummary objects
dictionary: {"transactions":list of TransactionSummary objects, "cursor":cursor}
address = address or self.address
tx_endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().transactions()
transactions = []
old_cursor = "old"
new_cursor = ""
if cursor is not None:
new_cursor = cursor
while old_cursor != new_cursor:
old_cursor = new_cursor
response =
next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"]
next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query
new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0]
response_transactions = response["_embedded"]["records"]
for response_transaction in response_transactions:
if response_transaction["successful"]:
if cursor is not None:
return {"transactions": transactions, "cursor": new_cursor}
return transactions
def get_transaction_effects(self, transaction_hash, address=None):
"""Get the effects on an adddressfor a specific transaction
transaction_hash (str): hash of the transaction
address (str, optional): address of the effects.If None, the address of this wallet is taken. Defaults to None.
list: list of Effect objects
address = address or self.address
effects = []
endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().effects()
old_cursor = "old"
new_cursor = ""
while old_cursor != new_cursor:
old_cursor = new_cursor
response =
next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"]
next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query
new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0]
response_effects = response["_embedded"]["records"]
for response_effect in response_effects:
if "account" in response_effect and response_effect["account"] == address:
return effects
def _transfer_locked_tokens(
"""Transfer locked assets to another address
destination_address (str): address of the destination
amount (str): amount, can be a floating point number with 7 numbers after the decimal point expressed as a string
asset_code (str): asset to transfer
asset_issuer (str): if the asset_code is different from 'XlM', the issuer address
unlock_time (float): an epoch timestamp indicating when the funds should be unlocked
memo_text (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo text to add to the transaction, a string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long
memo_hash (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo hash to add to the transaction, A 32 byte hash
fund_transaction (bool, optional): use the threefoldfoundation transaction funding service.Defaults to True.
from_address (str, optional): Use a different address to send the tokens from, useful in multisig use cases. Defaults to None.
[type]: [description]
unlock_time = math.ceil(unlock_time)"Creating escrow account")
escrow_kp = stellar_sdk.Keypair.random()
# minimum account balance as described at
horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server()
base_fee = horizon_server.fetch_base_fee()
base_reserve = 0.5
minimum_account_balance = (2 + 1 + 3) * base_reserve # 1 trustline and 3 signers
required_XLM = minimum_account_balance + base_fee * 0.0000001 * 3"Activating escrow account")
self.activate_account(escrow_kp.public_key, str(math.ceil(required_XLM)))
if asset_code != "XLM":"Adding trustline to escrow account")
self.add_trustline(asset_code, asset_issuer, escrow_kp.secret)
preauth_tx = self._create_unlock_transaction(escrow_kp, unlock_time)
preauth_tx_hash = preauth_tx.hash()
# save the preauth transaction in our unlock service
unlock_hash = stellar_sdk.strkey.StrKey.encode_pre_auth_tx(preauth_tx_hash)
self._create_unlockhash_transaction(unlock_hash=unlock_hash, transaction_xdr=preauth_tx.to_xdr())
self._set_account_signers(escrow_kp.public_key, destination_address, preauth_tx_hash, escrow_kp)
asset_code + ":" + asset_issuer,
return preauth_tx.to_xdr()
def _create_unlock_transaction(self, escrow_kp, unlock_time):
server = self._get_horizon_server()
escrow_account = server.load_account(escrow_kp.public_key)
tx = (
stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(escrow_account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[])
.append_set_options_op(master_weight=0, low_threshold=1, med_threshold=1, high_threshold=1)
.add_time_bounds(unlock_time, 0)
return tx
def _set_account_signers(self, address, public_key_signer, preauth_tx_hash, signer_kp):
server = self._get_horizon_server()
if address == self.address:
account = self.load_account()
account = server.load_account(address)
tx = (
stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[])
.append_pre_auth_tx_signer(preauth_tx_hash, 1)
.append_ed25519_public_key_signer(public_key_signer, 1)
.append_set_options_op(master_weight=1, low_threshold=2, med_threshold=2, high_threshold=2)
response = server.submit_transaction(tx)"Set the signers of {address} to {public_key_signer} and {preauth_tx_hash}")
def get_signing_requirements(self, address: str = None):
address = address or self.address
response = self._get_horizon_server().accounts().account_id(address).call()
signing_requirements = {}
signing_requirements["thresholds"] = response["thresholds"]
signing_requirements["signers"] = response["signers"]
return signing_requirements
def modify_signing_requirements(
self, public_keys_signers, signature_count, low_treshold=0, high_treshold=2, master_weight=2
"""modify_signing_requirements sets to amount of signatures required for the creation of multisig account. It also adds
the public keys of the signer to this account
public_keys_signers (list): list of public keys of signers
signature_count (int): amount of signatures requires to transfer funds
low_treshold (int, optional): amount of signatures required for low security operations (transaction processing, allow trust, bump sequence). Defaults to 1.
high_treshold (int, optional): amount of signatures required for high security operations (set options, account merge). Defaults to 2.
master_weight (int, optional): A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the weight of the master key. If the weight of the master key is updated to 0, it is effectively disabled. Defaults to 2.
server = self._get_horizon_server()
account = self.load_account()
source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret)
transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(
account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]
# set the signing options
# For every public key given, add it as a signer to this account
for public_key_signer in public_keys_signers:
transaction_builder.append_ed25519_public_key_signer(public_key_signer, 1)
tx =
response = server.submit_transaction(tx)"Set the signers of {self.address} to require {signature_count} signers")
except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError:"Transaction need additional signatures in order to send")
return tx.to_xdr()
def sign(self, tx_xdr: str, submit: bool = True):
"""sign signs a transaction xdr and optionally submits it to the network
tx_xdr (str): transaction to sign in xdr format
submit (bool,optional): submit the transaction tro the Stellar network
source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret)
tx = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(tx_xdr, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[])
if submit:
horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server()
return tx.to_xdr()
def sign_multisig_transaction(self, tx_xdr):
"""sign_multisig_transaction signs a transaction xdr and tries to submit it to the network
Deprecated, use sign instead
tx_xdr (str): transaction to sign in xdr format
self.sign(tx_xdr)"Multisig tx signed and sent")
except UnAuthorized as e:"Transaction needs additional signatures in order to send")
return e.transaction_xdr
def remove_signer(self, public_key_signer):
"""remove_signer removes a public key as a signer from the source account
public_key_signer (str): public key of an account
server = self._get_horizon_server()
account = self.load_account()
tx = (
stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[])
.append_ed25519_public_key_signer(public_key_signer, 0)
source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret)
response = server.submit_transaction(tx)"Multisig tx signed and sent")
except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError:"Transaction need additional signatures in order to send")
return tx.to_xdr()
def get_sender_wallet_address(self, transaction_hash):
"""Get the sender's wallet address from a transaction hash
transaction_hash (String): Transaction hash
String : Wallet Hash
server = self._get_horizon_server()
endpoint = server.operations().for_transaction(transaction_hash)
response =
# not possible for a transaction to have more than a source, so will take first one
wallet_address = response["_embedded"]["records"][0]["source_account"]
return wallet_address
def check_is_payment_transaction(self, transaction_hash):
"""Some transactions doesn't have an amount like activating the wallet
This helper method to help in iterating in transactions
transaction_hash (String): Transaction hash
Bool: True if transaction has amount - False if not
server = self._get_horizon_server()
endpoint = server.operations().for_transaction(transaction_hash)
response =
results = response["_embedded"]["records"][0]
return results["type"] == "payment"
def _get_asset(self, code="TFT", issuer=None) -> stellar_sdk.Asset:
"""Gets an stellar_sdk.Asset object by code.
if the code is TFT or TFTA we quickly return the Asset object based on the code.
if the code is native (XLM) we return the Asset object with None issuer.
if the code isn't unknown, exception is raised to manually construct the Asset object.
code (str, optional): code for the asset. Defaults to "TFT".
issuer (str, optional): issuer for the asset. Defaults to None.
