Module jumpscale.clients.stellar.balance

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from stellar_sdk import TransactionEnvelope
import datetime
import time

class Balance:
    def __init__(self, balance=0.0, asset_code="XLM", asset_issuer=None):
        self.balance = balance
        self.asset_code = asset_code
        self.asset_issuer = asset_issuer

    def from_horizon_response(response_balance):
        balance = response_balance["balance"]
        if response_balance["asset_type"] == "native":
            asset_code = "XLM"
            asset_issuer = None
        elif response_balance["asset_type"] == "liquidity_pool_shares":
            return None
            asset_code = response_balance["asset_code"]
            asset_issuer = response_balance["asset_issuer"]
        return Balance(balance, asset_code, asset_issuer)

    def is_native(self):
        return self.asset_code == "XLM" and self.asset_issuer is None

    def __str__(self):
        representation = f"{self.balance} {self.asset_code}"
        if self.asset_issuer is not None:
            representation += f":{self.asset_issuer}"
        return representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

class EscrowAccount:
    def __init__(self, address, unlockhashes, balances, network_passphrase, _get_unlockhash_transaction):
        self.address = address
        self.unlockhashes = unlockhashes
        self.balances = balances
        self.network_passphrase = network_passphrase
        self._get_unlockhash_transaction = _get_unlockhash_transaction
        self.unlock_time = None

    def _set_unlock_conditions(self):
        for unlockhash in self.unlockhashes:
            unlockhash_tx = self._get_unlockhash_transaction(unlockhash=unlockhash)
            if unlockhash_tx is None:

            txe = TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(unlockhash_tx["transaction_xdr"], self.network_passphrase)
            tx = txe.transaction
            if tx.preconditions is not None:
                if tx.preconditions.time_bounds is not None:
                    self.unlock_time = tx.time_bounds.min_time

    def can_be_unlocked(self):
        if len(self.unlockhashes) == 0:
            return True
        if self.unlock_time is not None:
            return time.time() > self.unlock_time
        return False

    def __str__(self):
        if self.unlock_time is not None:
            representation = "Locked until {unlock_time:%B %d %Y %H:%M:%S} on escrow account {account_id} ".format(
                account_id=self.address, unlock_time=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.unlock_time)
            if len(self.unlockhashes) == 0:
                representation = f"Free to be claimed on escrow account {self.address}"
                representation = f"Escrow account {self.address} with unknown unlockhashes {self.unlockhashes}"
        for balance in self.balances:
            representation += f"\n- {balance.balance} {balance.asset_code}"
            if balance.asset_issuer is not None:
                representation += f":{balance.asset_issuer}"
        return representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

class VestingAccount:
    def __init__(self, address, balances, scheme):
        self.address = address
        self.balances = balances
        self.scheme = scheme

    def __str__(self):
        representation = f"Vesting Account {self.address}"
        for balance in self.balances:
            representation += f"\n- {balance.balance} {balance.asset_code}"
            if balance.asset_issuer is not None:
                representation += f":{balance.asset_issuer}"
        return representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

class AccountBalances:
    def __init__(self, address):
        self.address = address
        self.balances = []
        self.escrow_accounts = []
        self.vesting_accounts = []

    def add_balance(self, balance):

    def add_escrow_account(self, account):
        if type(account) is VestingAccount:

    def __str__(self):
        representation = "Balances"
        for balance in self.balances:
            representation += "\n  " + str(balance)
        for vesting_account in self.vesting_accounts:
            representation += f"\n{str(vesting_account)}"

        if self.escrow_accounts:
            representation += "\nLocked balances:"
            for escrow_account in self.escrow_accounts:
                representation += f"\n - {str(escrow_account)}"
        return representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)


class AccountBalances (address)
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class AccountBalances:
    def __init__(self, address):
        self.address = address
        self.balances = []
        self.escrow_accounts = []
        self.vesting_accounts = []

    def add_balance(self, balance):

    def add_escrow_account(self, account):
        if type(account) is VestingAccount:

    def __str__(self):
        representation = "Balances"
        for balance in self.balances:
            representation += "\n  " + str(balance)
        for vesting_account in self.vesting_accounts:
            representation += f"\n{str(vesting_account)}"

