Module jumpscale.clients.s3.s3

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from jumpscale.clients.base import Client
from jumpscale.core.base import Base, fields
import urllib3
import certifi

from minio import Minio
from minio.error import ResponseError, BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou, BucketAlreadyExists

class S3Client(Client):
    name = fields.String()
    address = fields.String()
    port = fields.Integer()
    access_key = fields.String()
    secret_key = fields.String()
    bucket = fields.String()
    create_bucket = fields.Boolean()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Create the http client to be able to set timeout
        http_client = urllib3.PoolManager(
            retries=urllib3.Retry(total=3, backoff_factor=0.2, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504]),
        # Create Minio client
        self.client = Minio(
            "{}:{}".format(self.address, self.port),

        if self.create_bucket:

    def _bucket_create(self, name):
            self.client.make_bucket(name, location="us-east-1")
        except BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou as err:
        except BucketAlreadyExists as err:
        except ResponseError as err:

    def upload(self, bucket_name, object_name, file_path, content_type="text/plain", meta_data=None):
        """Upload contents from a file specified by file_path, to object_name

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket
        :type bucket_name: str
        :param object_name: name of object
        :type object_name: str
        :param file_path: local path from which object data will be read
        :type file_path: str
        :param content_type: content type of the object, defaults to 'text/plain'
        :type content_type: str, optional
        :param meta_data: additional metadata, defaults to None
        :type meta_data: dict, optional
        :raises ValueError: if file given by file_path is not found
        :return: str
        :rtype: Object etag computed by the minio server.
        if not j.sals.fs.exists(file_path):
            raise j.exceptions.Value("file: {} not found".format(file_path))
        return self.client.fput_object(bucket_name, object_name, file_path, content_type, meta_data)

    def download(self, bucket_name, object_name, file_path):
        """Download and save the object as a file in the local filesystem

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket
        :type bucket_name: str
        :param object_name: name of object
        :type object_name: str
        :param file_path: local path to which object data will be written
        :type file_path: str
        :return: object stat info (includes: size, etag, content_type,last_modified, metadata)
        :rtype: Object

        return self.client.fget_object(bucket_name, object_name, file_path)

    def list_buckets(self):
        """List all buckets

        :return: bucketList,, bucket.creation_date
        :rtype: function, str, date
        return self.client.list_buckets()

    def list_objects(self, bucket_name, prefix=None, recursive=None):
        """List objects in a specific bucket

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket
        :type bucket_name: str
        :param prefix: prefix of the objects that should be listed, defaults to None
        :type prefix: str, optional
        :param recursive: True indicates recursive style listing and False indicates directory style listing delimited by '/', defaults to None
        :type recursive: bool, optional
        :return: Iterator for all the objects in the bucket (includes: bucket_name, object_name,is_dir, size, etag, last_modified)
        :rtype: Object

        return self.client.list_objects(bucket_name, prefix=prefix, recursive=recursive)

    def remove_bucket(self, bucket_name):
        """Remove a bucket.

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket to be removed
        :type bucket_name: str
        return self.client.remove_bucket(bucket_name)

    def remove_object(self, bucket_name, object_name):
        """Remove object from bucket

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket
        :type bucket_name: str
        :param object_name: name of object to be removed
        :type object_name: str

        return self.client.remove_object(bucket_name, object_name)


class S3Client (*args, **kwargs)

A simple attribute-based namespace.


base class implementation for any class with fields which supports getting/setting raw data for any instance fields.

any instance can have an optional name and a parent.