ValueError: empty code, In case of issuer is None and not XLM or the code isn't for TFT or TFTA.
stellar_sdk.exceptions.AssetIssuerInvalidError: Invalid issuer
stellar_sdk.Asset: Asset object.
network =
KNOWN_ASSETS = list(_NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS[network].keys()) + ["XLM"]
if issuer and code:
return Asset(code, issuer)
if not code:
raise ValueError("An asset code is required")
if not issuer and code not in KNOWN_ASSETS:
raise ValueError(
f"Make sure to supply the issuer for {code}, issuer is allowed to be none only in case of {KNOWN_ASSETS}"
if not issuer and code in KNOWN_ASSETS:
asset_issuer = _NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS[network].get(code, None)
return Asset(code, asset_issuer)
def cancel_sell_order(self, offer_id, selling_asset: str, buying_asset: str, price: Union[str, decimal.Decimal]):
"""Deletes a selling order for amount `amount` of `selling_asset` for `buying_asset` with the price of `price`
selling_asset (str): Selling Asset
buying_asset (str): Buying Asset
offer_id (int): pass the current offer id and set the amount to 0 to cancel this offer
price (str): order price
return self._manage_sell_order(
selling_asset=selling_asset, buying_asset=buying_asset, amount="0", price=price, offer_id=offer_id
def _manage_sell_order(
selling_asset: str,
buying_asset: str,
amount: Union[str, decimal.Decimal],
price: Union[str, decimal.Decimal],
"""Places/Deletes a selling order for amount `amount` of `selling_asset` for `buying_asset` with the price of `price`
selling_asset (str): Selling Asset
buying_asset str): Buying Asset
amount (Union[str, decimal.Decimal]): Amount to sell.
price (Union[str, decimal.Decimal]): Price for selling.
timeout (int, optional): Timeout for submitting the transaction. Defaults to 30.
offer_id: pass the current offer id and set the amount to 0 to cancel this offer or another amount to update the offer
ValueError: In case of invalid issuer.
RuntimeError: Error happened during submission of the transaction.
(dict): response as the result of sumbit the transaction
stellar_selling_asset = self._get_asset(selling_asset)
stellar_buying_asset = self._get_asset(buying_asset)
server = self._get_horizon_server()
tb = TransactionBuilder(self.load_account(), network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[])
tx = (
except stellar_sdk.exceptions.AssetIssuerInvalidError as e:
raise ValueError("invalid issuer") from e
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f"error while creating order for selling: {selling_asset}, buying: {buying_asset}, amount: {amount} price: {price}"
) from e
resp = server.submit_transaction(tx)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f"couldn't submit sell offer, probably wallet is unfunded. Please check the error stacktrace for more information."
) from e
return resp
place_sell_order = _manage_sell_order
def get_created_offers(self, wallet_address: str = None):
"""Returns a list of the currently created offers
wallet_address (Str, optional): wallet address you want to get offers to. Defaults to self.address.
wallet_address = wallet_address or self.address
server = self._get_horizon_server()
endpoint = server.offers()
response =
offers = response["_embedded"]["records"]
return offers
def set_data_entry(self, name: str, value: str, address: str = None):
"""Sets, modifies or deletes a data entry (name/value pair) for an account
To delete a data entry, set the value to an empty string.
address = address or self.address
signing_key = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret)
horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server()
if address == self.address:
account = self.load_account()
account = horizon_server.load_account(address)
base_fee = horizon_server.fetch_base_fee()
transaction = (
source_account=account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee
.append_manage_data_op(name, value)
response = horizon_server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"]))
except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e:
raise e
def get_data_entries(self, address: str = None):
address = address or self.address
horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server()
response = horizon_server.accounts().account_id(address).call()
data = {}
for data_name, data_value in response["data"].items():
data[data_name] = base64.b64decode(data_value).decode("utf-8")
return data
def merge_into_account(self, destination_address: str):
"""Merges XLMs into destination address
destination_address (str): address to send XLMs to
server = self._get_horizon_server()
source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret)
source_account = self.load_account()
base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee()
transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(
balances = self.get_balance()
for balance in balances.balances:
if balance.is_native():
# Step 1: Transfer custom assets
if decimal.Decimal(balance.balance) > decimal.Decimal(0):
# Step 2: Delete trustlines
asset_issuer=balance.asset_issuer, asset_code=balance.asset_code, limit="0"
transaction =
response = server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"]))
except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e:
def get_balance_by_asset(self, asset="TFT") -> float:
balances = self.get_balance()
for balance in balances.balances:
if balance.asset_code == asset:
return float(balance.balance)
return 0
class Network (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
Expand source code
class Network(Enum): STD = "STD" TEST = "TEST"
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var STD
var TEST
class Stellar (parent_=None, instance_name_=None, **values)
A simple attribute-based namespace.
base class implementation for any class with fields which supports getting/setting raw data for any instance fields.
any instance can have an optional name and a parent.
class Person(Base): name = fields.String() age = fields.Float() p = Person(name="ahmed", age="19") print(, p.age)
, optional- parent instance. Defaults to None.
, optional- instance name. Defaults to None.
- any given field values to initiate the instance with
Expand source code
class Stellar(Client): network = fields.Enum(Network) address = fields.String() sequence = fields.Integer() sequencedate = fields.Integer() def secret_updated(self, value): self.address = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(value).public_key secret = fields.String(on_update=secret_updated) def _get_horizon_server(self): server_url = _HORIZON_NETWORKS[] server = Server(horizon_url=server_url) return server def _get_free_balances(self, address=None): address = address or self.address balances = AccountBalances(address) response = self._get_horizon_server().accounts().account_id(address).call() for response_balance in response["balances"]: balance = Balance.from_horizon_response(response_balance) if balance is not None: balances.add_balance(balance) return balances def load_account(self): horizonServer = self._get_horizon_server() saccount = horizonServer.load_account(self.address) account = Account(saccount.account.account_id, saccount.sequence, self) return account def _get_url(self, endpoint): url = _THREEFOLDFOUNDATION_TFTSTELLAR_SERVICES[] if not j.sals.nettools.wait_connection_test(url, 443, 5): raise j.exceptions.Timeout(f"Can not connect to server {url}, connection timeout") endpoint = _THREEFOLDFOUNDATION_TFTSTELLAR_ENDPOINT[endpoint] return f"https://{url}{endpoint}" def _fund_transaction(self, transaction): data = {"transaction": transaction} resp ="FUND"), json={"args": data}) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def _create_unlockhash_transaction(self, unlock_hash, transaction_xdr): data = {"unlockhash": unlock_hash, "transaction_xdr": transaction_xdr} resp ="CREATE_UNLOCK"), json={"args": data}) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def _get_unlockhash_transaction(self, unlockhash): data = {"unlockhash": unlockhash} resp ="GET_UNLOCK"), json={"args": data}) if resp.status_code == return None resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def _create_activation_code(self): data = {"address": self.address} resp ="CREATE_ACTIVATION_CODE"), json={"args": data}) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def _activation_account(self): resp ="ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT"), json={"address": self.address}) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def set_unlock_transaction(self, unlock_transaction): """ Adds a xdr encoded unlocktransaction :param unlock_transaction: xdr encoded unlocktransactionaddress of the destination. :type destination_address: str """ txe = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(unlock_transaction, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) tx_hash = txe.hash() unlock_hash = stellar_sdk.strkey.StrKey.encode_pre_auth_tx(tx_hash) self._create_unlockhash_transaction(unlock_hash=unlock_hash, transaction_xdr=txe.to_xdr()) def get_balance(self, address=None): """Gets the balances for a stellar address""" if address is None: address = self.address all_balances = self._get_free_balances(address) for account in self._find_escrow_accounts(address): all_balances.add_escrow_account(account) return all_balances def _find_escrow_accounts(self, address=None): if address is None: address = self.address escrow_accounts = [] accounts_endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().accounts() accounts_endpoint.for_signer(address) old_cursor = "old" new_cursor = "" while new_cursor != old_cursor: old_cursor = new_cursor accounts_endpoint.cursor(new_cursor) response = next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"] next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query).get("cursor") if not cursor: break new_cursor = cursor[0] accounts = response["_embedded"]["records"] for account in accounts: account_id = account["account_id"] if account_id == address: continue # Do not take the receiver's account all_signers = account["signers"] preauth_signers = [signer["key"] for signer in all_signers if signer["type"] == "preauth_tx"] # TODO check the tresholds and signers # TODO if we can merge, the amount is unlocked ( if len(preauth_signers))==0 balances = [] for response_balance in account["balances"]: balances.append(Balance.from_horizon_response(response_balance)) if is_vesting_account( account, address,, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], self._get_unlockhash_transaction, ): escrow_accounts.append(VestingAccount(account_id, balances, VESTING_SCHEME)) else: escrow_accounts.append( EscrowAccount( account_id, preauth_signers, balances, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], self._get_unlockhash_transaction, ) ) return escrow_accounts def