        if self.escrow_accounts:
            representation += "\nLocked balances:"
            for escrow_account in self.escrow_accounts:
                representation += f"\n - {str(escrow_account)}"
        return representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)


def add_balance(self, balance)
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def add_balance(self, balance):
def add_escrow_account(self, account)
Expand source code
def add_escrow_account(self, account):
    if type(account) is VestingAccount:
class Balance (balance=0.0, asset_code='XLM', asset_issuer=None)
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class Balance:
    def __init__(self, balance=0.0, asset_code="XLM", asset_issuer=None):
        self.balance = balance
        self.asset_code = asset_code
        self.asset_issuer = asset_issuer

    def from_horizon_response(response_balance):
        balance = response_balance["balance"]
        if response_balance["asset_type"] == "native":
            asset_code = "XLM"
            asset_issuer = None
        elif response_balance["asset_type"] == "liquidity_pool_shares":
            return None
            asset_code = response_balance["asset_code"]
            asset_issuer = response_balance["asset_issuer"]
        return Balance(balance, asset_code, asset_issuer)

    def is_native(self):
        return self.asset_code == "XLM" and self.asset_issuer is None

    def __str__(self):
        representation = f"{self.balance} {self.asset_code}"
        if self.asset_issuer is not None:
            representation += f":{self.asset_issuer}"
        return representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

Static methods

def from_horizon_response(response_balance)
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def from_horizon_response(response_balance):
    balance = response_balance["balance"]
    if response_balance["asset_type"] == "native":
        asset_code = "XLM"
        asset_issuer = None
    elif response_balance["asset_type"] == "liquidity_pool_shares":
        return None
        asset_code = response_balance["asset_code"]
        asset_issuer = response_balance["asset_issuer"]
    return Balance(balance, asset_code, asset_issuer)


def is_native(self)
Expand source code
def is_native(self):
    return self.asset_code == "XLM" and self.asset_issuer is None
class EscrowAccount (address, unlockhashes, balances, network_passphrase, _get_unlockhash_transaction)
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class EscrowAccount:
    def __init__(self, address, unlockhashes, balances, network_passphrase, _get_unlockhash_transaction):
        self.address = address
        self.unlockhashes = unlockhashes
        self.balances = balances
        self.network_passphrase = network_passphrase
        self._get_unlockhash_transaction = _get_unlockhash_transaction
        self.unlock_time = None

    def _set_unlock_conditions(self):
        for unlockhash in self.unlockhashes:
            unlockhash_tx = self._get_unlockhash_transaction(unlockhash=unlockhash)
            if unlockhash_tx is None:

            txe = TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(unlockhash_tx["transaction_xdr"], self.network_passphrase)
            tx = txe.transaction
            if tx.preconditions is not None:
                if tx.preconditions.time_bounds is not None:
                    self.unlock_time = tx.time_bounds.min_time

    def can_be_unlocked(self):
        if len(self.unlockhashes) == 0:
            return True
        if self.unlock_time is not None:
            return time.time() > self.unlock_time
        return False

    def __str__(self):
        if self.unlock_time is not None:
            representation = "Locked until {unlock_time:%B %d %Y %H:%M:%S} on escrow account {account_id} ".format(
                account_id=self.address, unlock_time=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.unlock_time)
            if len(self.unlockhashes) == 0:
                representation = f"Free to be claimed on escrow account {self.address}"
                representation = f"Escrow account {self.address} with unknown unlockhashes {self.unlockhashes}"
        for balance in self.balances:
            representation += f"\n- {balance.balance} {balance.asset_code}"
            if balance.asset_issuer is not None:
                representation += f":{balance.asset_issuer}"
        return representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)


def can_be_unlocked(self)
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def can_be_unlocked(self):
    if len(self.unlockhashes) == 0:
        return True
    if self.unlock_time is not None:
        return time.time() > self.unlock_time
    return False
class VestingAccount (address, balances, scheme)
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class VestingAccount:
    def __init__(self, address, balances, scheme):
        self.address = address
        self.balances = balances
        self.scheme = scheme

    def __str__(self):
        representation = f"Vesting Account {self.address}"
        for balance in self.balances:
            representation += f"\n- {balance.balance} {balance.asset_code}"
            if balance.asset_issuer is not None:
                representation += f":{balance.asset_issuer}"
        return representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)