class Person(Base):
    name = fields.String()
    age = fields.Float()

p = Person(name="ahmed", age="19")
print(, p.age)


parent_ : Base, optional
parent instance. Defaults to None.
instance_name_ : str, optional
instance name. Defaults to None.
any given field values to initiate the instance with
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class S3Client(Client):
    name = fields.String()
    address = fields.String()
    port = fields.Integer()
    access_key = fields.String()
    secret_key = fields.String()
    bucket = fields.String()
    create_bucket = fields.Boolean()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Create the http client to be able to set timeout
        http_client = urllib3.PoolManager(
            retries=urllib3.Retry(total=3, backoff_factor=0.2, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504]),
        # Create Minio client
        self.client = Minio(
            "{}:{}".format(self.address, self.port),

        if self.create_bucket:

    def _bucket_create(self, name):
            self.client.make_bucket(name, location="us-east-1")
        except BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou as err:
        except BucketAlreadyExists as err:
        except ResponseError as err:

    def upload(self, bucket_name, object_name, file_path, content_type="text/plain", meta_data=None):
        """Upload contents from a file specified by file_path, to object_name

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket
        :type bucket_name: str
        :param object_name: name of object
        :type object_name: str
        :param file_path: local path from which object data will be read
        :type file_path: str
        :param content_type: content type of the object, defaults to 'text/plain'
        :type content_type: str, optional
        :param meta_data: additional metadata, defaults to None
        :type meta_data: dict, optional
        :raises ValueError: if file given by file_path is not found
        :return: str
        :rtype: Object etag computed by the minio server.
        if not j.sals.fs.exists(file_path):
            raise j.exceptions.Value("file: {} not found".format(file_path))
        return self.client.fput_object(bucket_name, object_name, file_path, content_type, meta_data)

    def download(self, bucket_name, object_name, file_path):
        """Download and save the object as a file in the local filesystem

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket
        :type bucket_name: str
        :param object_name: name of object
        :type object_name: str
        :param file_path: local path to which object data will be written
        :type file_path: str
        :return: object stat info (includes: size, etag, content_type,last_modified, metadata)
        :rtype: Object

        return self.client.fget_object(bucket_name, object_name, file_path)

    def list_buckets(self):
        """List all buckets

        :return: bucketList,, bucket.creation_date
        :rtype: function, str, date
        return self.client.list_buckets()

    def list_objects(self, bucket_name, prefix=None, recursive=None):
        """List objects in a specific bucket

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket
        :type bucket_name: str
        :param prefix: prefix of the objects that should be listed, defaults to None
        :type prefix: str, optional
        :param recursive: True indicates recursive style listing and False indicates directory style listing delimited by '/', defaults to None
        :type recursive: bool, optional
        :return: Iterator for all the objects in the bucket (includes: bucket_name, object_name,is_dir, size, etag, last_modified)
        :rtype: Object

        return self.client.list_objects(bucket_name, prefix=prefix, recursive=recursive)

    def remove_bucket(self, bucket_name):
        """Remove a bucket.

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket to be removed
        :type bucket_name: str
        return self.client.remove_bucket(bucket_name)

    def remove_object(self, bucket_name, object_name):
        """Remove object from bucket

        :param bucket_name: name of bucket
        :type bucket_name: str
        :param object_name: name of object to be removed
        :type object_name: str

        return self.client.remove_object(bucket_name, object_name)


Instance variables

var access_key

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
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def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)
var address

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
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def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)
var bucket

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
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def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)
var create_bucket

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
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def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)
var name

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
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def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)
var port

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
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def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)
var secret_key

getter method this property

will call _get_value, which would if the value is already defined and will get the default value if not


the field value
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def getter(self):
    getter method this property

    will call `_get_value`, which would if the value is already defined
    and will get the default value if not

        any: the field value
    return self._get_value(name, field)


def download(self, bucket_name, object_name, file_path)

Download and save the object as a file in the local filesystem

:param bucket_name: name of bucket :type bucket_name: str :param object_name: name of object :type object_name: str :param file_path: local path to which object data will be written :type file_path: str :return: object stat info (includes: size, etag, content_type,last_modified, metadata) :rtype: Object

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def download(self, bucket_name, object_name, file_path):
    """Download and save the object as a file in the local filesystem