claim_locked_funds(self): balances = self.get_balance() for locked_account in balances.escrow_accounts: if locked_account.can_be_unlocked(): self._unlock_account(locked_account) def _unlock_account(self, escrow_account): submitted_unlock_transactions = 0 for unlockhash in escrow_account.unlockhashes: unlockhash_transation = self._get_unlockhash_transaction(unlockhash=unlockhash) if unlockhash_transation is None: return["transaction_xdr"]) self._get_horizon_server().submit_transaction(unlockhash_transation["transaction_xdr"]) submitted_unlock_transactions += 1 if submitted_unlock_transactions == len(escrow_account.unlockhashes): self._merge_account(escrow_account.address) def _merge_account(self, address): server = self._get_horizon_server() account = server.load_account(address) # Increment the sequence number in case the unlock transaction was not processed before the load_account call # account.increment_sequence_number() balances = self._get_free_balances(address) base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee() transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee ) for balance in balances.balances: if balance.is_native(): continue # Step 1: Transfer custom assets if decimal.Decimal(balance.balance) > decimal.Decimal(0): transaction_builder.append_payment_op( destination=self.address, amount=balance.balance, asset_code=balance.asset_code, asset_issuer=balance.asset_issuer, source=account.account.account_id, ) # Step 2: Delete trustlines transaction_builder.append_change_trust_op( asset_issuer=balance.asset_issuer, asset_code=balance.asset_code, limit="0" ) # Step 3: Merge account transaction_builder.append_account_merge_op(self.address) transaction_builder.set_timeout(30) transaction = signer_kp = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) transaction.sign(signer_kp) server.submit_transaction(transaction) def activate_through_friendbot(self): """Activates and funds a testnet account using friendbot""" if != "TEST": raise Exception("Account activation through friendbot is only available on testnet") resp ="", params={"addr": self.address}) resp.raise_for_status()"account with address {self.address} activated and funded through friendbot") def activate_through_threefold_service(self): """ Activate your wallet through threefold services """ for _ in range(5):"trying to activate : {self.instance_name}") try: resp = self._activation_account() loaded_json = xdr = loaded_json["activation_transaction"] self.sign(xdr, submit=True)"{self.instance_name} is activated using the activation service.") return except Exception as e: j.logger.error(f"failed to activate using the activation service {e}") ## Try activating with `activation_wallet` j.clients.stellar.activation_wallet if exists ## this activator should be imported on the system. else: raise RuntimeError( "could not activate wallet. tried activation service and there's no activation_wallet configured on the system" ) def activate_through_activation_wallet(self, wallet_name="activation_wallet"): """Activate your wallet through activation wallet.""" if wallet_name in j.clients.stellar.list_all() and self.instance_name != wallet_name:"trying to fund the wallet ourselves with the activation wallet")"activation wallet {self.instance_name}") for _ in range(5): try: j.clients.stellar.activation_wallet.activate_account(self.address, "2.6") self.add_known_trustline("TFT")"activated wallet {self.instance_name}") return except Exception as e: j.logger.error(f"failed to activate wallet {self.instance_name} using activation_wallet") else: raise RuntimeError(f"could not find the activation wallet: {wallet_name}") def activate_account(self, destination_address, starting_balance="3.6"): """Activates another account Args: destination_address (str): address of the destination starting_balance (str, optional): the balance that the destination address will start with. Must be a positive integer expressed as a string. Defaults to "12.50". """ server = self._get_horizon_server() source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) source_account = self.load_account() base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee() transaction = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=source_account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee, ) .append_create_account_op(destination=destination_address, starting_balance=starting_balance) .build() ) transaction.sign(source_keypair) try: response = server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"])) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e: j.logger.debug(e) def add_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, secret=None): """Create a trustline to an asset Args: asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', ... issuer (str): address of the asset issuer secret (str, optional): Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None. """ self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer, secret=secret)"Added trustline {asset_code}:{issuer} to account {self.address}") def add_known_trustline(self, asset_code): """Will add a trustline known by threefold for chosen asset_code Args: asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', ... """"adding trustline {asset_code} to account {self.address}") balances = self.get_balance() for b in balances.balances: if b.asset_code == asset_code:"trustline {asset_code} is already added.") return issuer = _NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS.get(, {}).get(asset_code) if not issuer: raise j.exceptions.NotFound(f"There is no known issuer for {asset_code} on network {}") self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer) def delete_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, secret=None): """Deletes a trustline Args: asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'XRP', ... issuer (str): address of the asset issuer secret (str, optional): Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None. """ self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer, limit="0", secret=secret)"Removed trustline {asset_code}:{issuer} from account {self.address}") def _change_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, limit=None, secret=None): """Create a trustline between you and the issuer of an asset Args: asset_code (str): code which form the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', ... issuer (str): address of the asset issuer limit ([type], optional): The limit for the asset, defaults to max int64(922337203685.4775807). If the limit is set to “0” it deletes the trustline. Defaults to None. secret (str, optional): Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None. """ # if no secret is provided we assume we change trustlines for this account secret = secret or self.secret server = self._get_horizon_server() source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(secret) source_public_key = source_keypair.public_key source_account = server.load_account(source_public_key) base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee() transaction = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=source_account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee, ) .append_change_trust_op(Asset(asset_code,issuer), limit=limit) .set_timeout(30) .build() ) transaction.sign(source_keypair) try: server.submit_transaction(transaction) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e: j.logger.debug(e) raise e def return_xlms_to_activation(self): xlm_balance = 0 for balance in self.get_balances(): if balance.asset_code == "XLM": xlm_balance = balance.balance trustlines = len(self.get_balances()) - 1 minimum_balance = 1 + 0.5 * trustlines amount = xlm_balance - minimum_balance - XLM_TRANSACTION_FEES self.transfer(ACTIVATION_ADDRESS, amount) def transfer( self, destination_address, amount, asset="XLM", locked_until=None, memo_text=None, memo_hash=None, fund_transaction=True, from_address=None, timeout=30, sequence_number: int = None, sign: bool = True, retries: int = 5, ): """Transfer assets to another address Args: destination_address (str): address of the destination amount (str): can be a floating point number with 7 numbers after the decimal point expressed as a string asset (str, optional): asset to transfer. Defaults to "XLM". if you wish to specify an asset it should be in format 'assetcode:issuer'. Where issuer is the address of the issuer of the asset. locked_until (float, optional): epoch timestamp indicating until when the tokens should be locked. Defaults to None. memo_text (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo text to add to the transaction, a string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long. Defaults to None. memo_hash (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo hash to add to the transaction, A 32 byte hash. Defaults to None. fund_transaction (bool, optional): use the threefoldfoundation transaction funding service. Defautls to True. from_address (str, optional): Use a different address to send the tokens from, useful in multisig use cases. Defaults to None. timeout (int,optional: Seconds from now on until when the transaction to be submitted to the stellar network sequence_number (int,optional): specify a specific sequence number ( will still be increased by one) instead of loading it from the account sign (bool,optional) : Do not sign and submit the transaction Raises: Exception: If asset not in correct format stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError: not enough funds for opertaion stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError: bad transfer authentication Returns: [type]: [description] """ if decimal.Decimal(amount) <= 0: j.logger.warning("Can not transfer empty or zero amount transaction") return nretries = 0 while nretries < retries: try: return self._transfer( destination_address=destination_address, amount=amount, asset=asset, locked_until=locked_until, memo_text=memo_text, memo_hash=memo_hash, fund_transaction=fund_transaction, from_address=from_address, timeout=timeout, sequence_number=sequence_number, sign=sign, ) except Exception as e: nretries += 1 gevent.sleep(1) j.logger.warning(str(e)) raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Failed to make transaction for {retries} times, Please try again later") def _transfer( self, destination_address, amount, asset="XLM", locked_until=None, memo_text=None, memo_hash=None, fund_transaction=True, from_address=None, timeout=30, sequence_number: int = None, sign: bool = True, ): issuer = None"Sending {amount} {asset} from {self.address} to {destination_address}") if asset != "XLM": assetStr = asset.split(":") if len(assetStr) != 2: raise Exception(f"Wrong asset format should be in format 'assetcode:issuer', but received {assetStr}") asset_code = assetStr[0] issuer = assetStr[1] else: asset_code = asset if locked_until is not None: return self._transfer_locked_tokens( destination_address, amount, asset_code, issuer, locked_until, memo_text=memo_text, memo_hash=memo_hash, fund_transaction=fund_transaction, from_address=from_address, ) horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server() base_fee = horizon_server.fetch_base_fee() if from_address: source_account = horizon_server.load_account(from_address) else: source_account = self.load_account() if sequence_number: source_account.sequence = sequence_number transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=source_account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee, ) transaction_builder.append_payment_op( destination=destination_address, amount=str(amount), asset=self._get_asset(asset_code), source=source_account.account.account_id, ) transaction_builder.set_timeout(timeout) if memo_text is not None: transaction_builder.add_text_memo(memo_text) if memo_hash is not None: transaction_builder.add_hash_memo(memo_hash) transaction = transaction = transaction.to_xdr() if asset_code in _NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS[]: if fund_transaction: transaction = self._fund_transaction(transaction=transaction) transaction = transaction["transaction_xdr"] if not sign: return transaction transaction = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(transaction, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) my_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) transaction.sign(my_keypair) response = horizon_server.submit_transaction(transaction) tx_hash = response["hash"]"Transaction hash: {tx_hash}") return tx_hash def list_payments(self, address: str = None, asset: str = None, cursor: str = None): """Get the transactions for an adddress :param address: address of the effects.In None, the address of this wallet is taken :param asset: stellar asset in the code:issuer form( except for XLM, which does not need an issuer) :param cursor:pass a cursor to continue after the last call or an empty str to start receivibg a cursor if a cursor is passed, a tuple of the payments and the cursor is returned """ if address is None: address = self.address tx_endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().payments() tx_endpoint.for_account(address) tx_endpoint.limit(50) payments = [] old_cursor = "old" new_cursor = "" if cursor is not None: new_cursor = cursor while old_cursor != new_cursor: old_cursor = new_cursor tx_endpoint.cursor(new_cursor) response = next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"] next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0] response_payments = response["_embedded"]["records"] for response_payment in response_payments: ps = PaymentSummary.from_horizon_response(response_payment, address) if asset: split_asset = asset.split(":") assetcode = split_asset[0] assetissuer = None if len(split_asset) > 1: assetissuer = split_asset[1] if ps.balance and ps.balance.asset_code == assetcode: if assetissuer and assetissuer == ps.balance.asset_issuer: payments.append(ps) else: payments.append(ps) if cursor is not None: return {"payments": payments, "cursor": new_cursor} return payments def list_transactions(self, address: str = None, cursor: str = None): """Get the transactions for an adddres :param address (str, optional): address of the effects.If None, the address of this wallet is taken. Defaults to None. :param cursor:pass a cursor to continue after the last call or an empty str to start receivibg a cursor if a cursor is passed, a tuple of the payments and the cursor is returned Returns: list: list of TransactionSummary objects dictionary: {"transactions":list of TransactionSummary objects, "cursor":cursor} """ address = address or self.address tx_endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().transactions() tx_endpoint.for_account(address) tx_endpoint.include_failed(True) transactions = [] old_cursor = "old" new_cursor = "" if cursor is not None: new_cursor = cursor while old_cursor != new_cursor: old_cursor = new_cursor tx_endpoint.cursor(new_cursor) response = next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"] next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0] response_transactions = response["_embedded"]["records"] for response_transaction in response_transactions: if response_transaction["successful"]: transactions.append(TransactionSummary.from_horizon_response(response_transaction)) if cursor is not None: return {"transactions": transactions, "cursor": new_cursor} return transactions def get_transaction_effects(self, transaction_hash, address=None): """Get the effects on an adddressfor a specific transaction Args: transaction_hash (str): hash of the transaction address (str, optional): address of the effects.If None, the address of this wallet is taken. Defaults to None. Returns: list: list of Effect objects """ address = address or self.address effects = [] endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().effects() endpoint.for_transaction(transaction_hash) old_cursor = "old" new_cursor = "" while old_cursor != new_cursor: old_cursor = new_cursor endpoint.cursor(new_cursor) response = next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"] next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0] response_effects = response["_embedded"]["records"] for response_effect in response_effects: if "account" in response_effect and response_effect["account"] == address: effects.append(Effect.from_horizon_response(response_effect)) return effects def _transfer_locked_tokens( self, destination_address, amount, asset_code, asset_issuer, unlock_time, memo_text=None, memo_hash=None, fund_transaction=True, from_address=None, ): """Transfer locked assets to another address Args: destination_address (str): address of the destination amount (str): amount, can be a floating point number with 7 numbers after the decimal point expressed as a string asset_code (str): asset to transfer asset_issuer (str): if the asset_code is different from 'XlM', the issuer address unlock_time (float): an epoch timestamp indicating when the funds should be unlocked memo_text (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo text to add to the transaction, a string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long memo_hash (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo hash to add to the transaction, A 32 byte hash fund_transaction (bool, optional): use the threefoldfoundation transaction funding service.Defaults to True. from_address (str, optional): Use a different address to send the tokens from, useful in multisig use cases. Defaults to None. Returns: [type]: [description] """ unlock_time = math.ceil(unlock_time)"Creating escrow account") escrow_kp = stellar_sdk.Keypair.random() # minimum account balance as described at horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server() base_fee = horizon_server.fetch_base_fee() base_reserve = 0.5 minimum_account_balance = (2 + 1 + 3) * base_reserve # 1 trustline and 3 signers required_XLM = minimum_account_balance + base_fee * 0.0000001 * 3"Activating escrow account") self.activate_account(escrow_kp.public_key, str(math.ceil(required_XLM))) if asset_code != "XLM":"Adding trustline to escrow account") self.add_trustline(asset_code, asset_issuer, escrow_kp.secret) preauth_tx = self._create_unlock_transaction(escrow_kp, unlock_time) preauth_tx_hash = preauth_tx.hash() # save the preauth transaction in our unlock service unlock_hash = stellar_sdk.strkey.StrKey.encode_pre_auth_tx(preauth_tx_hash) self._create_unlockhash_transaction(unlock_hash=unlock_hash, transaction_xdr=preauth_tx.to_xdr()) self._set_account_signers(escrow_kp.public_key, destination_address, preauth_tx_hash, escrow_kp) self.transfer( escrow_kp.public_key, amount, asset_code + ":" + asset_issuer, memo_text=memo_text, memo_hash=memo_hash, fund_transaction=fund_transaction, from_address=from_address, ) return preauth_tx.to_xdr() def _create_unlock_transaction(self, escrow_kp, unlock_time): server = self._get_horizon_server() escrow_account = server.load_account(escrow_kp.public_key) escrow_account.increment_sequence_number() tx = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(escrow_account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) .append_set_options_op(master_weight=0, low_threshold=1, med_threshold=1, high_threshold=1) .add_time_bounds(unlock_time, 0) .build() ) tx.sign(escrow_kp) return tx def _set_account_signers(self, address, public_key_signer, preauth_tx_hash, signer_kp): server = self._get_horizon_server() if address == self.address: account = self.load_account() else: account = server.load_account(address) tx = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) .append_pre_auth_tx_signer(preauth_tx_hash, 1) .append_ed25519_public_key_signer(public_key_signer, 1) .append_set_options_op(master_weight=1, low_threshold=2, med_threshold=2, high_threshold=2) .build() ) tx.sign(signer_kp) response = server.submit_transaction(tx)"Set the signers of {address} to {public_key_signer} and {preauth_tx_hash}") def get_signing_requirements(self, address: str = None): address = address or self.address response = self._get_horizon_server().accounts().account_id(address).call() signing_requirements = {} signing_requirements["thresholds"] = response["thresholds"] signing_requirements["signers"] = response["signers"] return signing_requirements def modify_signing_requirements( self, public_keys_signers, signature_count, low_treshold=0, high_treshold=2, master_weight=2 ): """modify_signing_requirements sets to amount of signatures required for the creation of multisig account. It also adds the public keys of the signer to this account Args: public_keys_signers (list): list of public keys of signers signature_count (int): amount of signatures requires to transfer funds low_treshold (int, optional): amount of signatures required for low security operations (transaction processing, allow trust, bump sequence). Defaults to 1. high_treshold (int, optional): amount of signatures required for high security operations (set options, account merge). Defaults to 2. master_weight (int, optional): A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the weight of the master key. If the weight of the master key is updated to 0, it is effectively disabled. Defaults to 2. """ server = self._get_horizon_server() account = self.load_account() source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[] ) # set the signing options transaction_builder.append_set_options_op( low_threshold=low_treshold, med_threshold=signature_count, high_threshold=high_treshold, master_weight=master_weight, ) # For every public key given, add it as a signer to this account for public_key_signer in public_keys_signers: transaction_builder.append_ed25519_public_key_signer(public_key_signer, 1) transaction_builder.set_timeout(30) tx = tx.sign(source_keypair) try: response = server.submit_transaction(tx)"Set the signers of {self.address} to require {signature_count} signers") except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError:"Transaction need additional signatures in order to send") return tx.to_xdr() def sign(self, tx_xdr: str, submit: bool = True): """sign signs a transaction xdr and optionally submits it to the network Args: tx_xdr (str): transaction to sign in xdr format submit (bool,optional): submit the transaction tro the Stellar network """ source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) tx = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(tx_xdr, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) tx.sign(source_keypair) if submit: horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server() horizon_server.submit_transaction(tx) else: return tx.to_xdr() def sign_multisig_transaction(self, tx_xdr): """sign_multisig_transaction signs a transaction xdr and tries to submit it to the network Deprecated, use sign instead Args: tx_xdr (str): transaction to sign in xdr format """ try: self.sign(tx_xdr)"Multisig tx signed and sent") except UnAuthorized as e:"Transaction needs additional signatures in order to send") return e.transaction_xdr def remove_signer(self, public_key_signer): """remove_signer removes a public key as a signer from the source account Args: public_key_signer (str): public key of an account """ server = self._get_horizon_server() account = self.load_account() tx = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) .append_ed25519_public_key_signer(public_key_signer, 0) .build() ) source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) tx.sign(source_keypair) try: response = server.submit_transaction(tx)"Multisig tx signed and sent") except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError:"Transaction need additional signatures in order to send") return tx.to_xdr() def get_sender_wallet_address(self, transaction_hash): """Get the sender's wallet address from a transaction hash Args: transaction_hash (String): Transaction hash Returns: String : Wallet Hash """ server = self._get_horizon_server() endpoint = server.operations().for_transaction(transaction_hash) response = # not possible for a transaction to have more than a source, so will take first one wallet_address = response["_embedded"]["records"][0]["source_account"] return wallet_address def check_is_payment_transaction(self, transaction_hash): """Some transactions doesn't have an amount like activating the wallet This helper method to help in iterating in transactions Args: transaction_hash (String): Transaction hash Returns: Bool: True if transaction has amount - False if not """ server = self._get_horizon_server() endpoint = server.operations().for_transaction(transaction_hash) response = results = response["_embedded"]["records"][0] return results["type"] == "payment" def _get_asset(self, code="TFT", issuer=None) -> stellar_sdk.Asset: """Gets an stellar_sdk.Asset object by code. if the code is TFT or TFTA we quickly return the Asset object based on the code. if the code is native (XLM) we return the Asset object with None issuer. if the code isn't unknown, exception is raised to manually construct the Asset object. Args: code (str, optional): code for the asset. Defaults to "TFT". issuer (str, optional): issuer for the asset. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: empty code, In case of issuer is None and not XLM or the code isn't for TFT or TFTA. stellar_sdk.exceptions.AssetIssuerInvalidError: Invalid issuer Returns: stellar_sdk.Asset: Asset object. """ network = KNOWN_ASSETS = list(_NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS[network].keys()) + ["XLM"] if issuer and code: return Asset(code, issuer) if not code: raise ValueError("An asset code is required") if not issuer and code not in KNOWN_ASSETS: raise ValueError( f"Make sure to supply the issuer for {code}, issuer is allowed to be none only in case of {KNOWN_ASSETS}" ) if not issuer and code in KNOWN_ASSETS: asset_issuer = _NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS[network].get(code, None) return Asset(code, asset_issuer) def cancel_sell_order(self, offer_id, selling_asset: str, buying_asset: str, price: Union[str, decimal.Decimal]): """Deletes a selling order for amount `amount` of `selling_asset` for `buying_asset` with the price of `price` Args: selling_asset (str): Selling Asset buying_asset (str): Buying Asset offer_id (int): pass the current offer id and set the amount to 0 to cancel this offer price (str): order price """ return self._manage_sell_order( selling_asset=selling_asset, buying_asset=buying_asset, amount="0", price=price, offer_id=offer_id ) def _manage_sell_order( self, selling_asset: str, buying_asset: str, amount: Union[str, decimal.Decimal], price: Union[str, decimal.Decimal], timeout=30, offer_id=0, ): """Places/Deletes a selling order for amount `amount` of `selling_asset` for `buying_asset` with the price of `price` Args: selling_asset (str): Selling Asset buying_asset str): Buying Asset amount (Union[str, decimal.Decimal]): Amount to sell. price (Union[str, decimal.Decimal]): Price for selling. timeout (int, optional): Timeout for submitting the transaction. Defaults to 30. offer_id: pass the current offer id and set the amount to 0 to cancel this offer or another amount to update the offer Raises: ValueError: In case of invalid issuer. RuntimeError: Error happened during submission of the transaction. Returns: (dict): response as the result of sumbit the transaction """ stellar_selling_asset = self._get_asset(selling_asset) stellar_buying_asset = self._get_asset(buying_asset) server = self._get_horizon_server() tb = TransactionBuilder(self.load_account(), network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) try: tx = ( tb.append_manage_sell_offer_op( selling_code=stellar_selling_asset.code, selling_issuer=stellar_selling_asset.issuer, buying_code=stellar_buying_asset.code, buying_issuer=stellar_buying_asset.issuer, amount=amount, price=price, offer_id=offer_id, ) .set_timeout(timeout) .build() ) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.AssetIssuerInvalidError as e: raise ValueError("invalid issuer") from e except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( f"error while creating order for selling: {selling_asset}, buying: {buying_asset}, amount: {amount} price: {price}" ) from e else: tx.sign(self.secret) try: resp = server.submit_transaction(tx) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( f"couldn't submit sell offer, probably wallet is unfunded. Please check the error stacktrace for more information." ) from e return resp place_sell_order = _manage_sell_order def get_created_offers(self, wallet_address: str = None): """Returns a list of the currently created offers Args: wallet_address (Str, optional): wallet address you want to get offers to. Defaults to self.address. Returns: list """ wallet_address = wallet_address or self.address server = self._get_horizon_server() endpoint = server.offers() endpoint.for_account(wallet_address) response = offers = response["_embedded"]["records"] return offers def set_data_entry(self, name: str, value: str, address: str = None): """Sets, modifies or deletes a data entry (name/value pair) for an account To delete a data entry, set the value to an empty string. """ address = address or self.address signing_key = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server() if address == self.address: account = self.load_account() else: account = horizon_server.load_account(address) base_fee = horizon_server.fetch_base_fee() transaction = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee ) .append_manage_data_op(name, value) .set_timeout(30) .build() ) transaction.sign(signing_key) try: response = horizon_server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"])) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e: j.logger.debug(e) raise e def get_data_entries(self, address: str = None): address = address or self.address horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server() response = horizon_server.accounts().account_id(address).call() data = {} for data_name, data_value in response["data"].items(): data[data_name] = base64.b64decode(data_value).decode("utf-8") return data def merge_into_account(self, destination_address: str): """Merges XLMs into destination address Args: destination_address (str): address to send XLMs to """ server = self._get_horizon_server() source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) source_account = self.load_account() base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee() transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=source_account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee, ) balances = self.get_balance() for balance in balances.balances: if balance.is_native(): continue # Step 1: Transfer custom assets if decimal.Decimal(balance.balance) > decimal.Decimal(0): transaction_builder.append_payment_op( destination=destination_address, amount=balance.balance, asset_code=balance.asset_code, asset_issuer=balance.asset_issuer, ) # Step 2: Delete trustlines transaction_builder.append_change_trust_op( asset_issuer=balance.asset_issuer, asset_code=balance.asset_code, limit="0" ) transaction_builder.append_account_merge_op(destination=destination_address) transaction = transaction.sign(source_keypair) try: response = server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"])) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e: j.logger.debug(e) def get_balance_by_asset(self, asset="TFT") -> float: balances = self.get_balance() for balance in balances.balances: if balance.asset_code == asset: return float(balance.balance) return 0
Instance variables
var address
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var network
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var secret
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var sequence
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
var sequencedate
getter method this property
will call
, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if notReturns
- the field value
Expand source code
def getter(self): """ getter method this property will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not Returns: any: the field value """ return self._get_value(name, field)
def activate_account(self, destination_address, starting_balance='3.6')
Activates another account
- address of the destination
, optional- the balance that the destination address will start with. Must be a positive integer expressed as a string. Defaults to "12.50".