    :param bucket_name: name of bucket
    :type bucket_name: str
    :param object_name: name of object
    :type object_name: str
    :param file_path: local path to which object data will be written
    :type file_path: str
    :return: object stat info (includes: size, etag, content_type,last_modified, metadata)
    :rtype: Object

    return self.client.fget_object(bucket_name, object_name, file_path)
def list_buckets(self)

List all buckets

:return: bucketList,, bucket.creation_date :rtype: function, str, date

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def list_buckets(self):
    """List all buckets

    :return: bucketList,, bucket.creation_date
    :rtype: function, str, date
    return self.client.list_buckets()
def list_objects(self, bucket_name, prefix=None, recursive=None)

List objects in a specific bucket

:param bucket_name: name of bucket :type bucket_name: str :param prefix: prefix of the objects that should be listed, defaults to None :type prefix: str, optional :param recursive: True indicates recursive style listing and False indicates directory style listing delimited by '/', defaults to None :type recursive: bool, optional :return: Iterator for all the objects in the bucket (includes: bucket_name, object_name,is_dir, size, etag, last_modified) :rtype: Object

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def list_objects(self, bucket_name, prefix=None, recursive=None):
    """List objects in a specific bucket

    :param bucket_name: name of bucket
    :type bucket_name: str
    :param prefix: prefix of the objects that should be listed, defaults to None
    :type prefix: str, optional
    :param recursive: True indicates recursive style listing and False indicates directory style listing delimited by '/', defaults to None
    :type recursive: bool, optional
    :return: Iterator for all the objects in the bucket (includes: bucket_name, object_name,is_dir, size, etag, last_modified)
    :rtype: Object

    return self.client.list_objects(bucket_name, prefix=prefix, recursive=recursive)
def remove_bucket(self, bucket_name)

Remove a bucket.

:param bucket_name: name of bucket to be removed :type bucket_name: str

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def remove_bucket(self, bucket_name):
    """Remove a bucket.

    :param bucket_name: name of bucket to be removed
    :type bucket_name: str
    return self.client.remove_bucket(bucket_name)
def remove_object(self, bucket_name, object_name)

Remove object from bucket

:param bucket_name: name of bucket :type bucket_name: str :param object_name: name of object to be removed :type object_name: str

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def remove_object(self, bucket_name, object_name):
    """Remove object from bucket

    :param bucket_name: name of bucket
    :type bucket_name: str
    :param object_name: name of object to be removed
    :type object_name: str

    return self.client.remove_object(bucket_name, object_name)
def upload(self, bucket_name, object_name, file_path, content_type='text/plain', meta_data=None)

Upload contents from a file specified by file_path, to object_name

:param bucket_name: name of bucket :type bucket_name: str :param object_name: name of object :type object_name: str :param file_path: local path from which object data will be read :type file_path: str :param content_type: content type of the object, defaults to 'text/plain' :type content_type: str, optional :param meta_data: additional metadata, defaults to None :type meta_data: dict, optional :raises ValueError: if file given by file_path is not found :return: str :rtype: Object etag computed by the minio server.

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def upload(self, bucket_name, object_name, file_path, content_type="text/plain", meta_data=None):
    """Upload contents from a file specified by file_path, to object_name

    :param bucket_name: name of bucket
    :type bucket_name: str
    :param object_name: name of object
    :type object_name: str
    :param file_path: local path from which object data will be read
    :type file_path: str
    :param content_type: content type of the object, defaults to 'text/plain'
    :type content_type: str, optional
    :param meta_data: additional metadata, defaults to None
    :type meta_data: dict, optional
    :raises ValueError: if file given by file_path is not found
    :return: str
    :rtype: Object etag computed by the minio server.
    if not j.sals.fs.exists(file_path):
        raise j.exceptions.Value("file: {} not found".format(file_path))
    return self.client.fput_object(bucket_name, object_name, file_path, content_type, meta_data)

Inherited members