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def activate_account(self, destination_address, starting_balance="3.6"): """Activates another account Args: destination_address (str): address of the destination starting_balance (str, optional): the balance that the destination address will start with. Must be a positive integer expressed as a string. Defaults to "12.50". """ server = self._get_horizon_server() source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) source_account = self.load_account() base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee() transaction = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=source_account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee, ) .append_create_account_op(destination=destination_address, starting_balance=starting_balance) .build() ) transaction.sign(source_keypair) try: response = server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"])) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e: j.logger.debug(e)
def activate_through_activation_wallet(self, wallet_name='activation_wallet')
Activate your wallet through activation wallet.
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def activate_through_activation_wallet(self, wallet_name="activation_wallet"): """Activate your wallet through activation wallet.""" if wallet_name in j.clients.stellar.list_all() and self.instance_name != wallet_name:"trying to fund the wallet ourselves with the activation wallet")"activation wallet {self.instance_name}") for _ in range(5): try: j.clients.stellar.activation_wallet.activate_account(self.address, "2.6") self.add_known_trustline("TFT")"activated wallet {self.instance_name}") return except Exception as e: j.logger.error(f"failed to activate wallet {self.instance_name} using activation_wallet") else: raise RuntimeError(f"could not find the activation wallet: {wallet_name}")
def activate_through_friendbot(self)
Activates and funds a testnet account using friendbot
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def activate_through_friendbot(self): """Activates and funds a testnet account using friendbot""" if != "TEST": raise Exception("Account activation through friendbot is only available on testnet") resp ="", params={"addr": self.address}) resp.raise_for_status()"account with address {self.address} activated and funded through friendbot")
def activate_through_threefold_service(self)
Activate your wallet through threefold services
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def activate_through_threefold_service(self): """ Activate your wallet through threefold services """ for _ in range(5):"trying to activate : {self.instance_name}") try: resp = self._activation_account() loaded_json = xdr = loaded_json["activation_transaction"] self.sign(xdr, submit=True)"{self.instance_name} is activated using the activation service.") return except Exception as e: j.logger.error(f"failed to activate using the activation service {e}") ## Try activating with `activation_wallet` j.clients.stellar.activation_wallet if exists ## this activator should be imported on the system. else: raise RuntimeError( "could not activate wallet. tried activation service and there's no activation_wallet configured on the system" )
def add_known_trustline(self, asset_code)
Will add a trustline known by threefold for chosen asset_code
- code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', …
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def add_known_trustline(self, asset_code): """Will add a trustline known by threefold for chosen asset_code Args: asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', ... """"adding trustline {asset_code} to account {self.address}") balances = self.get_balance() for b in balances.balances: if b.asset_code == asset_code:"trustline {asset_code} is already added.") return issuer = _NETWORK_KNOWN_TRUSTS.get(, {}).get(asset_code) if not issuer: raise j.exceptions.NotFound(f"There is no known issuer for {asset_code} on network {}") self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer)
def add_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, secret=None)
Create a trustline to an asset
- code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', …
- address of the asset issuer
, optional- Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None.
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def add_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, secret=None): """Create a trustline to an asset Args: asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'TFT', ... issuer (str): address of the asset issuer secret (str, optional): Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None. """ self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer, secret=secret)"Added trustline {asset_code}:{issuer} to account {self.address}")
def cancel_sell_order(self, offer_id, selling_asset: str, buying_asset: str, price: Union[str, decimal.Decimal])
Deletes a selling order for amount
with the price ofprice
- Selling Asset
- Buying Asset
- pass the current offer id and set the amount to 0 to cancel this offer
- order price
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def cancel_sell_order(self, offer_id, selling_asset: str, buying_asset: str, price: Union[str, decimal.Decimal]): """Deletes a selling order for amount `amount` of `selling_asset` for `buying_asset` with the price of `price` Args: selling_asset (str): Selling Asset buying_asset (str): Buying Asset offer_id (int): pass the current offer id and set the amount to 0 to cancel this offer price (str): order price """ return self._manage_sell_order( selling_asset=selling_asset, buying_asset=buying_asset, amount="0", price=price, offer_id=offer_id )
def check_is_payment_transaction(self, transaction_hash)
Some transactions doesn't have an amount like activating the wallet This helper method to help in iterating in transactions
- Transaction hash
- True if transaction has amount - False if not
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def check_is_payment_transaction(self, transaction_hash): """Some transactions doesn't have an amount like activating the wallet This helper method to help in iterating in transactions Args: transaction_hash (String): Transaction hash Returns: Bool: True if transaction has amount - False if not """ server = self._get_horizon_server() endpoint = server.operations().for_transaction(transaction_hash) response = results = response["_embedded"]["records"][0] return results["type"] == "payment"
def claim_locked_funds(self)
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def claim_locked_funds(self): balances = self.get_balance() for locked_account in balances.escrow_accounts: if locked_account.can_be_unlocked(): self._unlock_account(locked_account)
def delete_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, secret=None)
Deletes a trustline
- code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'XRP', …
- address of the asset issuer
, optional- Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None.
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def delete_trustline(self, asset_code, issuer, secret=None): """Deletes a trustline Args: asset_code (str): code of the asset. For example: 'BTC', 'XRP', ... issuer (str): address of the asset issuer secret (str, optional): Secret to use will use instance property if empty. Defaults to None. """ self._change_trustline(asset_code, issuer, limit="0", secret=secret)"Removed trustline {asset_code}:{issuer} from account {self.address}")
def get_balance(self, address=None)
Gets the balances for a stellar address
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def get_balance(self, address=None): """Gets the balances for a stellar address""" if address is None: address = self.address all_balances = self._get_free_balances(address) for account in self._find_escrow_accounts(address): all_balances.add_escrow_account(account) return all_balances
def get_balance_by_asset(self, asset='TFT') ‑> float
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def get_balance_by_asset(self, asset="TFT") -> float: balances = self.get_balance() for balance in balances.balances: if balance.asset_code == asset: return float(balance.balance) return 0
def get_created_offers(self, wallet_address: str = None)
Returns a list of the currently created offers
, optional- wallet address you want to get offers to. Defaults to self.address.
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def get_created_offers(self, wallet_address: str = None): """Returns a list of the currently created offers Args: wallet_address (Str, optional): wallet address you want to get offers to. Defaults to self.address. Returns: list """ wallet_address = wallet_address or self.address server = self._get_horizon_server() endpoint = server.offers() endpoint.for_account(wallet_address) response = offers = response["_embedded"]["records"] return offers
def get_data_entries(self, address: str = None)
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def get_data_entries(self, address: str = None): address = address or self.address horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server() response = horizon_server.accounts().account_id(address).call() data = {} for data_name, data_value in response["data"].items(): data[data_name] = base64.b64decode(data_value).decode("utf-8") return data
def get_sender_wallet_address(self, transaction_hash)
Get the sender's wallet address from a transaction hash
- Transaction hash
- Wallet Hash
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def get_sender_wallet_address(self, transaction_hash): """Get the sender's wallet address from a transaction hash Args: transaction_hash (String): Transaction hash Returns: String : Wallet Hash """ server = self._get_horizon_server() endpoint = server.operations().for_transaction(transaction_hash) response = # not possible for a transaction to have more than a source, so will take first one wallet_address = response["_embedded"]["records"][0]["source_account"] return wallet_address
def get_signing_requirements(self, address: str = None)
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def get_signing_requirements(self, address: str = None): address = address or self.address response = self._get_horizon_server().accounts().account_id(address).call() signing_requirements = {} signing_requirements["thresholds"] = response["thresholds"] signing_requirements["signers"] = response["signers"] return signing_requirements
def get_transaction_effects(self, transaction_hash, address=None)
Get the effects on an adddressfor a specific transaction
- hash of the transaction
, optional- address of the effects.If None, the address of this wallet is taken. Defaults to None.
- list of Effect objects
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def get_transaction_effects(self, transaction_hash, address=None): """Get the effects on an adddressfor a specific transaction Args: transaction_hash (str): hash of the transaction address (str, optional): address of the effects.If None, the address of this wallet is taken. Defaults to None. Returns: list: list of Effect objects """ address = address or self.address effects = [] endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().effects() endpoint.for_transaction(transaction_hash) old_cursor = "old" new_cursor = "" while old_cursor != new_cursor: old_cursor = new_cursor endpoint.cursor(new_cursor) response = next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"] next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0] response_effects = response["_embedded"]["records"] for response_effect in response_effects: if "account" in response_effect and response_effect["account"] == address: effects.append(Effect.from_horizon_response(response_effect)) return effects
def list_payments(self, address: str = None, asset: str = None, cursor: str = None)
Get the transactions for an adddress :param address: address of the effects.In None, the address of this wallet is taken :param asset: stellar asset in the code:issuer form( except for XLM, which does not need an issuer) :param cursor:pass a cursor to continue after the last call or an empty str to start receivibg a cursor if a cursor is passed, a tuple of the payments and the cursor is returned
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def list_payments(self, address: str = None, asset: str = None, cursor: str = None): """Get the transactions for an adddress :param address: address of the effects.In None, the address of this wallet is taken :param asset: stellar asset in the code:issuer form( except for XLM, which does not need an issuer) :param cursor:pass a cursor to continue after the last call or an empty str to start receivibg a cursor if a cursor is passed, a tuple of the payments and the cursor is returned """ if address is None: address = self.address tx_endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().payments() tx_endpoint.for_account(address) tx_endpoint.limit(50) payments = [] old_cursor = "old" new_cursor = "" if cursor is not None: new_cursor = cursor while old_cursor != new_cursor: old_cursor = new_cursor tx_endpoint.cursor(new_cursor) response = next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"] next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0] response_payments = response["_embedded"]["records"] for response_payment in response_payments: ps = PaymentSummary.from_horizon_response(response_payment, address) if asset: split_asset = asset.split(":") assetcode = split_asset[0] assetissuer = None if len(split_asset) > 1: assetissuer = split_asset[1] if ps.balance and ps.balance.asset_code == assetcode: if assetissuer and assetissuer == ps.balance.asset_issuer: payments.append(ps) else: payments.append(ps) if cursor is not None: return {"payments": payments, "cursor": new_cursor} return payments
def list_transactions(self, address: str = None, cursor: str = None)
Get the transactions for an adddres :param address (str, optional): address of the effects.If None, the address of this wallet is taken. Defaults to None. :param cursor:pass a cursor to continue after the last call or an empty str to start receivibg a cursor if a cursor is passed, a tuple of the payments and the cursor is returned
- list of TransactionSummary objects
- {"transactions":list of TransactionSummary objects, "cursor":cursor}
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def list_transactions(self, address: str = None, cursor: str = None): """Get the transactions for an adddres :param address (str, optional): address of the effects.If None, the address of this wallet is taken. Defaults to None. :param cursor:pass a cursor to continue after the last call or an empty str to start receivibg a cursor if a cursor is passed, a tuple of the payments and the cursor is returned Returns: list: list of TransactionSummary objects dictionary: {"transactions":list of TransactionSummary objects, "cursor":cursor} """ address = address or self.address tx_endpoint = self._get_horizon_server().transactions() tx_endpoint.for_account(address) tx_endpoint.include_failed(True) transactions = [] old_cursor = "old" new_cursor = "" if cursor is not None: new_cursor = cursor while old_cursor != new_cursor: old_cursor = new_cursor tx_endpoint.cursor(new_cursor) response = next_link = response["_links"]["next"]["href"] next_link_query = parse.urlsplit(next_link).query new_cursor = parse.parse_qs(next_link_query)["cursor"][0] response_transactions = response["_embedded"]["records"] for response_transaction in response_transactions: if response_transaction["successful"]: transactions.append(TransactionSummary.from_horizon_response(response_transaction)) if cursor is not None: return {"transactions": transactions, "cursor": new_cursor} return transactions
def load_account(self)
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def load_account(self): horizonServer = self._get_horizon_server() saccount = horizonServer.load_account(self.address) account = Account(saccount.account.account_id, saccount.sequence, self) return account
def merge_into_account(self, destination_address: str)
Merges XLMs into destination address
- address to send XLMs to
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def merge_into_account(self, destination_address: str): """Merges XLMs into destination address Args: destination_address (str): address to send XLMs to """ server = self._get_horizon_server() source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) source_account = self.load_account() base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee() transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=source_account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee, ) balances = self.get_balance() for balance in balances.balances: if balance.is_native(): continue # Step 1: Transfer custom assets if decimal.Decimal(balance.balance) > decimal.Decimal(0): transaction_builder.append_payment_op( destination=destination_address, amount=balance.balance, asset_code=balance.asset_code, asset_issuer=balance.asset_issuer, ) # Step 2: Delete trustlines transaction_builder.append_change_trust_op( asset_issuer=balance.asset_issuer, asset_code=balance.asset_code, limit="0" ) transaction_builder.append_account_merge_op(destination=destination_address) transaction = transaction.sign(source_keypair) try: response = server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"])) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e: j.logger.debug(e)
def modify_signing_requirements(self, public_keys_signers, signature_count, low_treshold=0, high_treshold=2, master_weight=2)
modify_signing_requirements sets to amount of signatures required for the creation of multisig account. It also adds the public keys of the signer to this account
- list of public keys of signers
- amount of signatures requires to transfer funds
, optional- amount of signatures required for low security operations (transaction processing, allow trust, bump sequence). Defaults to 1.
, optional- amount of signatures required for high security operations (set options, account merge). Defaults to 2.
, optional- A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the weight of the master key. If the weight of the master key is updated to 0, it is effectively disabled. Defaults to 2.
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def modify_signing_requirements( self, public_keys_signers, signature_count, low_treshold=0, high_treshold=2, master_weight=2 ): """modify_signing_requirements sets to amount of signatures required for the creation of multisig account. It also adds the public keys of the signer to this account Args: public_keys_signers (list): list of public keys of signers signature_count (int): amount of signatures requires to transfer funds low_treshold (int, optional): amount of signatures required for low security operations (transaction processing, allow trust, bump sequence). Defaults to 1. high_treshold (int, optional): amount of signatures required for high security operations (set options, account merge). Defaults to 2. master_weight (int, optional): A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the weight of the master key. If the weight of the master key is updated to 0, it is effectively disabled. Defaults to 2. """ server = self._get_horizon_server() account = self.load_account() source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) transaction_builder = stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[] ) # set the signing options transaction_builder.append_set_options_op( low_threshold=low_treshold, med_threshold=signature_count, high_threshold=high_treshold, master_weight=master_weight, ) # For every public key given, add it as a signer to this account for public_key_signer in public_keys_signers: transaction_builder.append_ed25519_public_key_signer(public_key_signer, 1) transaction_builder.set_timeout(30) tx = tx.sign(source_keypair) try: response = server.submit_transaction(tx)"Set the signers of {self.address} to require {signature_count} signers") except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError:"Transaction need additional signatures in order to send") return tx.to_xdr()
def place_sell_order(self, selling_asset: str, buying_asset: str, amount: Union[str, decimal.Decimal], price: Union[str, decimal.Decimal], timeout=30, offer_id=0)
Places/Deletes a selling order for amount
with the price ofprice
- Selling Asset
- buying_asset str): Buying Asset
:Union[str, decimal.Decimal]
- Amount to sell.
:Union[str, decimal.Decimal]
- Price for selling.
, optional- Timeout for submitting the transaction. Defaults to 30.
- pass the current offer id and set the amount to 0 to cancel this offer or another amount to update the offer
- In case of invalid issuer.
- Error happened during submission of the transaction.
(dict): response as the result of sumbit the transaction
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def _manage_sell_order( self, selling_asset: str, buying_asset: str, amount: Union[str, decimal.Decimal], price: Union[str, decimal.Decimal], timeout=30, offer_id=0, ): """Places/Deletes a selling order for amount `amount` of `selling_asset` for `buying_asset` with the price of `price` Args: selling_asset (str): Selling Asset buying_asset str): Buying Asset amount (Union[str, decimal.Decimal]): Amount to sell. price (Union[str, decimal.Decimal]): Price for selling. timeout (int, optional): Timeout for submitting the transaction. Defaults to 30. offer_id: pass the current offer id and set the amount to 0 to cancel this offer or another amount to update the offer Raises: ValueError: In case of invalid issuer. RuntimeError: Error happened during submission of the transaction. Returns: (dict): response as the result of sumbit the transaction """ stellar_selling_asset = self._get_asset(selling_asset) stellar_buying_asset = self._get_asset(buying_asset) server = self._get_horizon_server() tb = TransactionBuilder(self.load_account(), network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) try: tx = ( tb.append_manage_sell_offer_op( selling_code=stellar_selling_asset.code, selling_issuer=stellar_selling_asset.issuer, buying_code=stellar_buying_asset.code, buying_issuer=stellar_buying_asset.issuer, amount=amount, price=price, offer_id=offer_id, ) .set_timeout(timeout) .build() ) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.AssetIssuerInvalidError as e: raise ValueError("invalid issuer") from e except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( f"error while creating order for selling: {selling_asset}, buying: {buying_asset}, amount: {amount} price: {price}" ) from e else: tx.sign(self.secret) try: resp = server.submit_transaction(tx) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( f"couldn't submit sell offer, probably wallet is unfunded. Please check the error stacktrace for more information." ) from e return resp
def remove_signer(self, public_key_signer)
remove_signer removes a public key as a signer from the source account
- public key of an account
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def remove_signer(self, public_key_signer): """remove_signer removes a public key as a signer from the source account Args: public_key_signer (str): public key of an account """ server = self._get_horizon_server() account = self.load_account() tx = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder(account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) .append_ed25519_public_key_signer(public_key_signer, 0) .build() ) source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) tx.sign(source_keypair) try: response = server.submit_transaction(tx)"Multisig tx signed and sent") except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError:"Transaction need additional signatures in order to send") return tx.to_xdr()
def return_xlms_to_activation(self)
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def return_xlms_to_activation(self): xlm_balance = 0 for balance in self.get_balances(): if balance.asset_code == "XLM": xlm_balance = balance.balance trustlines = len(self.get_balances()) - 1 minimum_balance = 1 + 0.5 * trustlines amount = xlm_balance - minimum_balance - XLM_TRANSACTION_FEES self.transfer(ACTIVATION_ADDRESS, amount)
def secret_updated(self, value)
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def secret_updated(self, value): self.address = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(value).public_key
def set_data_entry(self, name: str, value: str, address: str = None)
Sets, modifies or deletes a data entry (name/value pair) for an account
To delete a data entry, set the value to an empty string.
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def set_data_entry(self, name: str, value: str, address: str = None): """Sets, modifies or deletes a data entry (name/value pair) for an account To delete a data entry, set the value to an empty string. """ address = address or self.address signing_key = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server() if address == self.address: account = self.load_account() else: account = horizon_server.load_account(address) base_fee = horizon_server.fetch_base_fee() transaction = ( stellar_sdk.TransactionBuilder( source_account=account, network_passphrase=_NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[], base_fee=base_fee ) .append_manage_data_op(name, value) .set_timeout(30) .build() ) transaction.sign(signing_key) try: response = horizon_server.submit_transaction(transaction)"Transaction hash: {}".format(response["hash"])) except stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError as e: j.logger.debug(e) raise e
def set_unlock_transaction(self, unlock_transaction)
Adds a xdr encoded unlocktransaction :param unlock_transaction: xdr encoded unlocktransactionaddress of the destination. :type destination_address: str
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def set_unlock_transaction(self, unlock_transaction): """ Adds a xdr encoded unlocktransaction :param unlock_transaction: xdr encoded unlocktransactionaddress of the destination. :type destination_address: str """ txe = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(unlock_transaction, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) tx_hash = txe.hash() unlock_hash = stellar_sdk.strkey.StrKey.encode_pre_auth_tx(tx_hash) self._create_unlockhash_transaction(unlock_hash=unlock_hash, transaction_xdr=txe.to_xdr())
def sign(self, tx_xdr: str, submit: bool = True)
sign signs a transaction xdr and optionally submits it to the network
- transaction to sign in xdr format
,optional- submit the transaction tro the Stellar network
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def sign(self, tx_xdr: str, submit: bool = True): """sign signs a transaction xdr and optionally submits it to the network Args: tx_xdr (str): transaction to sign in xdr format submit (bool,optional): submit the transaction tro the Stellar network """ source_keypair = stellar_sdk.Keypair.from_secret(self.secret) tx = stellar_sdk.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(tx_xdr, _NETWORK_PASSPHRASES[]) tx.sign(source_keypair) if submit: horizon_server = self._get_horizon_server() horizon_server.submit_transaction(tx) else: return tx.to_xdr()
def sign_multisig_transaction(self, tx_xdr)
sign_multisig_transaction signs a transaction xdr and tries to submit it to the network
Deprecated, use sign instead
- transaction to sign in xdr format
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def sign_multisig_transaction(self, tx_xdr): """sign_multisig_transaction signs a transaction xdr and tries to submit it to the network Deprecated, use sign instead Args: tx_xdr (str): transaction to sign in xdr format """ try: self.sign(tx_xdr)"Multisig tx signed and sent") except UnAuthorized as e:"Transaction needs additional signatures in order to send") return e.transaction_xdr
def transfer(self, destination_address, amount, asset='XLM', locked_until=None, memo_text=None, memo_hash=None, fund_transaction=True, from_address=None, timeout=30, sequence_number: int = None, sign: bool = True, retries: int = 5)
Transfer assets to another address
- address of the destination
- can be a floating point number with 7 numbers after the decimal point expressed as a string
, optional- asset to transfer. Defaults to "XLM". if you wish to specify an asset it should be in format 'assetcode:issuer'. Where issuer is the address of the
- issuer of the asset.
, optional- epoch timestamp indicating until when the tokens should be locked. Defaults to None.
:Union[str, bytes]
, optional- memo text to add to the transaction, a string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long. Defaults to None.
:Union[str, bytes]
, optional- memo hash to add to the transaction, A 32 byte hash. Defaults to None.
, optional- use the threefoldfoundation transaction funding service. Defautls to True.
, optional- Use a different address to send the tokens from, useful in multisig use cases. Defaults to None.
- timeout (int,optional: Seconds from now on until when the transaction to be submitted to the stellar network
,optional- specify a specific sequence number ( will still be increased by one) instead of loading it from the account
sign (bool,optional) : Do not sign and submit the transaction
- If asset not in correct format
- not enough funds for opertaion
- bad transfer authentication
- [description]
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def transfer( self, destination_address, amount, asset="XLM", locked_until=None, memo_text=None, memo_hash=None, fund_transaction=True, from_address=None, timeout=30, sequence_number: int = None, sign: bool = True, retries: int = 5, ): """Transfer assets to another address Args: destination_address (str): address of the destination amount (str): can be a floating point number with 7 numbers after the decimal point expressed as a string asset (str, optional): asset to transfer. Defaults to "XLM". if you wish to specify an asset it should be in format 'assetcode:issuer'. Where issuer is the address of the issuer of the asset. locked_until (float, optional): epoch timestamp indicating until when the tokens should be locked. Defaults to None. memo_text (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo text to add to the transaction, a string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long. Defaults to None. memo_hash (Union[str, bytes], optional): memo hash to add to the transaction, A 32 byte hash. Defaults to None. fund_transaction (bool, optional): use the threefoldfoundation transaction funding service. Defautls to True. from_address (str, optional): Use a different address to send the tokens from, useful in multisig use cases. Defaults to None. timeout (int,optional: Seconds from now on until when the transaction to be submitted to the stellar network sequence_number (int,optional): specify a specific sequence number ( will still be increased by one) instead of loading it from the account sign (bool,optional) : Do not sign and submit the transaction Raises: Exception: If asset not in correct format stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError: not enough funds for opertaion stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError: bad transfer authentication Returns: [type]: [description] """ if decimal.Decimal(amount) <= 0: j.logger.warning("Can not transfer empty or zero amount transaction") return nretries = 0 while nretries < retries: try: return self._transfer( destination_address=destination_address, amount=amount, asset=asset, locked_until=locked_until, memo_text=memo_text, memo_hash=memo_hash, fund_transaction=fund_transaction, from_address=from_address, timeout=timeout, sequence_number=sequence_number, sign=sign, ) except Exception as e: nretries += 1 gevent.sleep(1) j.logger.warning(str(e)) raise j.exceptions.Runtime(f"Failed to make transaction for {retries} times, Please try again later")
Inherited members